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Geologists, like all scientists, seek to classify things.

Ore deposit classifications attempt to group ore

bodies which share certain common characteristics.
Ideally, by grouping similar deposits together we can
pool information and learn facts which might be
useful in the discovery of similar ore deposits. To be
useful an ore deposit classification should:

•be easily applied in the field

•permit pigeon holing
•be of some value
Types of Classifications
•Morphologic - Size, shape etc.
Easy to apply in the field
Requires little formal training
Relates ore deposits which may be otherwise totally
Tells us little of value
Easy to apply in the field
Requires little formal training
Not all ore deposits of the same quantity are related
Separates metals/commodities which are related in
•Mode of Origin - Genetic
A true genetic classification that relates only related ore
Can provide very useful information
Requires extensive training to use successfully
Can be quite subjective; implies we know how an ore
Three genetic classifications have been used extensively in the United
States and Europe

1. Niggli’s Classification
 Europe  2 major groups; volcanic and/or near surface and plutonic or
deep-seated. Problems  Can not be easily applied in the field
Many of the concepts on which the classification have been based are no longer valid. Example,
pneumatolytic processes are thought today to be quite unimportant.

2. Schneiderhohn Classification
Europe  Uses numerous mineral/metal associations. Difficult large
number of categories. Is too specific to provide useful information many
geologists feel.

3. Lindgren Classification - Most widely used.

Totally independent of minerals/metals and thus restricted to a small
number of categories.  genetic a classification  possible to devise. 
placing too much emphasis on hydrothermal deposits, and being rather
out-of-date in that it does not include some recent genetic concepts.

Host - Rock Ore Associations - First proposed by Stanton (1972).

 enclose them as a single entity. E.g. Ni-Cu deposits in mafic/ultramafic
rocks.  Largely a petrographic classification  less genetic.
Native copper Sub-aquatic-volcanic and at the same
time biochemical deposits

Antimony-mercury Gold-silver

Heavy metals Tin-bismuth (silver)

Carbonates-oxides-sulfides-fluorides Nickel-cobalt-arsenic (silver)

Hydrothermal Lead-zinc-silver

Iron-copper-gold (arsenic)

Tourmaline-quartz association

Pneumatolytic to Pegmatitic Silicon-alkali-fluorine boron-tin- Heavy metals-alkaline earths-

molybdenum tungsten/TD> phosphorus-titanium

Orthomagmatic Titanium-iron-nickel-copper Diamond, platinum-chromium

MAGMATIC ORIGIN (Schneiderhohn, 1949)

I. Intrusive and liquid-magmatic deposits Transition group I/II

II. Pneumatolytic deposits

A.Pegmatitic associations
B. Pneumatolytic associations in the narrow sense
C. Contact pneumatolytic associations Transition group II/III

III. Hydrothermal deposits

A. Gold and silver associations
1. Hypabyssal suite
a. Katathermal gold-quartz veins
b. Gold-bearing impregnation deposits in silicate rocks
c. Gold-bearing replacement deposits in carbonate rocks
d. Mesothermal gold-lead-selenium deposits
2. Sub-volcanic suite
a. Epithermal gold-quartz veins and silver-gold veins
b. Epithermal gold telluride veins
c. Epithermal gold-selenium veins
d. Alunitic gold deposits
e. Epithermal silver deposits
C. Lead-silver-zinc associations (Schneiderhohn, 1949)
1. Hypabyssal suite
a. Mesothermal quartz-pyrite lead associations
b. Mesothermal true quartz veins with galena and silver minerals
c. Mesothermal lead associations with carbonates
d. Mesothermal fluorite-barite lead associations
e. Mesothermal silver-lead-zinc replacement deposits
f. Telethermal metasomatic lead-zinc deposits
2. Sub-volcanic suite
a. Meso-to epithermal lead-silver-zinc deposits

D. Silver-cobalt-bismuth-nickel-uranium associations
1. Hypabyssal suite
a. Calcite-bearing silver veins
b. Carbonate-bearing silver-cobalt-nickel veins
c. Calcite-bearing cobalt-nickel-bismuth-silver-uranium veins
d. Fluorite-barite bearing copper-bismuth veins
e. Baritic silver-cobalt-bismuth veins
f. Quartzose cobalt-bismuth-uranium veins
g. Carbonate-quartz cobalt-nickel-copper veins
h. Baritic cobalt veins
i. Uranium-silver veins
j. Katathermal uranium deposits
2. Sub-volcanic suite (same as hypabyssal)
(Schneiderhohn, 1949)

E. Tin-silver-tungsten-bismuth associations

1. Hypabyssal suite
a. Epithermal tin veins
b. Epithermal wolframite and scheelite veins
c. Katathermal bismuth veins
2.Sub-volcanic suite
a. Pneumatolytic-hydrothermal tin deposits
b.Meso-to epithermal tin-silver deposits

F. Antimony-mercury-arsenic-selenium associations

1. Hypabyssal suite
a. Epithermal stibnite veins
b. Epithermal stibnite replacement deposits
c. Epithermal antimony-mercury deposits
d. Epithermal mercury deposits
2. Sub-volcanic suite
a. Epi-telethermal mercury deposits
b. Realgar-orpiment deposits
c. Selenium deposits
(Schneiderhohn, 1949)
G. Iron-manganese association

1. Undifferentiated
a. Siderite veins
b. Metasomatic siderite deposits
c. Specularite veins
d. Platinum-bearing specularite veins
e. Manganese veins
f. Metasomatic hematite veins
g. Metasomatic magnesite

H. Iron-free associations
1. Undifferentiated
a. Fluorspar veins
b. Metasomatic fluorspar deposits
c. Barite veins
d. Metasomatic barite deposits
e. Witherite veins
f. Quartz veins

IV. Exhalation deposits


I. Deposits produced by mechanical processes of concentration.

II. Deposits produced by chemical processes of concentration.

A. In bodies of surface waters.

1) By interaction of solutions.
a. Inorganic reactions.
b. Organic reactions.
2) By evaporation of solvents.

B. In bodies of rocks.
1) By concentration of substances contained in the geologic body itself.
a. Concentration by rock decay and weathering near surface.
b. Concentration by ground water of deeper circulation.
c. Concentration by dynamic and regional metamorphism.
2) Concentration effected by introduction of substances foreign to the rock.
a. Origin independent of igneous activity. By circulating atmospheric
waters at slight or moderate depth.
b. Origin dependent upon the eruption of igneous rocks.
1. By hot ascending waters of uncertain origin, but charged with
igneous emanations.
a. Deposition and concentration at slight depth.

a. Deposition and concentration at slight depth.

Epithermal deposits.
b. Deposition and concentration at intermediate depth.

Mesothermal deposits.
c. Deposition and concentration at great depth or at high temperature and

Hypothermal deposits.
2. By direct igneous emanations.
a.From intrusive bodies. Contact metamorphic or pyro metasomatic
b.From effusive bodies. Sublimates, fumaroles.

C. In magmas, by processes of differentiation.

1) Magmatic deposits proper.
2) Pegmatites.

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