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by group 5

Group 5
112180044 Jean Tiara Gabriella
112180055 Hurul’aini salsabila
112180056 Marchell Yulfanzah
What is translation?
Translation is a process of translating words or text
from one language into another.

Translation starts with choosing a method of Approach.
There are two main approaches to translating;
Translating Sentence by Sentence

The first method is translating sentence by sentence of a paragraph or a

chapter. In order to get the feel and tone of the text it requires conscious
review of the text by reading it in a Source Language. This method is
suitable for the literary texts.

Reading The Whole Text for Two or
Three times
The second method involves reading the whole text for two or three times
and looking for the intention, register and tone in order to mark the difficult
words and passages. After taking the bearings one can proceed with
translating of a text. This method is more suitable for technical or institutional
text. The first approach is preferred for a relatively easy text while the second
approach is preferred for a harder one.

There are three principle in translation
The first principle seems obvious enough. It means no errors
or omissions, but also includes the idea that a translation is
not a copy or a reproduction, but an original work in and of
itself, even if its content is based entirely on another's work.
The translator is not supposed to make additions,
amendments, or annotations, except possibly when working
on esoteric literary texts. The translator should not play the
game of rewriting an original text so that it says "what the
author meant" or "what the author should have said."

The second principle is similarly obvious, though difficult to
execute in practice. It means that the translator must not
only have a complete command of writing in the target
language (the translator's native language, in almost all
cases), but also must be able to perceive stylistic touches
and understand their meaning in the original text.

The third principle is the hardest to achieve, because it harks
back to the Russian axiom that states that if a translation is
beautiful, it is not faithful, and if it is faithful, it is not
beautiful. There is a delicate balance to achieve here, in
other words, and translators must aspire to be good writers
in their native language, and must know all the finer points
of writing in the subject and language they are working in
so as to produce a translation with "all the ease of original
composition." In other words, a translation should not sound
like a translation.
Technique of translation
Direct Translation & Oblique Translation
Direct translation technique
Direct Translation Techniques are used when structural and
conceptual elements of the source language can be
transposed into the target language. Direct translation
techniques include:
Technique of translation

Borrowing is the taking of words directly from one language into
another without translation. Borrowed words are often printed in
italics when they are considered to be "foreign".

Words that borrowed

English words from other language
café and résumé hamburger and
Software Funk 14 (French) kindergarten (German)
Technique of translation

A calque or loan translation is a phrase borrowed from
another language and translated literally word-for-word.

Directorate General  Direktorat Jendral
Technique of translation

Literal Translation
A word-for-word translation can be used in some languages and not
others dependent on the sentence structure

Example :
The team is working to finish the report  tim itu sedang
menyelesaikan laporannya

Example of literal translation

Pertambangan adalah sebagian atau seluruh tahapan kegiatan dalam rangka

penelitian, pengelolaan dan pengusahaan mineral atau batubara yang meliputi
penyelidikan umum, eksplorasi, studi kelayakan, konstruksi, penambangan,
pengolahan dan pemurnian, pengangkutan dan penjualan, serta kegiatan
pascatambang  Mining is a part or all phases of activities in the framework of
mineral or coal research, management and exploitation which include general
investigation, exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining, processing
and refining, transportation and sales, and post-mining activities

oblique translation technique
Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural
or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be
directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting
the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target
Technique of translation

Transposition involves moving from one grammatical category to
another without altering the meaning of the text. This translation
technique introduces a change in grammatical structure.

A pink doll  sebuah boneka merah muda
Technique of translation

Modulation consists of using a phrase that is different in
the source and target languages to convey the same

Example :
Nobody doesn’t like it  Semua orang menyukainya
Technique of translation

This is a translation technique which uses a completely different
expression to transmit the same reality. Through this technique,
names of institutions, interjections, idioms or proverbs can be

Example :
To kill two birds with one stone  Sekali merangkuh dayung, dua, tiga pulau
Technique of translation

Adaptation, also called cultural substitution or cultural equivalent, is a
cultural element which replaces the original text with one that is
better suited to the culture of the target language. This achieves a
more familiar and comprehensive text.

Example :
as white as snow  seputih kapas
Difficulties in translation
Difficulties in translation
 Lack of knowledge in English. (Kurangnya pengetahuan
berbahasa inggris )
 Lack of ability to memorize English vocabulary (Kurangnya
kemampuan untuk menghafal kosakata bahasa inggris)
 Don’t understand what will be translated, Even though
the purpose of translation is to understand each
vocabulary.(Tidak memahami apa yang akan di terjemahkan.
Padahal tujuan penerjemahan adalah untuk memahami setiap

Good translation
Good translator
‐ fully understand the content and purpose of the author and the source.
(Telah memahami sepenuhnya isi dan tujuan dari penulis maupun
sumber )
‐ Having perfect knowledge of English. (Mempunyai pengetahuan
bahasa inggris yang sempurna)
‐ Understand tenses and grammar. (Memahami bentuk-bentuk waktu
dan tatabahasa)
‐ Able to use phrases that are commonly used everyday. (Mampu
menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari)
‐ Able to present the original tone and color in English.(Berkemampuan
menyajikan nada dan warna asli dalam bahasa inggris tersebut()


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