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Beyond the Digital Age

Supratik Sarkar
Roll 001410701066
B.ETCE 4th year 2nd semester
Seminar Presentation

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Moore's Law to the Atomic Scale

Gordon Moore
Co-founder of Intel

50μm 5000× 100×

smaller smaller

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

"Nature isn't classical, dammit, and if
you want to make a simulation of
nature, you'd better make it
quantum mechanical, and by golly
it's a wonderful problem, because it
doesn't look so easy."
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Superconducting QC chips

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Optical QC

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Ion-trap QC

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar






13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Quantum Algorithms

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
RSA 2048

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

RSA 2048
Classical Computer Quantum Computer

1 Billion Years 100 seconds

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar


Find the Ground State!

Classical Computer Quantum Computer Quantum Computer
2012 2015

24 Billion years 1 hour
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Power of computation!

• Every qubit added will double the power of computation (2n).

• A 30 qubit computer will be more powerful than the most powerful
• A 300 qubit computer will be more powerful than all computers on
earth combined.

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Qubit - A naive idea

In general a column vector — called a “ket”— is denoted by | 〉 and a row

vector —called a “bra”— is denoted by 〈 |.
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

New State :

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Tensor product states

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Bloch Sphere

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Unitary Operation
Solving Schrödinger equation!

• Preserves length (norm)

• Preserves inner product


13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Unitary gates
Quantum NOT Gate = Bit Flip (X)

Phase Flip (Z)

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Hadmard Gate

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

C-NOT Gate


13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

No ctrl+C and ctrl+V

No Cloning Theorem: No quantum system can copy a qubit

There cannot be cross terms for cloning!

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Local Realism
• It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without
mediation of something else which is not matter, operate on and affect
other matter without mutual contact.
- Isaac Newton (25 Feb. 1693)

• I think that matter must have a separate reality independent of the

measurements. That is an electron has spin, location and so forth even
when it is not being measured. I like to think that the moon is there
even if I am not looking at it.
- Albert Einstein
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Entanglement and non-locality

• Even if we move one of the qubits to the moon, the global state of the two
qubits cannot be described solely in terms of the individual state of each of

• In particular, if e measure one of the qubits, this apparently instantaneously

affects the other one.
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Bell States (EPR Pairs)

Cannot be
expressed as
tensor product

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Even Einstein was wrong!
• EPR Paradox
• Einstein believed in Hidden Variable
• Bell deviced an experiment known as CHSH
• Bell's Inequalities were violated, proving
Einstein wrong.

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Yaay! Quantum Works!
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
God does play dice with this peek-a-
boo universe!

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Quantum Teleportation
The teleportation protocol proceeds as follows:

1. Alice and Bob start by sharing a pair of entangled qubits.

2. Alice performs a measurement involving both her half of the pair, and
the qubit she wants to send.
3. She sends the measurement result m to Bob.
4. Bob performs a correction operation based on the measured result.

At the end of the protocol, the state of Alice's ubit has been transferred to
Bob's qubit.
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Not the star trek stuff!

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

• Deutsch Jozsa Algorithm
• Simon Algorithm
• Shor's Algorithm
• Period Finding
• Quantum Fourier Transform
• Grover Algorithm
• Discrete Logarithm
• Solving Simultaneous Equations
• Quantum Neural Networks
• Quantum Optimization Algorithms (Ant colony, Bee colony)

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Quantum Parallelism

Allows a QC to work on many computations at once

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

• Problem: Interaction of qubits with environment affects their state,
causing them to not be superimposed/ entangled
- Can partially address this by designing computer to reduce interaction with environment, but
this makes it impractical (for example, by running at low tempmeratures)

• General result: A quantum computation can only proceed for a

limited period of time, before a measurement must be performed
- System limited by ratio of decoherence time to operation latency

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Decoherence - A Curse


Topological Quantum Computation (Majorana

(Reduces the need for Quantum Error Correction
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Kitaev's Toy Model - Majorana

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Half-Adder Using IBMqx4 Cloud Quantum
First, apply Hadamard gate to qubits A and B to create
all possible input permutations.

Second, generate the carry bit C with the Toffoli gate.

Third, generate the sum bit S with a quantum XOR gate.

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Carry Generator Circuit

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Sum Generator Circuit

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Quantum technology you can buy

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar


1. Optimization

2. Sampling

1000 qubits
x100m speed

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

Quantum Annealing
Hamiltonian tailored
to your problem!

Based on time
evolution of
quantum state!!!
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
MBQC - Measurement Based QC

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

• Drug design
• Catalyst design
• Room temperature superconductor design - lossless energy transfer
• Combat global warming
• Supra-intelligent AI
• Secured data transfer - Quantum cryptography

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

• An Introduction to Quantum Computing - Kaye, Laflamme, Mosca
• Quantum Computation and Quantum Information - Nielsen, Chuang
• Quantum Information Theory - Dr. Mark Wilde
• John Bell,
• R. P. Feynman, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol 21, Nos.
6/7, 1982
• IBM Quantum Experience (URL:

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar
Welcome to a quantum future !

13/04/2018 Supratik Sarkar

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