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 Understand Bitcoin & Blockchain

 See how blockchain has created a plethora of new opportunities

 Understand Money
 Understand Investing
 See a few methods of investing
 See how to learn investing
 See my investment journey
 See some life changing methods of investing (including crypto)
 Get together, chit chat with friends (laughter, fun, food & drinks!)
The Currency & Internet of the future & how to profit from it!
 Bitcoin is a digital currency that brought its underlying blockchain technology to
the world. The reason that we and so many others think it is so remarkable is that
this digital money is not controlled by any central authority that can fail or be
banned from taking part in the global money remittance network. The Bitcoin
network is completely decentralized and the currency is produced by a community
that anyone can freely join.
 Because Bitcoin is produced and held digitally, it can be transferred almost freely
and instantly, no matter the transaction amount.
 One Bitcoin can be divided into 10 million pieces. (This makes it very cheaply
affordable – the most affordable asset class)
 The act of mining creates Bitcoin and many other digital currencies.
 Bitcoins are created by miners that us open source software to solve mathematical
problems. There will only be 21 millions Bitcoins that can ever be mined and thus it
is a deflationary good unlike money produced by central banks in arbitrary
 Right now, almost 18 million units are created.
 The members of the network provide their computational power for calculating
mathematical problems, and for this effort they are rewarded with currency units.
 However, the more people that are mining, the more competitive it gets.
 Computers are good at solving equations, so the networks create more difficult
problems by the minute. There are already numerous types of specialised
hardware on the market that have been designed specifically for digital currency
 a digital ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are
recorded chronologically and publicly.
 This removes the need of a middleman like a bank (the central store of information)
Why is it secure?
 “It’s a way of chunking transactions into a batch, called a block, and then a way of hashing
them with the previous block to ensure immutability.” Furthermore the entire database is
How does it work?
In a nutshell, blockchain is a new way of transmitting and encrypting any kind of
transactions on the web without having a centralized authority to validate the
action. Transmission happens through peer-to-peer servers (nodes) instead.
Compromising the blockchain is impossible, unless you gain access to 51% of the
nodes worldwide – the most secure network the world has ever seen.
It can be applied to a hospital (so the hospital is no more a central store)
This gives possibility to applications on blockchain
eg: a mobile app that can help you track your diseases or medical complications and show you from the
internet, home rememdies good for you. (If u connect this to the fridge (IOT), the fridge can now suggest a
receipe you can make, based on the stuff you have in the fridge, that is great for your health condition)

Think of driverless car / bus (connected to IOT) and the applications that can be created on this;
many examples like this.
Other Applications
• Cross-Border Micro-Payments – Death of Western Union and MoneyGram
• Trading platforms – fast and dirt cheap
• Cashless Economy – Death of Visa /Mastercard
• Online marketplaces
• Many, many, many, many, many others

Distributed Info, Fast Transactions, Smart Contracts, IOT

enabled, Ultra secure, Decentralized, Non-Gov controlled

Why does it matter to us?

Because there is a ton of money to be made while all this is happening.
 “Do you earn more, if you have more knowledge and skills to apply that
 (A very important question)
 Is it hard to make money? Or is it very hard to make money? How hard is it to make
 (Another very important question)
 Answer – Whether making money is hard or not depends on the method used
to make money.
 - Work To Earn It (Job)

 - Run Your Own Business (Work To Earn It)

 - Make Others Work To Earn It For You (Business) - Headache

 - Make money work harder for you by investing it (what does this mean?)

 - Invest your money at a fixed interest rate per annum (its good if you are 15-20 yrs old, not if you are 30+ yrs old). That’s because
you have no control over this money now, you can’t withdraw it, its locked and you get a pathetic interest rate – best is 7% pa in
 - Invest money into a business (now is your money working hard for you?)

 - Invest money into property (now your money is working hard for you?)

 - Invest money by buying stocks and keeping them for the long run

 - Trade money in stocks or cryptocurrencies ( Why most people who understand trading are very for it)

 - This is the best way to earn money

 - with the right knowledge and tools – this is the easiest way to make money

 - This method keeps your money very liquid, you can withdraw usually within a month or faster. Also in this method, you can
instantly re-invest. Something that none other method provides. Re-investing is one of the most powerful tools to grow your
 How do we treat our money?
 Like our wife – it takes care of us OR our mother / father – we treat them better by taking
care of them. We don’t expect our parents to earn for us, after we are grown up.
 Do we spend it in wise ways?
 Our spending habits - a vacation (7k per year) , tuition for children (3k per year), gadgets
(1-2k per year), buy gold (3-4k per year), gifts (1-2k per year), car (15k per year), any
other wastage?
 What justifies our spending on all of the above?
 In all of the above, our money spent never comes back!
 In investing your money comes back, multiplied. But how many of us invest?
 Make money work harder for you by investing it
 Buy insurance / LIC
 Pay installment for the house
 Buy property (more than 1 – buying 1 house is not investment)
 Buy stocks and keep for the long run
 Buy mutual funds / ETFs
 Buy stocks and trade actively on a weekly basis
 Commodity trading – actively trading commodities
 Invest in forex, cryptocurrencies and trade actively
 Higher order trading – Investing on indexes, investing on swaps, investing in different
exchanges, investing on industry verticals
 Only buy gold and no stocks
 Investing on collectibles or rare commodities
 How about betting
 Any other way you invest
 Join a course to learn and enhance your knowledge
 Buying stuff of very high value, that you can’t sell. These are fake investments, you can almost
never withdraw your money.
 Is trading Betting? Is betting an investment?

 Betting is NOT trading. Betting has open risk. There is no way to cover your risk. Eg: Casino,
betting on sports, betting on horses etc. Betting is making yourself feeling very rich, when you
are not.
 Holding only 1 property and not being able to sell it and thinking this is your best investment.

 Holding onto your property when it has made huge profit, but not selling it and encashing it.

 Thinking of your car as your asset.

 Thinking of your wife’s gold as your asset. Any asset with huge emotional value attached is
NOT an asset.
 Thinking of your degree or masters or PHD as an asset. It is completely, not an asset.

 Thinking of your salary earnings as your asset, is completely foolish unless you are investing a
huge % of that salary into an asset that makes you money every month, consistently.
 Simple trading is not very risky, but may take a very long time to show returns, unless you
have huge amounts of cash. Eg: you bought a stock and it increase by $10 in value; in
simple trading this doesn’t make you a lot of money.
 Trading products you don’t understand is very risky.
 Trying to trade without knowing what you are doing, is definitely quite risky.
 Trading on margins or CFDs, is very risky and not advisable, unless you are a senior
trader. Even then we should try our best to avoid it.
 Is buying and holding risky?
 In general passive trading is more risky, than active trading ( in general, active
trading needs 5-7 hours of work per week)
 Trading is only risky, if you don’t know precisely what you are doing. As long as you
know what you are doing, trading is not risky at all?
 Let’s see our understanding of trading now -
 If you buy a stock and that stock goes down, do you lose money?
 If you buy a stock and you forget to monitor it, the next week it crashes to half – do you
lose your money?
 If there is a news and you know this company stock will take a dive now - can you make
money on it?
 Eg: Infosys recently, Yahoo two months back
 If there is a news or event and you know this company stock will soar, but you don’t have
enough money to trade or invest in it – can you make money now ? eg: Alibaba last month,
Baidu few years ago, Facebook 1 month back.
 If you buy a stock and it stays flat increases and decreases by $2 or $3 for a very long time,
do you make money on this?
 What is fundamental investing Vs technical analysis investing?
 What is the advantage of technical analysis investing? Which markets can this knowledge
be used?
 Why is leverage powerful?
 Leverage is you having 100 or 1000 brother’s who are working each month and
passing their salary to you without deducting a single cent and they are willing to do
this again and again for life!
 How powerful is leveraging?
 How a chance to invest very small amount, gives you a huge leverage, by allowing you to
 Can we apply leverage to stocks?
 Can we apply leverage to crypto?
 Should I do Stocks investing or Crypto investing
 How much money is needed to invest in stocks. Should I buy stocks in India or US or
 How much money is needed to invest in crypto?
2 Jan 2012 - $6.65
5 Jan 2013 - $13.65
6 Jan 2014 - $ 886.66
5 Jan 2015 - $280.65
4 Jan 2016 - $443.56
2 Jan 2017 - $985.56
6 Mar 2017 - $1197
3 Apr 2017 - $1172
1 May 2017 - $1495
5 June 2017 - $2851
3 July 2017 - $2583
7 Aug 2017 - $3630
4 Sep 2017 - $4532
Jan 2018 - ?
Jan 2019?

It did touch $5000 in last

3 weeks.
 The entire crypto currency world runs on bitcoin – there is a shortage
 100’s of billions are traded daily
 The big players are in
 The top banks are in
 Governments are in
 Because I am in too! ;)
 There are 900+ coins in the coin market (90% of them are bogus) 

There are only @240 countries in the world

 The smiley above indicates that this is market for the well informed and
 That is great because these people will make a killing over the uninformed.
 85% of the people in this market at the moment are less informed and confused,
there is lot of chaos
 Its time to make money! The party is on!

 People in Singapore pay zero taxes, as long as you have a job!

 Buying and keeping bitcoin
 Trading cryptocurrencies daily
 Buying Altcoins
 Mining Coins
 Renting your Bitcoin
 Earning crazy interest on your deposits
 Altcoin volcanoes
 Shorting them
 Trading them 10 times a day
 Investing in technology based cryptos
 Investing in ICO’s
 Blog’s that pay
 Many others …

Funny Methods:
 High interest paying websites
 unlimited daily trading
 lowest transaction cost
 instant transfer
 easily convertible to fiat
 Anonymous , if we wish
 Untaxed, if we wish
 Learn how to trade – trading makes the most money and guaranteed
 Learn about a $10 /$100 investment
 Others - Bitconnect, USI tech

What Should You Do Next?
Do You Want To See My Trades ??

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