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¿Qué es la prehistoria?

Cueva de Altamira
Tito bustillo Las Gel. Somalilandia
Para facilitar su estudio,
la prehistoria se divide en tres
etapas: Paleolítico o edad de la
piedra antigua: Los seres
humanos empezaron a crear
herramientas simples a base de
piedras, huesos y ramas.
Mesolítico o edad de la piedra
media: Los seres humanos
perfeccionaron sus
La Prehistoria. Video
Period of the history of the humanity that includes / understands from the origin of
the man until the appearance of the first written testimonies, moment at which
the historical period begins properly said.

"Prehistory is divided into Stone Age, which includes the Paleolithic, Mesolithic
and Neolithic, and Metal Age"

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