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Imunologi dan clinical aspek

CST Team
Whole blood

Red cells White cells Platelets

Lymphocytes Other white cells

B cells T cells NK cells

CD4 T cells CD8 T cells

Karakteristik CD4+
 Konduktor dari immune orkestra
 Berproliferasi sbg respon terhadap
antigen yg dipresentasikan oleh APC
berasosiasi dengan MHC class II
 Menentuka tipe dari immune respon
 Secara phenotype di karakteristik menjadi
“naïve” dan “memory“ – Berdasarkan CD
◦ CD 45 RO – Memory
◦ CD45 RA - naive
Natural History
CD4+ T-Lymphocyte count (cells/mm3)

1,200 Death
infection ± Acute HIV syndrome

HIV RNA copies per ml Plasma

1,100 Wide dissemination of virus
1,000 Seeding of Lymphoid Organs
900 disease
Clinical latency
600 Constitutional
500 symptoms
0 3 6 9 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
Weeks Years
Modified from Fauci et al. Ann Int Med 1995;124:654
Perubahan pada CD4 naïve dan memory pada
infeksi HIV

Percent of CD4+ Cells




20 Naïve CD4 cells

10 Memory CD4 cells

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Mean CD4+ Cell Count (cells/µl)
Connors. Nat Med 1997;3(5):533-40
Immune Rekonstitusi pada ARV
 Fase ke 1 - ↑ cepat # CD 4 ke sirkulasi
perifer dari jaringan limph
› Redistribusi CD 4 yg terjebak dalam proses
inflamasi semalah infeksi HIV
› Terjadi pada 8 – 12 mgg pertama
› Peningkatan CD4 berbanding lurus dengan
penurunan viral load
 Fase ke 2 – ↑ lambat # CD 4
› Didominasi oleh “naïve”CD4 diikuti ↑CD8 naïve
› #CD 4 “memory” tetap dan CD 8 “memory” ↓
› Peningkatan secara lambat terjadi pada 2 thn
pertama pengobatan
 a paradoxical inflammatory reaction
against a foreign antigen (alive or dead) in
patients who have started antiretroviral
therapy and who have undergone a
reconstitution of their immune responses
against this antigen’
 Data Pasti tidak diketahui – Definisi
 Rata – rata 17 – 32%
 Data dari Indonesia - ?? RSPI melaporkan

Faktor klinis yg berhubungan
dengan timbulnya IRIS
 Laki – laki
 Usia muda
 Baseline CD4 yg rendah sebelum dimulai
 Viral load yg tinggi pada saat dimulai ARV
 Penurunan yg cepat dari viral load setelah
diberikan ARV
 ARV diberikan bersamaan diagnosis OI
 Jarak antara pengobatan OI dan ARV terlalu
Faktor Resiko
Kriteria Diagnosis
 Diagnosis ditegakkan dengan 2 kriteria major ( A+B) atau 1 kriteria Major (
A)+ 2 kriteria minor

 Major criteria

 (A) Atypical presentation of opportunistic infections or tumors in patients

responding to ART
 • Localized disease
 • Exaggerated inflammatory reaction
 • Atypical inflammatory response in affected tissues
 • Progressive organ dysfunction or enlargement of pre-existing lesions
after definite clinical improvement with pathogen specific
 therapy before the initiation of ART and exclusion of treatment toxicity
and new alternative diagnoses

 (B) Decrease in plasma HIV RNA concentration by more than 1 log10

copies per mL
 Minor criteria
 • Increase in blood CD4 T-cell count after
starting ART
 • Increase in an immune response specific
to the relevant pathogen— eg, delayed-type
hypersensitivity skin test response to
 mycobacterial antigens
 • Spontaneous resolution of disease
without specific antimicrobial therapy or
tumor chemotherapy with continuation of
 General IRIS case definition 2 (Shelburne et al, 2006)13
 Criteria for IRIS diagnosis include:
 • HIV-infected patient
 • Receiving effective ART as evidenced by a decrease in HIV-
1 RNA concentration from baseline or an increase in CD4+ T
cells from
 baseline (may lag behind HIV-1 RNA decrease)
 • Clinical symptoms consistent with inflammatory process
 • Clinical course not consistent with expected course of
previously diagnosed opportunistic infection, expected
course of newly
 diagnosed opportunistic infection, or drug toxicity
Spektrum Iris
 Restoration of mantoux positivity
 Manifestasi klinis:
◦ Worsening fever
◦ Lymphadenopathy
◦ Pulmonary infiltrates
◦ Focal cerebritis
◦ Pleural effusions
◦ Organomegaly
◦ Ascities
◦ hypercalcaemia
Insiden TB- IRIS
Europe and USA
◦ Narita et al 36% (Miami, 1998)
◦ Wendel et al 11% (Baltimore 2001)
◦ Breen et al 29% (London, 2004)
◦ Breton et al 43% (Paris, 2004)
› Breton et al: 41%
› No cases in TB/DOT study in South Africa (20
patients only)
› Kumarasamy et al: IRIS of 15.2 cases per 100
› Patel et al: TB IRIS more often in patients with active
TB at the start of HAART than in those without
active TB at the start of HAART (11 [8.73] vs. 3
[2.32%], respectively; p = 0.0489).
Faktor Resiko untuk TB/IRIS
 Memulai ARV dalam 6 mgg dari
pengobatan TB
 Disseminated, extra-pulmonary disease
 CD4 yg rendah
 Peningkatan CD4 %
 viral load yg turun dengan cepat
 Bakteriemia?
 Tidak diketahui mempunyai TB pada
waktu ARV
 Pasien sedang dalam pengobatan TB pada
waktu dimulai atau sebelum ARV
Waktu Terjadinya
◦ Rata2 15 hari setelah mulai ART

◦ Bisa sampai berbulan-bulan

◦ Syndrome lasts for 10-40+ days

R para-tracheal

Stridor -
2 months
after ARV
and DOT
for TB

Clinical Radiology
59, 6 , 2004, Pages 505-513
Dicurigai TB IRIS – Pasien TB yg
setelah dimulai ARV timbul tanda
 New persistent fevers (temperature >38.6°C)
which last for more than 1 week without an
identifiable source (e.g., urine and sputa testing,
and other procedures when clinically indicated)
or reason (e.g. an allergic reaction)

 or marked worsening or emergence of

intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, pulmonary

 or worsening or emergence of cervical

adenopathies/abscesses, or worsening of other
tuberculous lesions or manifestations, such as
cutaneous peritoneal or central nervous system
(CNS) inflammatory pathology.
Dicurigai IRIS – Pasien setelah
dimulai ARV timbul TB dengan tanda
 TB miliar dengan pembesaran nodul
 Cold Abses
 Adenopati luas
 Adanya cavitas
“Confirmed” TB IRIS
Sama dengan definisi “ suspected TB IRIS”

 MDR disingkirkan
 Respon virologis yg baik dengan ARV
 Pengobatan TB dilanjutkan
 Exclude treatment failure

◦ Ensure adequate treatment

◦ Ensure adherence to ATT
◦ Consider drug resistance
 Drainage
 Penggunaan NSAID/steroid mungkin menolong
 ARV dilanjutkan
 Pertimbangkan utk stop ARV pada kasus life threatening?

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