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Calculative Analysis For Need Of



R.N. – 173713
Design Approach

 There are two Stages to the design of a flywheel.

1. First, the amount of Energy required for the desired
degree of smoothening must be found and the (mass)
moment of inertia needed to absorb that energy
2. Then flywheel geometry must be defined that caters the
required moment of inertia in a reasonably sized package
and is safe against failure at the designed speeds of
Design steps and Formulas
 STEP1 Coefficient of fluctuation Calculation
Input Required:

Maximum Speed Minimum Speed

 STEP2 Mass moment of inertia Calculation

Input Required:
Kinetic Energy of the
System Δ Ke=0.5* IW²Cs
 STEP3 Material Selection

On The basis Of Material

 STEP4 Calculation of Flywheel Mass

I= m K²

 STEP5 Calculation of Size and Shape Calculation

mass = π *(R2²-R1²)*t*

Kinematic Dynamic Turning

Analysis Analysis Moment
Kinematic Analysis of Crank- Slider

 Notations
m = mass
r = radius
l = length of connecting rod
n = (l/r ) = obliquity ratio
w=angular velocity of cranck
wc = angular velocity of con. Rod
θ = angle rotated by cranck
AM= l*sinβ = r*sin θ
piston displacement
x = (r+l) – (l*cosβ + r*cos θ )
 x= r + nr – [r*√(n²– (Sinθ) ²)] -rCosθ
x= r[(1-cos θ)+ (n- √(n²– (Sinθ)²)]

 velocity
v= dx/dt = (dx/dθ )*(dθ/dt)
since w=(dθ/dt)
v= rw[Sinθ+ Sin2θ /(2n)]
 acceleration
a= dv/dt = (dv/dθ )*(dθ/dt)
a = rw²[Cosθ+ Cos2θ /(n)]
 Angular velocity of connecting rod
wc= dβ /dt
and sinβ = sin θ/n
cosβ*(dβ/dt) = (cosθ/n)* dθ/dt ;
wc= w*[cosθ/ (√(n² – (Sinθ)²)]
 Angular acceleration
αcr = d(wc)/dt
αcr = -w²sinθ/n
Dynamic Analysis of piston Crank
 P1 and P2 = pressure of connecting rod at cover end and
pressure of fuel at crank end
A1= area at cover end
A2= area at crank end
 Gas pressure force
Fgas= P1A1 – P2A2
 Inertia force
Fi= ma =m. rw²[Cosθ+ Cos2θ /(n)]
 Kinematic friction = f
 Piston effort
F = Fgas – Fi – f (in case of horizontal configuration)
 Force along connecting rod
Fc= F / Cos β
 Normal Thrust to cylinder wall
Fn= Fc * Sin β
 Radial thrust to Crank shaft
Fr = (F / Cos β ) * Cos(θ+β)
 Crank effort
Ft= (F/ Cos β) * Sin(θ+β)

 Turning moment on Crank shaft

T = Ft *r
= (F/ Cos β) * Sin(θ+β) *r
or we can say
I α = f(t)
Here: Tmean= Wcycle / 4 π

And Kinetic Energy KE =T * θ

 Kinetic Energy
ΔKE max = + - + -

= ∫ (T - Tmean) dθ

ΔKE max=

From here we will get value of ( I ) mass moment of inertia of

 The above equation can be used to obtain appropriate
flywheel inertia Im corresponding to the known energy
change Ek for a specific value coefficient of speed fluctuation
Cf .
 We started by taking forces on piston and got moment of
inertia of flywheel .
 now by use of inertia of flywheel , mass and geometry will
be discussed by my fellow

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