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SRN : 4151131042
CLASS : Chem. Ed. 15 C

1. Feed-Back mean

The feed-back element in microteching is an important feature not

found in traditional teaching practice procedures. In microteaching the result
of observation record by supervisor, or student / observer collected as data
for feed-back, that is to be discussed, seen / heared back skills appearance in
microteaching learning earlier.
2. Implementation of

a. Feed-Back is implemented after the microteaching practice is complete.

If the students are friends of their own, they are invited to feed back;
b. When using a recording device, a mechanical recorder, the recording can be played back,
sound, picture made in discussion and criticism;
3. Benefits of Feed-Back

a) Identify the deficiency / weaknesses themselves and have the impetus to

b) Develop self-esteem.


In order to determine the final value of each student of microteaching

lecture participants, it is necessary to affirm that the authorized judge is the
Supervising Lecturer or microteaching course learner.
a) Assessment is:

1) Open, meaning known as early as possible any information relevant to the

assessment of microteaching by parties assessed and who assess,
2) Whole, meaning that microteaching assessment must be done intact so
that information obtained about student appearance is complete and
complete information.
3) Smooth, meaning that microteaching assessment must be adjusted to the
situation and condition.
b) The final goal of the c) Assessment Procedure
Assessment on the basis for
1) Microteaching Theory any form of activity in carrying out
2) Microteaching RPP microteching shall use from a
3) Microteaching Exercises particular appraisal. To facilitate its
use, the assessment is made with a
4) Microteaching Exam check list form. Each item of the
assessed aspect uses a range of
scales / values ​from 0 - 100 (format

a) Process assessment

Process assessment is an assessment of students based on:

1) Ability to complete tasks (preparing syllabus, lesson plans,
learning resources and other tasks). Obtained from the correction of
the task.
2) Ability of practice, obtained from the observation
3) The appraisal instrument is attached.
b) Examination of the exam

Assessment of the examination is a judgment based on

academic / intellectual ability both in theory and practice analysis
of teaching skill conducted twice exam which is UTS and UAS.
c) Rating scores

d) Value Scale
The scoring process score
combined with the examination
score is processed to obtain a final For normality scores value
score with the formula: scores are the same as other
assessment of the course that is for
the value of raw with a scale of 0-
NA = 100 and for the finished value with
6 skla letter C - A; skla numbers 2 - 4
with the following conversion:
Information :
SPP: Process Rating Score • 56 – 70 = 2 = C
SUTS: UTS Score • 71 – 85 = 3 = B
SUAS: UAS Score • 86 – 100 = 4 = A
SPP is obtained from:
𝑅𝑇 +(4𝑆𝑃)
• SPP =

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