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By group 1
Aurira Thrisna Dwi Aprianti G1A015004
Janwar Wahyu G1A015010
Putri Permatasari G1A015024
Roni Mahendra Putra G1A015028
Suciana Pertiwi G1A015035
Yuliana Vofi G1A015040
General things
• Name of crysophyta was took from greek (yunani)
words, that’s crhrysos mean gold. As well as called
gold algae
• Generally with some flagels either not same length
and occasionally called heteroconta.
• Cells of gold algae owned the true cores (eukarion)
• Unicellular marine or freshwater protist
• Most of them are photosynthetic; initially
categorized as plants.
• Particularly important in lake; where they may be
the primary source of food for zooplankton
Structure of cell
• Cell wall
mostly containing a cillicat (SiO2) and cellulose. But
for several species including lorica, ex Dinobryon
dan kephryon; consist a plat sylicon, ex Sinura dan
mallomonas; or build from calsium carbonate disc,
ex Syracospoera.
• Chloroplasts.
▫ Chrysophyceae - yellow-green algae
including clorofil a, b, c, β karotin, xantofil, like as
lutein, diadinoxantin, fukoxantin and dinoxantin.
▫ Xantophyceae - golden/golden-brown algae
including plastide like disc without pirenoide. Have a
clorofill a and b, β caroten, xantofill.
▫ Bacillariophyceae - diatoms
singgle core, pigmen have klorofil a dan c, β karotin,
• Others organels like Ribosomes, Vacuola contractil,
Golgi body, and nucleous have the same
functionality as other plant cells
Taxonomy of some species

Sebagai makanan ikan.

• Campuran semen. • Bahan penggosok.
• Bahan penyaring. • Bahan pembuat isolasi.
• Solasi penyuling gasoline dan • Penyekat dinamit.
glukosa. • Bahan alat penyadap suara,
• Serta digunakan sebagai bahan bahan pembuat cat.
untuk pembuat jalan. • Pernis.
• Sebagai indikator untuk • Piringan hitam.
menemukan minyak bumi. • Berperan sebagai plankton.
A Flagellated form, no cell wall Mallomonas, unicell
Chrysamoeba radians- vegetative states Phaeothamnion confervicola

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