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Chinese Immigration to America

Chinese immigrants came to the United States voluntarily,

specifically San Francisco as early as 1838. It was not until 1850,
when large numbers began to flock to California, looking for a
better life, wealth, and prosperity. It was also at this time, when
many Americans were flooding in the same direction-looking for a
“golden” opportunity- the 1849 Gold Rush.
Why Immigrate to the United States?

A lot of Chinese immigrants were mainly peasant farmers who left home
because of economic and political troubles in China. They boarded ships
bounded to America with the intent to work hard, make a lot of money,
and then return to their families and villages rich. Ironically, the Chinese
had little difference, in regards to intentions, compared to many
immigrants who came to the United States during the 19th Century.
What caused the Chinese to leave China?

A Map of Opium Trade throughout China.

From 1839-1842 widespread chaos ensued due to the The Opium Wars which occurred as a
direct result due to a many Chinese being addicted to Opium. The population explosion led
to a labor surplus and an inadequate food production. The situation worsened by the
occurrence of several disastrous famines. To make matters worse, peasants, stricken by
poverty, were subjected to high taxation administered by corrupt government officials,
which as a result fuelled unrest leading to various rebellions throughout the country during
the 1800s. The country became engulfed in Civil War as the 1851 Taiping Rebellion took
place in South East China. The Rebellion lasted for over fourteen years leading to the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers. During this turbulent period, the
history of Chinese Immigration to America began.
Other causes that lead to Immigration
List and Examples of Push Factors List and Examples of Pull Factors
Economic Factor: The California gold rush began in 1848 as gold was The first Chinese immigrants to America in search of wealth and a better
discovered by James Marshall at Sutter’s timber mill. lifestyle.
Political Factor: The Taiping Rebellion (1850 - 1864) against the Chinese fled their homes to escape the violence and conflict of the Civil
autocratic Qing dynasty led to the deaths of at least 20 million Chinese War to a stable and safe environment and a new life in America.

Environmental Factor: The 1852 Flooding of the Huang He river in the Over 20,000 Chinese moved to America due to the lower risk from natural
Shandong Peninsula led to disastrous crop failures, famine and disease in disasters and hazards together with the prospect of employment and greater
southern China. wealth.

Economic Factor: Cheap unskilled labor was required to work on the Chinese immigrants were hired by the Central Pacific Railroad and
farms in California and the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. Californian farmers. Between 1850 and 1882 about 322,000 Chinese moved
to America in search of new opportunities and employment potential.
Environmental Factor: The Northern Chinese Famine of 1876 - 79 To escape from the threat of death due to more natural disasters.
devastated China and up to 13 million people are estimated to have died
of starvation and disease.

Political Factor: The 1887 Yellow River flood and the Boxer Rebellion Papers of new immigrants were forged ("Paper Sons" and "Paper
had claimed millions of lives in China but the Chinese Exclusion Acts Daughters") claiming the parents were in America which allowed entry into
were passed prohibiting Chinese laborers from entering the US. A the United States. Young Chinese took advantage of the loophole and
loophole was found in 1906 following the San Francisco earthquake and moved to the US in search of a better lifestyle.
fire which destroyed immigration records

Political, Economic and Social Factors: The Chinese Exclusion Act was New Chinese immigrants took advantage of Open Chinese Immigration and
repealed in 1943 and in 1965 the Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart- traveled to the United States of America to join family and friends looking
Celler Law) abolished the nation-of-origin restrictions on immigrants. for safety, stability and security.

Push and Pull: Listed above are various Push and Pull reasons that contributed to Chinese Immigration in the
19th Century. Push factors are the reasons why people left China, such as persecution, fear, natural disasters,
poverty and unemployment. Pull factors are the reasons why people moved to the United States of America in
search of freedom, safety, stability and new opportunities.

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