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Literature Survey

S.No Title &Author Abstract Algorithm Disadvantages

1 Basically video sequences provide more Kanade Lucas Disadvantages of
“Face Detection information than a still image. It is always a Tomasi Kanade Lucas
And Tracking challenging task to track a target object in a live algorithm and Tomasi algorithm
Using Klt And video. We undergo challenges like illumination; Viola Jones that it cannot track
Viola Jones” by pose variation and occlusion in pre-processing algorithm the face properly
Ritesh Boda and stages. But this is can be overcome bydetection of with similar color
M. Jasmine the target object continuously in each and every background and
Pemeena frame. Face tracking by Kanade Lucas Tomasi also tracking fails
Priyadarsini algorithm that is used to track face based on in varying
trained features. Whereas the Viola Jones illuminations.
algorithm is used detect the face based on the haar
2 The proposed approach essentially was to PCA Algorithm The covariance
implement and verify the algorithm Eigen faces for matrix is difficult
“A Real-Time Face Recognition, which solves the recognition problem to be evaluated in
Recognition for two dimensional representations of faces, using an accurate manner
System Using the principal component analysis. The snapshots,
Eigenfaces” by representing input images for the proposed system,
Daniel Georgescu are projected in to a face space (feature space)
which best defines the variation for the face images
training set. The projection of the new image in
this feature space is then compared to the available
projections of training set to identify the person
using the Euclidian distance.
3 The detected face is extracted in the proposed Viola jones Tracking is not
“Face Recognition using the viola-Jones algorithm. The viola- algorithm accurate one.
and Detection using Jones algorithm is considered effective in order
Viola-Jones and to mark and extract the face features. The
Cross Correlation proposed model is using the correlation model
Method” by Ranjeet for the purpose of the face recognition. The
Singh1, Mandeep face recognition process can detect the person
Kaur2 among the database of faces without knowing
any other details about the person specific. The
proposed face detection and recognition model
can be deployed anywhere it is required.

4 Face detection is the first basic step of any face Neural Network, Requires large
“Real-time Face recognition system. Viola-Jones method is used PCA, Exemplar data
Detection And to detect and crop face area from the image. BPNN, RBF base
Recognition Using Feature extraction considered as a main
Principal challenge in any face recognition system.
Component Analysis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is
– Back Propagation efficient and used for feature extraction and
Neural Network dimension reduction. Back Propagation Neural
And Radial Basis Network (BPNN) and Radial Basis Function
Function ” by (RBF) are used for classification process. RBF
Nawaf Hazim is considered the result of BPNN output layer
Barnouti, sinan as input.
Sameer Mahmood
5 This paper describes the necessity and viola jones , Ada Requires large
adopted methods to detect a human face. boost and Exemplar data
“A review on Face Since the data is computed by the computer, classifier cascade base
Detection and study many algorithms are developed to detect a
of Viola Jones face. Some of the key challenges for the
method” by process of face detection are discussed. A
Monali Chaudhari, rapid approach to detect face developed by
Shanta sondur, viola and jones is explained in brief. The 4
Gauresh Vanjare main concepts involved in the viola jones
method such as haar features, integral
image, Adaboost and classifier cascade are

6 a novel technique for facial recognition Successes Mean Experiments on

through the implementation of Successes Quantization large and complex
“Human Face Mean Quantization Transform and Spare Transform datasets are
Detection and Network of Winnow with the assistance of (SMQT), Neural difficult and time
Recognition using Eigenface computation. After having Network (NN), consuming.
Web-Cam” by limited the frame of the input image or Histogram
Petcharat images from Web-Cam, the image is Equalization
Pattanasethanon and cropped into an oval or eclipse shape. Then (HE), Local
Charuay Savithi the image is transformed into greyscale Binary Patterns
color and is normalized in order to reduce (LBP)
color complexities. We also focus on the
special characteristics of human facial
aspects such as nostril areas and oral areas.
After every essential aspectsarescrutinized,
the input image goes through the
recognition system for facial identification.
7 This method has the most impact in the 2000’s Efficiency is
“Face Detection and known as the first object detection PCA; LDA; Less
and Recognition framework to provide relevant object detection Viola-Jones;
Using Viola-Jones that can run in real time. Feature extraction and Feature
with PCA-LDA and dimension reduction method will be applied Extraction;
Square Euclidean after face detection. Principal Component Distance
Distance” by Analysis (PCA) method is widely used in Measurement
Nawaf Hazim pattern recognition. Linear Discriminant
Barnouti Analysis (LDA) method that used to overcome
, Sinan Sameer drawback the PCA has been successfully applied
Mahmood , Wael to face recognition. Square Euclidean Distance
Esam Matti (SED) is used. The distance between two images
is a major concern in pattern recognition. The
distance between the vectors of two images
leads to image similarity.

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