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Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

CE 310
Spring 2018
Department of Civil &
Environmental Engineering
Hydrostatic Pressure

The two objectives of this experiment are:

1. To determine the hydrostatic thrust acting on a plane
surface immersed in water when the surface is partially
submerged or fully submerged.
2. To determine the position of the line of action of the
thrust and to compare the position determined by
experiment with the theoretical position.
• Have you ever asked yourself why a
trainer will not damage a soft wooden floor
but high heels will?

𝑃 = 𝑊/𝐴
weight of the person Area of contact
The Difference Between MASS
• Mass is the actual amount of material
contained in a body
• Weight is the force exerted by the gravity
on that object
• W=mg
Hydrostatic Pressure and Force

Hydraulic Jacks
Other Examples
Center of Pressure
• G is the centroid of the wetted area
• P is the center of pressure

• Location of P?
Experimental setup

• Determining the
center of pressure on
both a submerged or
partially submerged
plane surface and
comparison with the
theoretical position
• Procedure has been explained in detail in PP7-9
of your handouts.
• We will go over specifics when we are doing the
Processing Results
Processing Results

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