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Malay Goswami
Umang Dave
Gaurav patel
˜ne Definition of Advertising
Advertising is bringing a product (or service) to the
attention of potential and current customers.
Advertising is focused on one particular product or
service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product
might be very different than that for another product.
Advertising is typically done with signs, brochures,
commercials, direct mailings or e-mail messages,
personal contact, etc.
 Advertising as a discrete form is generally agreed
to have begun with newspapers, in the
seventeenth century, which included line or
classified advertising.
| T˜
 Archaeologists have found evidence of advertising
dating back to the 3000s bc, among the Babylonians.
˜ne of the first known methods of advertising was the
outdoor display, usually an eye-
eye-catching sign painted on
the wall of a building. Archaeologists have uncovered
many such signs, notably in the ruins of ancient ome
and Pompeii. An outdoor advertisement excavated in
ome offers property for rent, and one found painted
on a wall in Pompeii calls the attention of travelers to a
tavern situated in another town.
| T0 
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| T˜

 $$    %    

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| T˜

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 An early advertising success story is that of Pears oap.
Thomas Barratt married into the famous soap making
family and realised that they needed to be more
aggressive about pushing their products if they were to
survive. |e launched the series of ads featuring
cherubic children which firmly welded the brand to the
values it still holds today. he took images considered as
"fine art" and used them to connote his brand's quality,
purity (ie untainted by commercialism) and simplicity
(cherubic children). |e is often referred to as the father
of modern advertising.
 Advertising quickly took advantage of the new
mass media of the first part of the twentieth
century, using cinema, and to a much greater
extent, radio, to transmit commercial messages.
 Unhappy with the ethical compromise of the single-
sponsor show, NBC executive ylvester Weaver came
up with the idea of selling not whole shows to
advertisers, but separate, small blocks of broadcast
time. everal different advertisers could buy time within
one show, and therefore the content of the show would
move out of the control of a single advertiser - rather
like a print magazine. This became known as the
 *   ,
  , or     
  , , as it
allowed a whole variety of advertisers to access the
audience of a single TV show. Thus the 'commercial
break' as we know it was born.

 irst Coke
Advertisement n
n 1950
Coke Advertisement
n 1950
Advertisement n
n 1970 are
MEN oriented
n 1980
Advertisement base
on automobile in
n 1990
n 1990
New Era advertisement
American history
 1704 The first newspaper advertisement, an
announcement seeking a buyer for an ˜yster Bay, Long
sland, estate, is published in the Boston News-
 1729 Benjamin  ranklin begins publishing the
Pennsylvania Gazette in Philadelphia, which includes
pages of "new advertisements"
 1784 The Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Advertiser,
America's first successful daily newspaper, starts in
American history
 1833 Benjamin Day publishes the un, the first
successful "penny newspaper" in New ork. By 1837,
circulation reaches 30,000, making it the world's largest
newspaper. Corbis-
 1843 Volney Palmer opens the first advertising agency
in Philadelphia
 1867 New ork agency Carlton & mith begins buying
the right to place advertising in religious magazines
American history
 1873 The first convention of advertising agents is held
in New ork
 1880 Department store founder John Wanamaker is
the first retailer to hire a full-
full-time advertising
copywriter, John E. Powers.
 UP Corbis-
 1882 Procter & Gamble Co. begins advertising vory
soap with an unprecedented budget of $11,000.
ND AN | T˜
 ')$ ,  
 ').$$   !  /   
 0 102
 '$$ ,
 ' $
$0 /   0 %   
ND AN | T˜
 ' $
'.$$ - Marketing Advertising Associates,
Bombay set up
 '. -  5 
  5  $
 '. $ #     4

ND AN | T˜
 ''$$ 7    
 1991 - #  $
8 ¦4 
ND AN | T˜
 1992 - pectrum, publisher of A&M, constitutes
its own award known as 'A&M Awards'
 1993 - ndia's only advertising school, M CA
(Mudra nstitute of Communications
Ahmedabad), is born
 1995 - Advertising Club of Bombaycalls its
awards as Abby
ND AN | T˜
 1996 - The ad fraternity hits big time for the first
time by bagging three awards at the 43rd
nternational Advertising  estival,
 1997 - Advertising on the nternet gains
 1999 - B2B site launched on
eptember 28,
ND AN | T˜
 2000 - MudrA launches -
ndia's first advertising and marketing gallery

 2001-!  50 $  ¦4


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