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The health behavior model notes that each
person has unique personal characteristics and
experiences that affect subsequent actions. The
set of variables for behavioral specific knowledge
have important motivational significance. These
variables can be modified through nursing actions.
° a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.
° a state of complete physical, mental, and social well°being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO)

° the manner in which one behaves.
° the actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to
external or internal stimuli.
° an action taken by a person to maintain, attain, or regain
good health and to prevent illness. It reflects a person's health beliefs.
HBM is based on the following assumptions, which reflect
both nursing and behavioral science perspectives:

_ Individuals seek to actively regulate their own behavior.

_ Individuals in all their biopsychosocial complexity interact with
the environment, progressively transforming the environment
and being transformed over time.
_ Health professionals constitute a part of the interpersonal
environment, which exerts influence on persons throughout their
_ Self°initiated reconfiguration of person°environment interactive
patterns is essential to behavior change.
_ Personal Factors ± categorized as:
ë Biological ° age, strength, balance
ë Psychological ° self°esteem, self motivation,
ë Sociocultural ° race, ethnicity, education,
socioeconomic status.

_ Prior Related Behaviors ± includes previous

experience, knowledge, and skill in health
promoting actions.
_ Perceived Susceptibility
° a person's opinion of the chances of getting a
certain condition.
_ Perceived Severity
° a person's opinion of how serious this condition is.
_ Perceived Benefits
° a person's opinion of the effectiveness of some
advised action to reduce the risk or seriousness of the
_ Perceived Barriers
° a person's opinion of the concrete and
psychological costs of this advised action.
_ Perceived Self°efficacy
° udgment of personal capability to organize
and execute a health°promoting behavior.
° is simply a person's confidence in her/his
ability to successfully perform an action. (Bandura)

° optimal well°being, personal fulfillment, and

productive living.

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° occurrence of signs and symptoms of a disease,

disability and eventually, premature death if no further actions
are taken.

° The concept of intention and identification of a
planned strategy leads to implementation of health behavior.

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