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Physics 211: Lecture 2

Today’s Agenda
 Don’t forget – homework and pretest due tomorrow @ 8am

 Recap of 1-D motion with constant acceleration

 1-D free fall (hey, this is constant acceleration!)

 example

 Review of Vectors

 3-D Kinematics
 Shoot the monkey
 Baseball
 Independence of x and y components

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 1

 For constant acceleration we found:

1 2
x  x0  v 0 t  at x
v  v 0  at
a  const
 From which we derived:

v 2  v 02  2a(x  x0 ) a

v av  (v 0  v)

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 2

Recall what you saw:

1 2
x  x0  v 0 t  at




Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 3

1-D Free-Fall
 This is a nice example of constant acceleration (gravity):
 In this case, acceleration is caused by the force of gravity:
 Usually pick y-axis “upward” y
 Acceleration of gravity is “down”:

ay   g t
v y = v 0y - gt
1 t
y  y0  v0 y t  g t2

ay =  g

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 4

Gravity facts: & feather
 g does not depend on the nature of the material!
 Galileo (1564-1642) figured this out without fancy clocks &
 On the surface of the earth, gravity acts to give a constant

 demo - feather & penny in vacuum

 Nominally, g = 9.81 m/s2

 At the equator g = 9.78 m/s2
 At the North pole g = 9.83 m/s2

 More on gravity in a few lectures!

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 5

Gravity facts: & feather
 Actually, gravity is a “fundamental force”.
 Other fundamental forces: electric force, strong and weak forces

 It’s a force between two objects, like me and the earth.

 or earth and moon, or sun and Neptune, etc

 Gravitational Force is proportional to product of masses:

 F(1 acting on 2) proportional to M1 times M2
 F(2 acting on 1) proportional to M1 times M2 too!

 Proportional to 1/r2
 r is the separation of the 2 masses
 For gravity on surface of earth, r = radius of earth
 Example of Gauss’s Law (more on this later)

At the surface of earth gravitational force attracts “m” toward the

center of the earth, is approximately constant and equal to mg.
The number g=9.81 m/s2 contains the effect of Mearth and rearth.

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 6

 The pilot of a hovering helicopter
drops a lead brick from a height
of 1000 m. How long does it take
to reach the ground and how fast
is it moving when it gets there?
(neglect air resistance)
1000 m

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 7

 First choose coordinate system.
 Origin and y-direction.

 Next write down position equation:

1 2
y  y 0  v 0y t gt 1000 m

 Realize that v0y = 0.

1 2
y  y0  gt
2 y


Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 8

1 2
y  y0 - gt
 Solve for time t when y = 0 given that y0 =
1000 m.

2 y0 2  1000 m
t  2
 14.3 s
g 9.81 m s
 Recall:
y0 = 1000 m

Solve forvvy2: 2
- v 0 y  2 a( y - y 0 )


v y   2 gy 0 y
 140 m / s

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 9

Lecture 2, Act 1
1D free fall
 Alice and Bill are standing at the top of a cliff of height H. Both throw a ball with initial speed v0, Alice straight down and Bill straight up.
up. The
speed of the balls when they hit the ground are vA and vB respectively. Which of the following is true:

(a) vA < vB (b) vA = vB (c) vA > vB

Alice v0 Bill
vA vB

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 10

Lecture 2, Act 1
1D Free fall
 Since the motion up and back down is symmetric, intuition should tell you that v = v0
 We can prove that your intuition is correct:

Equation: v 2  v 02  2( g ) H  H   0

This looks just like Bill threw

Bill the ball down with speed v0, so
v0 v = v0 the speed at the bottom should
be the same as Alice’s ball.
Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 11
Lecture 2, Act 1
1D Free fall
 We can also just use the equation directly:

Alice: v 2  v 02  2( g ) 0  H 
same !!
Bill: v 2
 v 02  2( g ) 0  H 

Alice v0 Bill

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 12
Does motion in one direction affect
motion in an orthogonal direction?
 For example, does motion in the y-direction affect motion in
the x-direction?
2 ball drop
 It depends….
 For simple forces, like gravitational and electric forces, NO
 For more complicated forces/situations, like magnetism, YES
 In any case, vectors are the mathematical objects that we
need to use to describe the motion
 Vectors have
 Magnitude
» Units (like meters, Newtons, Volts/meter, meter/sec 2…)
 Direction

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 13

 In 1 dimension, we could specify direction with a + or - sign.
For example, in the previous problem ay = -g etc.

 In 2 or 3 dimensions, we need more than a sign to specify the

direction of something:

 To illustrate this, consider the position vector r in 2 dimensions.

Example Where is Chicago?
 Choose origin at Urbana Chicago
 Choose coordinates of
distance (miles), and r
direction (N,S,E,W)
 In this case r is a vector that Urbana
points 120 miles north.
A vector is a quantity with a magnitude and a direction
Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 14
 There are two common ways of indicating that something is
a vector quantity:

 Boldface notation: A

A= A

 “Arrow” notation: A

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 15

 The components (in a particular coordinate system) of r,
the position vector, are its (x,y,z) coordinates in that
coordinate system
 r = (rx ,ry ,rz ) = (x,y,z)

 Consider this in 2-D (since it’s easier to draw):

 rx = x = r cos  where r = |r |
 ry = y = r sin 
y (x,y)

r arctan( y / x )


Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 16


 The magnitude (length) of r is found using the Pythagorean

y 2 2
r r  x y

 The length of a vector clearly does not depend on its direction.

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 17

Unit Vectors:

 A Unit Vector is a vector having length 1

and no units
 It is used to specify a direction U
 Unit vector u points in the direction of U U
 Often denoted with a “hat”: u = û û û=

 Useful examples are the Cartesian y

unit vectors [ i, j, k ]
 point in the direction of the j
x, y and z axes
i x

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 18

Vector addition:
 Consider the vectors A and B. Find A + B.


 To add two vectors, place the head of one at the tail of the
 We can arrange the vectors as we want, as long as we
maintain their length and direction!!

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 19

Vector addition using components:

 Consider C = A + B.

(a) C = (Ax i + Ay j) + (Bx i + By j) = (Ax + Bx)i + (Ay + By)j

(b) C = (Cx i + Cy j)

 Comparing components of (a) and (b):

 Cx = Ax + Bx C By
 Cy = Ay + By

A A Bx

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 20

It’s halftime

time for a neat demo

C By

A A Bx

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 21

Physics 211: Lecture 2

second half
 Don’t forget – homework and pretest
due tomorrow @ 8am
 Finish review of Vectors, then…

 3-D Kinematics
 Shoot the monkey
 Baseball
 Independence of x and y components

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 22

Lecture 2, Act 2
 Vector A = (0,2,1)
 Vector B = (3,0,2)
 Vector C = (1,-4,2)

What is the resultant vector, D, from

adding A+B+C?

(a) (3,5,-1) (b) (4,-2,5) (c) (5,-2,4)

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 23

Lecture 2, Act 2

D = (AXi + AYj + AZk) + (BXi + BYj + BZk) + (CXi + CYj + CZk)

= (AX + BX + CX)i + (AY + BY+ CY)j + (AZ + BZ + CZ)k

= (0 + 3 + 1)i + (2 + 0 - 4)j + (1 + 2 + 2)k

= {4,-2,5}

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 24

3-D Kinematics !!!

 The position, velocity, and acceleration of a particle in 3

dimensions can be expressed as:

r= xi+yj+zk
v = vx i + vy j + vz k (i , j , k unit vectors )
a = ax i + ay j + az k What are the units
of these vectors?
 We have already seen the 1-D kinematics equations:

dx dv d 2 x
x  x(t ) v a  2
dt dt dt

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 25

3-D Kinematics
 For 3-D, we simply apply the 1-D equations to each of the
component equations.

x  x(t ) y  y( t ) z  z( t )
dx dy dz
vx  vy  vz 
dt dt dt
d2x d2y d2z
ax  2
ay  2
az 
dt dt dt 2

 Which can be combined into the vector definitions:

r = r(t) v = dr / dt a = d2r / dt2

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 26

3-D Kinematics

 So for constant acceleration we can integrate to get:

 a = const
 v = v0 + a t
 r = r0 + v0 t + 1/2 a t2

(where a, v0, and r0, are all constant vectors and

v(t) and r(t)
are vectors that are functions of time)

Note that in general a (acceleration) will not be constant. It

may depend explicitly on time, or it may depend on position.
Then finding r(t) is more complicated…
Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 27
2-D Kinematics

 Most 3-D problems can be reduced to 2-D problems when

acceleration is constant:
 Choose y axis to be along direction of acceleration
 Choose x axis to be along the “other” direction of motion

 Example:
Example Throwing a baseball (neglecting air resistance)
 Acceleration is constant (gravity)
 Choose y axis up: ay = -g
 Choose x axis along the ground in the direction of the

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 28

“x” and “y” components of motion are
independent. Cart

 A man on a train tosses a ball straight up in the air.

 View this from two reference frames:

Reference frame
on the moving train.

Reference frame
on the ground.

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 29

 David Eckstein clobbers a fastball toward center-field. The
ball is hit 1 m (yo ) above the plate, and its initial velocity is
36.5 m/s (v ) at an angle of 30o () above horizontal. The
center-field wall is 113 m (D) from the plate and is 3 m (h)

 What time does the ball reach the fence?

 Does David get a home run?

 h

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 30


 Choose y axis up.

 Choose x axis along the ground in the direction of the hit.
 Choose the origin (0,0) to be at the plate.
 Say that the ball is hit at t = 0, x(0) = x0 = 0. y(0) = y0 = 1m

 Equations of motion are:

vx = v0x vy = v0y - gt
x = v xt y = y0 + v0y t - 1/ 2 gt2

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 31


 Use geometry to figure out v0x and v0y :

y Find v0x = |v| cos .
and v0y = |v| sin .
 v0y

remember, we were told that = 30 deg

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 32

 The time to reach the wall is: t = D / vx (easy!)
 We have an equation that tell us y(t) = y0 + v0y t + a t2/ 2
 So, we’re we just plug in the numbers: a = -g

 Find:
 vx = 36.5 cos(30) m/s = 31.6 m/s
 vy = 36.5 sin(30) m/s = 18.25 m/s
 t = (113 m) / (31.6 m/s) = 3.58 s
 y(t) = (1.0 m) + (18.25 m/s)(3.58 s)
- (0.5)(9.8 m/s2)(3.58 s)2
= (1.0 + 65.3 - 62.8) m = 3.5 m

 Since the wall is 3 m high, Eckstein gets the homer!!

Thinking deeper: Can you figure out what angle gives the longest fly ball?
To keep things simple, assume y0 = 0, and go from there…
Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 33
Lecture 2, Act 3
Motion in 2D
 Two footballs are thrown from the same point on a flat field.
Both are thrown at an angle of 30o above the horizontal.
Ball 2 has twice the initial speed of ball 1. If ball 1 is caught
a distance D1 from the thrower, how far away from the
thrower D2 will the receiver of ball 2 be when he catches it?
 Assume the receiver and QB are the same height

(a) D2 = 2D1 (b) D2 = 4D1 (c) D2 = 8D1

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 34

Lecture 2, Act 3
 The distance a ball will go is simply
x = (horizontal speed) x (time in air) = v0x t
 To figure out “time in air”, consider the 1
y  y0  v0 y t  g t2
equation for the height of the ball: 2

 When the ball is caught, y = y0 v0 y t  g t2  0

v0 y
 1  t 2 (time of catch)
t v0 y  g t   0 g
 2 
two t 0 (time of throw)

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 35

x = v0x t Lecture 2, Act 3
v0 y
 So the time spent in the air is proportional to v0y : t 2
 Since the angles are the same, both v0y and v0x for ball 2
are twice those of ball 1.

v0,1 ball 2 v0y ,2

ball 1
v0y ,1

v0x ,1 v0x ,2

 Ball 2 is in the air twice as long as ball 1, but it also has twice
the horizontal speed, so it will go 4 times as far!!

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 36

Shooting the Monkey
(tranquilizer gun)
 Where does the zookeeper
aim if he wants to hit the monkey?
( He knows the monkey will
let go as soon as he shoots ! )

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 37

Shooting the Monkey...
r = r0
 If there were no gravity, simply aim
at the monkey

r =v0t

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 38

Shooting the Monkey...
r = r0 - 1/2 g t2
 With gravity, still aim at the monkey!

Dart hits the

r = v0 t - 1/2 g t2

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 39

Shooting the monkey...

x = v0 t
y = -1/2 g t2

 This may be easier to think about.

It’s exactly the same idea!!
x = x0
They both have the same Vy(t) in this case
y = -1/2 g t2

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 40

Recap of Lecture 2

 Recap of 1-D motion with constant acceleration. (Text: 2-3)

 1-D Free-Fall (Text: 2-3)

 example

 Review of Vectors (Text: 3-1 & 3-2)

 3-D Kinematics (Text: 3-3 & 3-4)

 Shoot the monkey (Ex. 3-11)
 Baseball problem
 Independence of x and y components

 Look at textbook problems Chapter 3: # 15, 21, 23, 77, 91

Physics 211: Lecture 2, Pg 41

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