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Exercise prescription for patients with type 2

diabetes and pre-diabetes: A position

statement from Exercise and Sport Science
Matthew D. Hordern, David W. Dunstan, Johannes B. Prins, Michael K. Baker, Maria A. Fiatarone
Singh, Jeff S. Coombesb.

Doctor in charge:
Dr. Muhammad Siddik, Sp.KFR
Banjarmasin, December 16TH 2016

Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and type 2
diabetes (T2DM) are conditions characterised by varying levels of insulin
resistance causing hyperglycaemia on the background of an insulin secretion

Risk factor : Obesity, insufcient physical activity, high levels of uninterrupted

sedentary time

Australia, 2002th In US, 2002th

IGT:16.4% and T2DM: 7.4% the incidence of T2DM has
Recent data from Australia doubled over the last 30 years.
It is also estimated that
indicate that a further 0.7 approximately quarter of people
0.8% of Australians are with T2DM are undiagnosed.
diagnosed with T2DM every
The Purpose

Exercise training, is a recognised, although relatively underutilised strategy that is central to the
prevention, care and management of T2DM and pre-diabetes.

The purpose of the journal is to provide practical exercise guidelines and recommendations for
individuals with T2DM and prediabetes, while examining the benets and specic
considerations for these conditions.
The Purpose

Role of exercise in the prevention and treatment

of type 2 diabetes
classification of exercise

aerobic exercise: endurance type exeecise, rhythmic, sustained for sometimes. example:
walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming, ect

Resistance exercise : weight training with free weight, machine, elastic rope, calisthenic, ect
Exercise in the prevention of DM 2 type

The Large-scale Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs)

lifestyle modication,including exercise training as well ameliorate risk factors
associated with both T2DM and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

In U.S In Asian Indians with IGT,

prescribed 210 min/week of moderate to lifestyle advice to undertake 210 min/week of brisk
walking resulted in a 28.5% risk reduction of
strenuous intensity exercise (including
incident diabetes
resistance training) and dietary intervention to
reduce fat and increasebre intake, with the Da Qing Study from China reported a 46% risk
patients completing an average reduction when moderate intensity activity was
of 204 min/week of exercise prescribed
at 140 min/week and 280 min/week for persons 50
years and <50 years, respectively.
Exercise for management DM 2 type

Improves physical fitness & reduce fat %

improves cardiovascular function, ect
improves glucose control:
improving insulin sensitivity
increasing GluT4 ( glucose transporter)
Role of exercise in the prevention and
treatment of type 2 diabetes

The benets of exercise in preventing and treating T2DM are

widely recognised. Exercise training improves glycaemic control,
bodycomposition, cardiorespiratorytness, cardiovascular risk,
physical functioning and well-being in patients with T2DM or pre-
diabetes. Low levels of physical activity and physical tness (both
cardiovascular and musculoskeletal) are prominent, independent
and modiable risk factors for the development of T2DM
Role of exercise in the prevention and
treatment of type 2 diabetes
Furthermore, lifestyle modication, including exercise training
now represents a central strategy in diabetes prevention. A
number of large-scale randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of
lifestyle modication in pre-diabetic populations have been
conducted. The aim of these trials has been to reduce
incident T2DM, as well as ameliorate risk factors associated
with both T2DM and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
These lifestyle interventions, that in most cases targeted
physical activity and nutritional goals simultaneously, have
been highly successful in preventing the onset of T2DM. The
largest of these, the U.S
Exercise Guidelines

Patients should aim to accumulate a minimum of 210 min of moderate intensity or 125 min
of vigorous intensity exercise each week.
It is recommended that resistance training (24 sets of 810 repetitions) should make up
two or more sessions each week.
Exercise should be performed on at least 3 days each week with no more than two
consecutive days without training.
Exercise Guidelines

for a large majority of people at risk or with T2DM, moderate intensities of exercise maybe
more appropriate, better tolerated and result in greater exercise adherence
high intensity exercise is generally possible even in the face of cardiovascular disease,
peripheral vascular disease, or osteoarthritis, the most common comorbidities influencing
exercise prescription. Alternative choices may include short bouts of stair climbing, hills,
upper body exercise, or water-based exercise for example.
Special considerations and contraindications

Poorly controlled hypertensive patients should avoid vigorous Intensity training, particularly
vigorous intensity resistance training and the Valsalva manoeuvre.
Patients with OA may have particular difficulty exercising, especially using modes of
exercise than increase the load of the affected joints (e.g. walking, running).
low impact exercise can increase joint motility and decrease body mass, both of which
can have a dramatic effect on a patients ability to exercise. Lowimpact exercise includes
cycling, swimming and resistance training.

Exercise training is a well-established prevention strategy, treatment and management therapy for
patients with T2DM and pre-diabetes.
It is recommended that individuals with these conditions accumulate

A minimum of 210 min/week A minimum 125 min/week

of moderate intensity OR of vigorous intensity

Ideally the total amount of

exercise should consist of

some aerobic training BOTH some resistance training


if only one modality can be performed due to comorbidities, behavioural considerations or other
constraints, then either modality alone has been shown to be effective.
The risks associated with exercise are considered less than those of inactivity, even in older adults with
multiple chronic diseases. Therefore,
exercise training should be an essential component of any treatment plan for all patients at risk of or with
Due to the potential risks and likelihood of the presence of comorbidities, programs should be designed
and delivered by qualified personnel who are trained and experienced to deal with the likely additional

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