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Kasus bukit longsor
53 orang korban dibawa ke RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya untuk mendapatkan
penanganan lebih lanjut
Triage :
Hijau : 20 orang
Kuning : 10 orang
Merah : 15 orang
Biru : 4 orang
Hitam : 4 orang
Dokter umum
Dokter bedah
Dokter anestesi
Paramedis IRD
Prioritas pasien dengan kondisi life-threatening atau komplikasi dengan resiko tinggi
Mengatasi overcrowding dan flow pasien
Pemeriksaan tanda-tanda vital dan gejala

Massive influx:
Area dipersiapkan di pintu masuk ER
Guideline sesuai mass casualty incident
Serious but salvageable life threatening injury/illness

Victims with life-threatening injuries or illness (such as head injuries, severe burns, severe bleeding, heart-attack, breathing-
impaired, internal injuries) are assigned a priority 1 or "Red" Triage tag code (meaning first priority for treatment and
Moderate to serious injury/illness (not immediately life-threatening)

Victims with potentially serious (but not immediately life-threatening) injuries (such as fractures) are assigned a priority 2 or
"Yellow" (meaning second priority for treatment and transportation)


Victims who are not seriously injured, are quickly triaged and tagged as "walking wounded", and a priority 3 or "green"
classification (meaning delayed treatment/transportation). Generally, the walking wounded are escorted to a staging area out
of the "hot zone" to await delayed evaluation and transportation.

Critical and potentially fatal injuries or illness are coded priority 4 or "Blue" indicating no treatment or transportation.

It is important to note that victims of mass casualty incidents (MCI) who are still presenting some vital signs but may have life-
threatening or potentially fatal injuries, may be classified as "unsalvageable" by the Triage officer.
Although this is a very difficult decision, it is necessary when many casualties require more resources than may be available.

Clearly deceased at the scene with no vital signs and/or obviously fatal injuries.

Deceased or Priority 5 (Black)

Kasus ditangani di depan :

Ekskoriasi, vulnus appertum simple

Dokter jaga depan/dokter triage
Internal bleeding, hemodinamik
Unstable pelvis, hemodinamik stable
Closed Fracture, Open Fracture gr.1 OF grade 3B
Trauma maxillofacial, Fraktur Femur,
Sindroma kompartemen
Label Biru :
Tension pneumothorax, pasien
unstable pelvis, unstable HD,
Internal bleeding unstable HD
Fraktur impresi skull, ICH
Penurunan kesadaran
PPDS Anestesi dan Bedah
Dilakukan :
penanganan non-operatif gagal
Shock hemorrhagic
Pemeriksaan fisik,
stabilitas hemodinamik, hasil
imaging, pengalaman klinik
Misalnya :
Internal bleeding abdomen
Perawatan Intensif Pasca Operasi
Perawatan Intensif dari IGD

Anestesi dan Bedah

Cleaning Room

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