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Disiapkan : Kuswanto
Penelitian tanaman
Semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan, penelitian
di di bidang tanaman juga semakin berkembang.
Setiap penelian tanaman hakekatnya harus ditujukan
untuk kemaslahatan manusia (dan ekonomis?,
dipertimbangkan manfaat dan mudharatnya).
Penelitian tanaman yang bertujuan untuk
kemaslahatan manusia, harus
menggunakan bahan yang baik,
dipersiapkan dengan benar,
mengikuti prosedur yang benar, dan
menghasilkan produk yang baik.
Penelitian tanaman
Diperlukan aturan untuk menentukan bahan penelitian
yang baik, menentukan prosedur yang benar serta
menangani produk penelitian dengan benar sehingga
proses maupun hasil penelitian tidak mengganggu
kemaslahatan manusia.
Perlu diingat bahwa tidak ada yang bermanfaat saja
tanpa segi merugikan, sebaliknya tidak ada yang hanya
merugikan saja, tanpa segi menguntungkan.
Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah sebanyak mungkin
memunculkan segi menguntungkan dan sesedikit
mungkin aspek merugikan.
Bahan tanaman
Penggunaan bahan yang baik meliputi
Nilai bahan itu sendiri
cara mendapatkan bahan tersebut.
Faktor dalam bahan tanaman (gen) maupun faktor
luar (lingkungan) dari tanaman harus
Prosedur yang benar, meliputi
prosedur untuk mendapatkan bahan,
prosedur penanganan bahan,
prosedur pelaksanaan penelitian,
prosedur pelepasan produk penelitian harus
dilaksanakan dengan benar.
Penelitian di bidang tanaman meliputi penelitian
dasar dan terapan, mulai dari pemuliaan
tanaman, budidaya sampai pasca panen.
Persyaratan bahan penelitian
tanaman yang baik
Seeds, seedlings and plant material are the basis for
cultivation. Good quality is vital here.
Most propagating material however is conventionally
grown. Seeds treated with conventional products may
be used only if users are unable to obtain non-treated
seeds on the market .
However organic growers are not allowed to use
detergents or germination promoters. In arable
farming where seed production does not differ much
from crop production, organic growers use their own
non-treated seeds as basic stock for self-fertilising
crops such as cereals, peas and beans.
Persyaratan bahan penelitian
tanaman yang baik
According to EU Regulation 2092/91 on organic
production, after 31 December 2000, all propagating
materials used in organic farming must be of organic
origin. This deadline applies particularly to propagation
Guidelines for the organic propagation of seeds vary
within Europe. In Switzerland, seed stock can only be
traded under the name of Demeter (biodynamic mark)
after having run a two-year cycle on an organic farm.
The Netherlands follows Council Regulation (EEC) No
2092/91 which allows the use of the EKO mark for
selected seeds that under current conditions have
been multiplied for one cycle on an organic farm.
Persyaratan prosedur penelitian
tanaman yang baik
Organic agriculture has deliberately evolved in another
Organic farmers want a production level that is
economically sound and viable from a sustainable farm
management view.
The demand on natural resources in and around the
farm should not exceed capacity.
Farm management is aimed at supporting the self-
regulating ability of the soil, the plants and the animals
on the farm.
The use of synthetic chemical fertilisers and pesticides
is not allowed.
Persyaratan prosedur penelitian
tanaman yang baik
Organic farmers do not want to raise production with
additional applications of nitrogen and are more sensitive
to natural variability in farm conditions.
That is why organic farmers need varieties that adapt well
to specific soil and fertilizer situations on each farm and
that grow well at low fertility levels.
More than conventional farmers, organic farmers greatly
value varieties that contribute substantially to weed
reduction, that have a high resistance to disease and pests
and a high product quality, for example, in taste.
According to the ecological principles of organic agriculture,
a crop must be able to complete its life cycle in natural
Persyaratan prosedur pelepasan
tanaman yang baik
Untuk Genetically Modified Organism : Cartagena protocol
The Biosafety Protocol is a subsidiary agreement to the UN
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which was signed
by over 150 governments at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992,
the Protocol itself was agreed in Montreal in January 2000
and came into force September 11, 2003. Now 100
countries have signed up.
In essence the Biosafety Protocol is an agreement designed
to regulate the international trade, handling and use of any
genetically engineered organism that may have adverse
effects on the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human
Persyaratan prosedur pelepasan
tanaman yang baik
For Greenpeace, the protocol is an important
step in the protection of biodiversity.
It explicitly recognizes a much needed
precautionary approach to the environmental
release of GE organisms.
The precautionary principle is at the heart of this
agreement. This means that countries have the
right to ban or restrict the import and use of GE
(genetically engineered) organisms when there is
a lack of scientific knowledge or consensus
regarding their safety.
Persyaratan prosedur pelepasan
tanaman yang baik
The protocol requires that countries are informed and
agree in advance to imports of GE crops. B
Before countries are allowed to export any genetically
engineered organisms destined for intentional
introduction into the environment, they must first
obtain the importing country's explicit consent.
The need of such a strong Biosafety Protocol is
illustrated by the genetic contamination of maize in
Mexico. This was the first case of genetic pollution in a
centre of origin and diversity of a major food crop.

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