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VA Comp Assessment 2

Art Criticism
Kyoto School Artist Unknown
Deer, Pine, and Bat
What can you learn from the title of the
artwork? That you dont have o use warm and
cold colors to make a good piece you can just
use neutral.
What subjects in the artwork can you recognize?
I recognize the deer, the tree and the bat.
Looking at the elements of design, describe
what qualities you see. I see grey , brown
,white ,green , line and form.
What media and techniques did the artist use?
They used contrast ,pattern, and unity.
Emphasis: Is there a dominant element or focal
point that you see first? The deer because its
the largest.
Balance: Is there a special balance, or weight,
among the elements? What mood does it
create? There is no real side that is bigger than
the other and that creates balance.
Proportion: Do the proportions look normal,
ideal, or unusual? Why? Yes because the
proportions all make sense nothing seems out of
place like the deer no one leg looks to big or
small compered to the rest of the piece.
Pattern: Are elements repeated to create a
pattern? Where? Why? Yes the dots on the deer
its there to give contrast. The pines on the trees
to create unity.
Rhythm or Movement: What visual rhythms or
paths of movement do your eyes follow?
Where? Why? Yes your eyes go left to right
because thats how you read in America.
Unity and Variety: What elements bring
together, or unify many parts of the design.
Why? What elements add variety? Why? The
dear and the tree create unity because they
balance out the piece. Value is the white parts
on the deer to create contrast on the deer.
Is there symbolism in the artwork? What do you
think it means? Yes the bat ,tree ,and deer. The
tree could mean life, the bat could be good or
bad luck and the dear could mean good fortune.
What feeling do you think the artist wanted to
give the viewer when looking at the work? The
artiest wants you to be calm , relaxed and to be
one with nature.
Does the work remind you of other things you
have experienced? Yes I have seen deer in the
wild and its very calm and peaceful.
How does the work relate to other ideas or
events in the world and/or in your other classes?
We are thought to peaceful and not to take our
anger out on others. Also to be one with nature.
What parts of the work make you feel it is a
success or failure? The flow, color ,balance ,
texture ,unity and value make it very successful
Piece but its a bit plain and I wish there was
more going on.
What criteria can you list to help others judge
this work? The list is, does it make you feel
anything ,does it have elements and principals
and how are they used, and does it flow nicely.
How unique is the work? Why do you feel this
work is or is not unique? Its unique because it
has very little things going on but at the same
time its not unique because very common
elements that are in a lot of other artworks such
as the dear, the tree and the bat.
What are some improvements you feel the artist
could have made to the work? The only
improvement I would make is adding a

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