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2 Male Reproduction System

1. The male reproductive system consist of the following parts.
4.2 Male Reproduction System
Why are the testes found outside and not inside the
body of the male?

Answer : The temperature that is suitable for the

formation and storage of sperms in the testes is 1-
2oc lower than the body temperature.
4.2 Male Reproduction System
2. The route taken by sperms form the place of
production to the body of the female:

Sperm produced in the testis sperm duct seminal vesicles

into the reproductive organ of the

female during intercourse
Structure and Function of Sperms

1. Function : Fuse with the ovum to form a zygote.

2. Sperm is the smallest cell in the male body.
3. Shape like a tadpole.
4. Consists of head, neck, middle piece and tail.
5. The head contains nucleus which carries genetic material to be transferred
form the father to the offspring.
6. The tail helps the sperm to swim/ move in the semen to meet the ovum.
7. The head of the sperm will pierce through the cell membrane of the ovum
during fertilisation.
8. Lifespan : up to 72 hours.
Changes in Males during Puberty

1. Puberty stage when the reproductive system start to

produce sex cells.

1. Boys reach puberty later than girls (12 to 14 years old)

1. Puberty is accompanied by physical, physiological and

emotional changes.

1. The changes that occur in males are:

Voice become hoarse/ deepen
Body become more muscular
Hair growth (facial, armpits, pubic region)
Testes begins to produce sperm
Emotional changes like being attracted to the opposite sex.
Consist of ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix and vagina
Terdiri daripada ovari, tiub fallopian, rahim, serviks dan faraj

1. The female reproductive system produces the female gamete called

the ovum. It also provides a place for the growth and development of
the foetus.

1. Sistem pembiakan betina menghasilkan gamet betina yang

dinamakan ovum. Ia juga menyediakan tempat untuk tumbesaran
dan pembentukan fetus
Structure Function

Female sex organ that produces female gametes (ova)

Ovary and female sex hormones.
Ovari Organ seks betina yang menghasilkan gamet dan
hormon seks betina

Fallopian tube
A muscular tube where fertilisation takes place.
Tiub berotot di mana tempat berlakunya persenyawaan
Tiub falopian

- Pear-shaped with thick muscular walls.

- Place where the foetus develops and grows.
Uterus (womb) - Uterus wall is rich in blood vessels.
Rahim - Mempunyai dinding berotot tebal
- Tempat di mana fetus terbentuk dan membesar
- Kaya dengan salur/pembuluh darah
- Neck of the uterus.
- Secretes mucus to protect reproductive parts
from bacterial infection
- Saluran masuk ke rahim
- Merembes mukus (cecair) untuk melindungi
bahagian pembiakan daripada terkena jangkitan

- Muscular tube which opens to the outside of the

female body as the vulva.
- Place where the sperms are transferred during
- Tiub berotot yang terbuka dibahagian luar tubuh
betina sebagai vulva
- Tempat di mana sperma dihantar semasa persetubuhan
Structure and Function of Ovum

1. The ovum is a female gamete produced in the ovary.

Ovum ialah gamet betina dihasilkan oleh ovari.
2. The ovum is the largest cell inside the female body.
Ovum ialah sel terbesar dalam tubuh wanita
3. It is spherical in shape, has a nucleus, cytoplasm and thick cell
Berbentuk sfera, memgandungi nukleus, sitoplasma dan dinding se;l
yang tebal.
4. The nucleus contains genetic material.
Nukleus mengandungi maklumat genetik
5. Ovum has a lot of cytoplasm that makes its size bigger than the sperm.
The cytoplasm provides food for the development of the zygote.
Ovum mempunyai banyak sitoplasma yang menyebabkan saiznya lebih
besar daripada sperma. Sitoplasma membekalkan makanan semasa
tumbesaran zigot
- Ovum cannot move by itself.
- Lifespan : up to 24 hours.
- The role of ovum:
- Ovum carries genetic material from the mother in the nucleus.
- Fuses with a sperm to form a zygote.

- Ovum tidak dapat bergerak sendiri

- Jangka hayat: sehingga 24 jam
- Peranan ovum:
- membawa maklumat genetik dari ibu di dalam nukleusnya
- bersenyawa dengan sperma membentuk zigot
Changes in Females during Puberty

1. Females reach puberty earlier than males (age 10 12 years


1. Changes that occur to the body of the females are :

Ovaries start to release mature ova and produce sex hormones.
Growth rate increases.
Breast grow bigger.
Hips become wider.
Hair growth on the armpits and around the pubic region.
Menstruation begins.
Emotional changes like being attracted to the opposite sex.
Comparing Sperm and Ovum

Sperm Human reproductive cells Ovum


Male Gender that produces it Female

Male gamete Type of gamete Female gamete
Testis Place of production Ovary
The smallest cell in the Size The biggest cell in the
male body female body
Plenty (Millions) Quantity produced One

Can Mobility Cannot

Up to 72 hours Lifespan Up to 24 hours
Fuses with ovum to form Function Fuses with sperm to form
zygote zygote
Menstrual Cycle
Kitar Haid
1. The menstrual cycle can be divided into several phases:
Menstruation phase
Repair phase
Fertile phase
Premenstrual phase

Kitar haid boleh dibahagikan kepada beberapa fasa:

Fasa haid
Fasa membaik pulih
Fasa subur
Fasa pra-haid
2. At birth, a girl has many unripe eggs in the ovaries. The
girl starts to ovulate at puberty.
3. At puberty, the ova ripen at different times. When an ovum
ripens and matures, it is released from the ovary.

Ketika lahir, seorang perempuan mempunyai banyak telur

(ovum) yang belum matang di dalam ovarinya. Seorang
perempuan akan mula menghasilkan ovum apabila sudah akil
baligh (matang)

Sesudah akil baligh, ovum akan matang pada masa yang

berbeza. Setelah ovum matang, ia akan dilepaskan dari ovari
4. The release of one mature ovum from one of the two ovaries into
the fallopian tube is called ovulation. This occurs during the fertile
5. During the journey to the uterus, the ovum is ready for fertilisation.

Pembebasan satu ovum yang matang dari salah satu ovari ke dalam
tiub falopian dinamakan ovulasi. Ini terjadi ketika fasa subur

Semasa pergerakan ke rahim, ovum ini telah bersedia untuk

6. At about the same time, changes take place in the uterus to
prepare for the development of the foetus, just in case the
released ovum is fertilised.

7. The lining of the uterine wall becomes thicker and has more
blood vessels. This is to prepare the uterus for the implantation of
a fertilised ovum.

Pada masa yang hampir sama, perubahan berlaku di rahim

sebagaai persediaan untuk pembentukan fetus, JIKA
persenyawaan ovum berlaku.

Dinding rahim semakin menebal dan semakinbanyak salur darah

berkumpul. Ini adalah untuk menyediakan rahim untuk
penempelan ovum yang telah disenyawakan.
8. If there is no fertilisation of the ovum, the wall of the uterus and blood
vessels start to break down.

9. The ovum, blood and lining of the uterine wall is removed through the
vagina as the menstrual discharge.

Jika ovum tidak disenyawakan, dinding rahim dan salur-salur darah akan
mula memecah

Ovum, darah dan lapisan dinding rahim akan dikeluarkan melalui faraj
sebagai haid
10. This is called menstruation. Menstruation is sometimes called a
12. Ovulation and menstruation are part of the menstrual cycle.
13. The cycle is controlled by female sex hormones.
14. One cycle lasts for about 28 days. However, it may vary from 23 to 40

Ini dipanggil kedatangan haid.

Ovulasi dan haid adalah sebahagian daripada kitar haid.
Kitar ini dikawal oleh hormon seks betina
Kitar ini akan berakhir lebih kurang dalam tempoh 28 hari, walau
bagaimanapun, ia mungkin berlanjutan hingga 23 ke 40 hari.
14. The length of the cycle may be affected by factors like the mental
condition, physical activity, emotional changes and nutrition of an

15. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are very important during

menstruation. Observing hygiene prevents infection of the
reproductive organs.

16. Women stops menstruating when they are about 50 55 years old.
This stage makes the end of their fertility and is called menopause.

Jangka masa kitar ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti

kondisi mental, aktiviti fizikal, perubahan emosi dan pemakanan.

Kebersihan peribadi amat penting bagi menjauhi jangkitan kuman

Haid akan terhenti pada umur sekitar 50-55 tahun. Ia namakan

A normal and healthy woman loses about 60ml of blood during

Can fertilisation take place during mestruation?

No, because ovulation does not take place.

What can be found in the discharge during menstruation?

Dead ovum, blood and the lining of the uterine wall.
Fertilisation and Pregnancy
Persenyawaan dan Kehamilan
During sexual intercourse/
copulation, millions of sperms are
released from the penis of the
male into the vagina of the
Semasa persetubuhan, berjuta
sperma akan dibebaskan dari
zakar ke dalam faraj

However, only about 100 will reach the ovum. Of these, only
one is able to fuse with the ovum.
Walau bagaimanapun hanya lebih kurang 100 akan bertemu
ovum dan hanya 1 akan bersenyawa.
The sperms swim with the help of their tails, from the vagina
through the cervix. Then they enter the uterus and go up the
Fallopian tubes.
The lifespan of a sperm is about 72 hours. If a mature ovum is
present in the Fallopian tubes, the sperms will surround the

Sperma akan berenang dengan bantuan ekornya, dari vagina

melalui serviks dan masuk ke rahim dan menuju ke tiub
Jangka hayat sperma ialah lebih kurang 72 jam. Ovum yang
matang ada di tiub falopian dan sperma akan mengelilinginya.
The Flowchart for the Movement of Sperm from the
Testis to the Fallopian tube
Aliran Pergerakan Sperma dari Testis ke Tiub Falopian

Testis Sperm duct Urethra Penis

Fallopian Cervix Vagina

Only one sperm will successfully penetrate the membrane of
the ovum.
A membrane is formed immediately around the ovum. This
membrane prevents other sperms from entering.
The nucleus in the head of the sperm then fuses with the
nucleus of the ovum.
The fusion between the sperm and the ovum forms a zygote.
This process is called fertilisation.

Hanya 1 sperma akan berjaya menembusi membran sel

Membran sel akan segera terbentuk disekeliling ovum untuk
mencegah sperma lain memasukinya
Nukleus di dalam kepala sperma akan bergabung dengan
nukleus dalam ovum
Gabungan antara sperma dan ovum akan membentuk zigot.
Inilah yang dinamakan persenyawaan.
Once a zygote is formed the female becomes pregnant
and a foetus will develop in her uterus.

Sebaik sahaja zigot terbentuk, betina akan hamil dan

fetus akan terbentuk di rahim
Proses gabungan antara
nukleus sperma & ovum
di tiub falopian

Penempelan Ovulasi
Proses zigot melekat di Proses pembebasan
dinding rahim ovum dari ovari
A woman is said to be pregnant when fertilisation has
taken place.
After fertilisation, the zygote formed will move through the
Fallopian tube to the uterus.
The zygote begins to divide before reaching the uterus. The
zygote grows through cell division to form the embryo.

Seorang wanita dikatakan hamil jika persenyawaan

Selepas persenyawaan, zigot terbentuk dan bergerak
melalui tiub falopian tiub ke rahim
Zigot akan membentuk embrio
Implantation of Embryo to the Uterus Wall
Penempelan Embrio di Dinding Rahim
Upon reaching the uterus, the zygote will have
developed into an embryo and stick to the uterus wall -
The embryo grows inside the uterus in a sac surrounded
by a membrane called amnion.

Tiba di rahim, zigot membentuk embrio dan melekat di

dinding rahim penempelan
Embrio membesar dalam pundi yang dikelilingi
membran dipanggil amnion
The sac is filled with a liquid called amniotic fluid which
acts like a cushion to protect the embryo form any
vibration or shock.
The placenta implants the embryo to the uterine wall.

Pundi tersebut dipenuhi cecair amnion untuk

melindungi embrio daripada gegarah atau getaran.
Embrio melekat di rahim pada plasenta
The Embryo
The umbilical cord connects the embryo to the
The placenta contains many blood capillaries. The
embryo gets its supply of nutrients and oxygen from its
mothers placenta through the umbilical cord.
Waste products like carbon dioxide and urea from the
embryo is eliminated into the mothers blood through the
umbilical cord.

Tali pusat menghubungkan embrio dengan plasenta.

Plasenta mengandungi banyak kapilari darah. Embrio
mendapat bekalan nutrien dan oksigen dari plasenta
melalui tali pusat.
Bahan buangan seperti karbon dioksida dan urea
disingkirkan ke dalam darah ibu juga melalui tali pusat
Week 8 week 40

6th day week 8
0-5th day foetus

Fully developed
The period between the occurrence of fertilisation
until birth of the baby is known as the pregnancy
After about 40 weeks (9 months), the foetus is fully
formed and ready to be born. The born foetus is called
a baby.
When the time for birth arrives, the foetus will turn with
its head pointing downwards toward the cervix.

Jangkamasa daripada berlakunya persenyawaan

sehingga anak dilahirkan dinamakan kehamilan
Selepas lebih kurang 40 minggu (9 bulan), fetus
terbentuk sepenuhnya dan bersedia untuk dilahirkan
sabagai bayi.
Tiba masa kelahiran fetus akan berkedudukan dengan
kepala terarah ke serviks

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