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Pon tu nombre aqu =) & Cristian Sinuh Snchez Flores

SL: Spoken in the surroundings.

FL: Not spoken in the surroundings.
FL: Exposed from birth.


Esta diapositiva la podemos

Dividir en tres y profundizar
Que es cada punto
1. Age from ten to sixteen.

No vi mas factores en el
texto igual me los salte en
la lectura o no los entend
Algunas imgenes que funcionen
como hipervnculos hacia las
diapositivas de acquisiton y
According to Yule (1996) Acquisition is used
to refer to the gradual development of ability
in a language by using it naturally in
communicative situations with others who
know the language.
Yule (1996) states that Learning is the
conscious process of accumulating
Cerramos aqu?

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