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Anallergyis a
hypersensitivity disorderof the
immune system
A substance that causes a reaction
is called Allergic reactions occur
when a person's immune system
reacts to normally harmless an
allergen. These reactions are
acquired, predictable, and rapid
Risk factors for allergy can be placed
in two general categories:
1.hostfactors include : heredity, sex,
race, age
2.environmentalfactors : alterations
in exposure toinfectious diseases
during early childhood,
environmentalpollution, allergen
levels, anddietarychanges.
Affected organ Symptom
Nose : swelling of the nasalmucosa(allergic rhinitis)
runny nose, sneezing
Sinuses : allergicsinusitis
Eyes : redness anditchingof theconjunctiva(allergic
conjunctivitis, watery
Airways : Sneezing,coughing,
bronchoconstriction,wheezinganddyspnea, sometimes outright
attacks ofasthma, in severe cases the airway constricts due to
swelling known aslaryngeal edema
Ears : feeling of fullness, possibly pain, and impaired hearing due
to the lack ofeustachian tubedrainage.
Skin : rashes, such aseczemaandhives (urticaria)
Gastrointestinal tract : abdominal pain,bloating,vomiting,
To assess the presence of allergen-
specific IgE antibodies, two different
methods can be used: a skin prick
test, or an allergy blood test. Both
methods are recommended, and
they have similar diagnostic value
Hindari bahan alergen
Farmakologi :antihistamines,epinephrine
(adrenaline),theophyllineandcromolyn sodiumnti. A
-leukotrienes, such asmontelukast(Singulair) or
zafirlukast(Accolate), are FDA approved for treatment
of allergic diseases.[citation needed]Anti-cholinergics,
decongestants, mast cell stabilizers, and other
compounds thought to impair eosinophilchemotaxis,
are also commonly used. These drugs help to
alleviate the symptoms of allergy, and are imperative
in the recovery of acuteanaphylaxis, but play little
role in chronic treatment of allergic disorders.

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