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Counting electrons

The total number of electrons represented in a Lewis structure is equal to the sum
of the numbers of valence electrons on each individual atom. Non-valence
electrons are not represented in Lewis structures.
The octet rule states atoms with eight electrons in their valence shell will be
stable, regardless of whether these electrons are bonding or nonbonding. The rule
applies well to acidic compounds. The 18-Electron rule is operative on atoms from
period 4, which have to achieve 18 electrons to their orbitals and achieve a stable
configuration which has the same electron configuration as a Noble gas. Similarly
from period 6, the atoms have to achieve 32 electrons to fill their orbitals.
Placing electrons
Lewis structures for oxygen, fluorine, the hydrogen sulfate anion, and formamide
Once the total number of available electrons has been determined, electrons
must be placed into the structure. They should be placed initially as lone pairs:
one pair of dots for each pair of electrons available. Lone pairs should initially be
placed on outer atoms (other than hydrogen) until each outer atom has eight
electrons in bonding pairs and lone pairs; extra lone pairs may then be placed on
the central atom. When in doubt, lone pairs should be placed on more
electronegative atoms first.
Once all lone pairs are placed, atoms, especially the central atoms, may not have
an octet of electrons. In this case, the atoms must form a double bond; a lone pair
of electrons is
Tentukan struktur lewis dari :

O3, NO3- , NCO,

PO43-, BrO3F, IO2F2,

ClO4-, SO42- PF5 SF4 ?

1. MXn M diletakkan di tengah sehingga
terdapat n M-X ikatan
2. H dan Halogen hanya memiliki 1 ikatan, group
16 2 ikatan, group 15 3 ikatan group 14
4 ikatan
3. Group 2 dan group 13 electron deficient
4. Element di bawah Mg hipervalence
5. C,N,O,P,S effective -type overlap
Jika aturan oktet dipenuhi :

number of bond = (total e- needed) (valence e- available)


e- needed = 5x8 = 40
e- available = 6 + 4(7) =34
Number of bonding = (40-34)/2 =3 ?

e- needed = 1(2) +2(8) = 18

H-CN e- available = 1 + 4 + 5 = 10
Number of bonding = (18-10)/2 =4 ?
'Formal Charge is defined as the
number of valence electrons minus
the number of lone pair electrons
minus one half of the bonding

6-2-3 = +1 6-2-3=+1
The simplest Lewis theory cannot predict
this without a 'fix' called resonance.

6-6-1 =-1
Secondary resonance structure

S-O bond are chemically and symetrically

equivalent, average f.c = -1/2
5-4-2= -1

4-3 = +1
Muatan formal + EN rendah
Muatan formal - EN tinggi
Hybrid structure
Li-F Both atoms have 0 formal charges

Ionic resonance

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