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Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Column layout
STAAD Pro results:
Design of slab
Design of beam
Design of column
Design of footing
Design of staircase
In this highly populated world, provision of separate space for
constructing a shopping mall is not easy, especially in
developing or developed citied.
In this project work, attempts have made, to comprehend
analysis and synthesis of what we have learned during our
course extended over a period of 3 years.
Design of structural member was done as per IS: 456-2000
limit state method. The grade of concrete and steel was
considered as M20 and Fe 415. Design and detailing of
drawings are incorporated wherever required.
Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Column layout
Wire frame diagram:
3D Rendering view diagram:
Shear force and bending moment
Bending moment diagram:
Shear force diagram:
Design of two way slab:
Concrete grade fck = M20
Steel grade fy = Fe 415
Size of slab = 10 m 9 m
Live load = 5 kN/m2

STEP 1: Type of slab:

Ly/Lx > 2 = 10/9 = 1.1 < 2
Hence design it as two way slab
From IS 456:2000 Clause 25.3.1
Span / Depth = 28
5000 / 28 = D (overall depth)
D = 150 mm
Effective depth d = D - clear cover = 125mm
STEP 2: Load calculation:
Self-weight = b d 25 = 3.75 kN/m
Live load = 5 kN/m
Floor finishes = 1 kN/m
Total load = 9.75 kN/m
Factored load =14.625 kN/m

STEP 3: Effective span:

Clear span + effective depth = 5 + 0.125 = 5.125 m
c/c of supports = 5.230 m
Effective span Leff = 5.125 m
4: Bending moment and shear force:
Moment co-efficient in shorter span in direction x = 0.062
Moment co-efficient in longer span in direction y = 0.062
Bending moment in shorter direction Mx = x w lx2
= 0.062 14.625 5.1252
= 23.81 KN/m
Bending moment in longer direction My = y w ly2
= 0.062 14.625 5.1252
= 23.81 KN/m
Shear force = = 37.47 KN
Mulim = 0.138 fck b 1502
= 0.138 20 1000 1252
= 43.12 KNm
Mu < Mulim
It is under reinforced section
5: Area of main reinforcement:
Mulim = 0.87fyAstd[1-(fyAst /{fckbd})]
23.81106 =0.87415Ast125[1-(415Ast /{20 1000 125 }) ]
Ast = 625.3 mm2
Provide 10 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 125 mm
Provide 10 mm bars @ 125 mm c/c
6: Torsional reinforcement:
Area of torsional reinforcement = Ast provided
= 628.4
= 471.3 mm2
Provide 8 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 105 mm
Provide 8 mm bars @ 105 mm c/c
Length of torsional reinforcement = 1/5 shorter span
= 1/5 5125
= 1025 mm
Provide 8 mm bars @ 105 mm c/c 4 layers for distance of
1025 mm from each corner.
7: Edge strip reinforcement:
Ast minimum = 0.12 % b D
= 0.0012 1000 150 = 180 mm2
Provide 8 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 275 mm
Provide 8 mm bars @ 275 mm c/c

STEP 8: Check for shear stress:

v = ( Vu /b d)

= = 0.249 N/mm2
Pt = ( 100 Ast/ b d)
= = 0.417
c = 0.45 N/mm2
K c = 1.16 0.45 = 0.52 N/mm2 > v
Hence shear stress is within the permissible limits
STEP 9: Check for deflection:
( L / d ) actual = 5125/125 = 41
( L / d ) allowable = 28 1.5 =42
( L / d ) actual < ( L / d ) allowable Hence it is safe in deflection
Reinforcement details of two
way rectangular slab:
Design of rectangular beam:
STEP 1: Given data:
Width of the beam b = 230 mm
Depth of the beam D = 350 mm
Effective depth d = 300 mm
Wall thickness T = 230 mm
Concrete Grade fck = 20 N/mm2
Steel Grade fy = 415 N/mm2
Effective cover d = 50 mm
2: Effective depth required:
dreq =
= 219.26 mm < 300 mm
Hence it is safe
d(provided) = 300 mm

STEP 3: Bending moment calculation:

Bending moment Mu = 30.518 KN/m
Mulim = 0.138 fck b d2
= 0.138 20 230 3002
Mulim = 57.132 kN/m
Mu < Mulim
It is under reinforced section
4: Calculation of tension reinforcement Ast:
To find Ast:
Mulim = 0.87fyAstd[1-(fyAst/{fckbd})]
30.518106 =0.87415Ast300
30.518 106 = 108315 Ast 32.57 Ast2
Ast(req) = 310.79 mm2
Ast = 450 mm2
To find minimum & maximum reinforcement: =
Ast =
Ast(minimum) = 141.32 mm2
Maximum Ast = 0.04 bD
= 0.04 230 350
Ast(maximum) = 3220 mm2
Ast(minimum) < Ast < Ast(maximum)
Number of bars = = 4 bars (use 12 mm bars)
Ast(provided) = 452.38 mm2
v = ( Vu /b d)
= = 0.25 N/mm2
Pt = ( 100 Ast/ b d)
= = 0.655
c = 0.52 N/mm2
v < c Hence provide minimum shear reinforcement
Provide 8 mm bars with 2 legged stirrups
Sv = 394.5 mm
Provide 8 mm at 250 mm centre to centre
Reinforcement details of singly
reinforced beam:
Design of uniaxial column:
Given data:
Axial load on column = 729.83 kN
fck = 20 N/mm2
fy = 415 N/mm2

STEP 1:Area of the column:

Minimum Asc = 0.8% From IS 456:2000 Clause
Assume Asc = 1% of Ag
Pu = 0.4 fck Ac + 0.67 fy Asc
Ac = Ag - Asc
= Ag 0.01 Ac = 0.99 Ag
729.831031.5 = 0.4 20 0.99 Ag + 0.67 415 0.99 Ag
Ag = 102.307 103 mm2
2: Size of the column:
= 1.5 (Assume)
lb = 102.307 103 mm2
1.5 b2 = 102.307 103 mm2
b = 221.16 mm = 230 mm
l = 391.74 mm = 450 mm

STEP 3: Compression Reinforcement:

Asc = 1% of Ag
= 0.01 230 450
= 1035 mm2
Provide 20 mm bars
Number of bars = = 4 bars
Provide 4 numbers of 20 mm bars
4: Lateral ties:
1. largest dia of bars = 20 = 5 mm
2. 8 mm
Provide 8 mm bars

STEP 5: Pitch:
1. LLD = 230 mm
2. 16 smallest of bars = 16 20 =320 mm
3. 300 mm
Hence provide 8 mm at 300 mm c/c
Reinforcement details of
rectangular column:
Design of rectangular footing:
Size of column = 450 230 mm
Assume SBC = 200 kN/ m2
Axial load acting on column = 729.83 kN
Use M20 & Fe 415 HYSD steel bars

STEP 1: Area of footing:

Axial load acting on column = 729.83 kN
Area of footing = = 2.43 m2
2: Side ratio:
Assume column ratio = Footing side ratio
= 1.95
Area of rectangle = l b
2.43 = 1.95 b b
b = 1.11 m = 1.2 m
L = 2.34 m = 2.4 m

STEP 3: Factored soil pressure at the base:

Pu = = = 253.41 kN/ m2
Check for size of footing:
Pu < SBC 1.5
253.41 < 300
Hence adopt size of footing as 2.4 1.2 m
4: Factored Bending moment:
Cantilever projection from shorter face of column
= = 0.485 m
Cantilever projection from longer face of column
= = 0.975 m
Bending moment for shorter side of column
= =
= 29.80 kNm
Bending moment for longer side of column
= =
= 120.44 kNm
5: Depth of footing:
d =
d = 208.8 mm = 210 mm
From shear stress consideration we have critical section for one
way shear is concerned at a distance a from the face at
column shear force Vul = Pu ( 0.975 d )
Assume % reinforcement = Pt = 0.25%
c = ( Vul /b d)
0.36 1000 =
360 d = 253.41 0.975 253.41 d
613.41 d = 247.074
d = 0.405 m
Overall depth D = 405 + 8 + 50 = 463 mm = 500 mm
Effective depth d = 500 8 50 = 442 mm
6: Reinforcement calculation:
Longer dimension
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d [ 1- (fy Ast / {fck b d }) ]
120.44106 =0.87415Ast442[1-(415Ast/{201000442}]
120.44 106 = 159584.1 Ast 7.4917 Ast2
Ast = 783.52 mm2
Shorter dimension
29.80106 =0.87415Ast442[1-(415Ast /{201000442})]
Ast = 188.4 mm2
For longer span provide 16 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 250 mm
For longer span provide 10 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 270 mm
7: Central bond reinforcement calculation:
From IS 456:2000 Clause 34.1
Reinforcement in central bonding
= Ast provided in shorter direction
= 290.88
= 197.20 mm2
Ast minimum = 0.12 % b D
= 0.0012 1000 500 = 600 mm2
Hence provide Ast minimum = 600 mm2
Provide 12 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 160 mm
Hence Provide 12 mm bars @ 160 mm c/c
8: Check for punching shear:
Vz = Pu ( 1.2 2.4 ) ( 1.05 0.83 )
= 508.97 KN
vz = = 0.306 N/ mm2
v = Ks c
c = 0.25 = 0.25
= 1.12 N/ mm2
v = 1 1.12 = 1.12 N/ mm2
vz < v Hence it is safe
Reinforcement details of
rectangular footing:
Design of Doglegged staircase:
1: Given:
Height of floor = 4.57 m
Dimension = 2.4 5 m
Live load = 3 kN/ m2
Height of one flight = = 2.285 m

STEP 2: Dimension of stair case:

Tread = 270 mm
Rise = 150 mm
Number of rise = = 16 Nos
Number of tread = Number of rise 1 = 15 Nos
gap between two stairs is 100 mm
Width of landing = 2.4 - = 1.15 m
Spacing of going slab = No of steps tread
= 16 0.27 = 4.32 m
Landing space = = 0.34 m
Thickness of slab = 130 mm (Assume)
STEP 3: Load calculation of landing slab:
Dead load on landing slab = density of concrete overall
= 25 0.13
= 3.25 kN/ m2
Live load = 3 kN/ m2
Floor load = 1 kN/ m2
Total load = 7.25 kN/ m2
Factored load = 10.875 kN/ m2
4: Load calculation of flight slab:
Dead load on slab = density of concrete overall thickness
= 25 0.13
ws = 3.25 kN/ m2
Dead load on slab on horizontal span = w = ws
= 3.71 kN/ m2
Dead load on one step = area density of concrete
Area = tread rise
= 0.15 0.27 = 0.0405 m2
Dead load on one step = 0.5 0.0405 25 = 0.50 kN/ m2
on one step per meter length =
= = 1.85
Assume floor finish = 0.5 kN/ m2
Live load = 3 kN/ m2
Total load = load on slab+FF+LL+loading on one step
= 4.57 + 1.85 + 3 + 0.5 = 9.6 kN/ m2
Factored load = 9.6 1.5 = 14.44 kN/ m2

STEP 5: Maximum bending moment:

RA + R B = (10.875 0.34) + (14.44 4.32) + ( 10.875 0.34)
RA = R B = = 34.88 kN
Mu = 34.88(0.34+2.16)[(10.8750.34)(0.17+2.16)]
[14.442.16 1.08]
= 87.2 8.615 -33.68 = 44.905 kNm
6: Area of main reinforcement:
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d [ 1- (fy Ast / {fck b d }) ]
44.905 106 = 0.87 415 Ast 106 [ 1- (415 Ast / {20
1000 106 }) ]
44.905 106 = 38271.3 Ast 7.4917 Ast2
Ast = 1826 mm2
Provide 12 mm bars
Spacing = 1000 = 100 mm
Hence Provide 12 mm bars @ 100 mm c/c
STEP 7: Distribution reinforcement:
Minimum reinforcement = 0.12 % b D
= 0.0012 130 1000 = 196 mm2
Spacing = 1000 = 260 mm
Hence Provide 8 mm bars @ 260 mm c/c
Reinforcement details of
doglegged staircase:
In this project we have successfully made an attempt of
Planning, Analysing and Design of Shopping Mall. It
has been designed as per IS Code 456-2000,IS 875:1987.
The analysis has been done using by STADD pro software
using limit state method. Our commercial building has all the
facilities. It fulfils all the needs to the people.
On taking this project we have learnt to plan, analysis and
design a structure in every stage and thus we got an
opportunity of expressing our ideas on the topic.

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