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Culture revolves around basic issues that have
to do with group membership, authority, gender
roles, morality, anxiety, emotions and drives
National level
Organizational level
Occupational level
Gender level
Edward T. Hall classic
dimensions of culture - 1
High/low-context cultures
high-context communication implies the
message; the transmitted message contains
minimal information, the rest being added
from the cultural information previously
acquired by the sender of the message
low-context communication is realized by
explicit statements, using an explicit code;
most of the information must be included in
the transmitted message
Edward T. Hall classic
dimensions of culture - 2
Monochronic/ Polychronic
Monochronic cultures work on a
single task until it is finished.
Polychronic cultures are involved
with many things at once, with
varying levels of attention paid to
Dimensions of National
Geert Hofstede Cultural
fouranthropological problem areas that
different national societies handle
differently: - ways of coping with
- ways of coping with uncertainty,
- the relationship of the individual with
her or his primary group, and
- the emotional implications of having
been born as a girl or as a boy
Geert Hofstede Cultural
Power Distance
Power distance is the extent to which
the less powerful members of
organizations and institutions (like
the family) accept and expect that
power is distributed unequally.
Geert Hofstede Cultural
Uncertainty Avoidance
a society's tolerance for uncertainty
and ambiguity.
It indicates to what extent a culture
programs its members to feel either
uncomfortable or comfortable in
unstructured situations.
Geert Hofstede Cultural
the degree to which individuals are integrated
into groups.
individualist - societies in which the ties
between individuals are loose: everyone is
expected to look after her/himself and her/his
immediate family.
collectivist - societies in which people from
birth onwards are integrated into strong,
cohesive in-groups, often extended families
(with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which
continue protecting them in exchange for
unquestioning loyalty.
Geert Hofstede Cultural
distribution of emotional roles between
the genders
(a) women's values differ less among
societies than men's values; (b) men's
values from one country to another
contain a dimension from very assertive
and competitive and maximally different
from women's values on the one side, to
modest and caring and similar to
women's values on the other.
Geert Hofstede Cultural
Long-Term Orientation
Long- term oriented societies foster
pragmatic virtues oriented towards
future rewards, in particular saving,
persistence, and adapting to changing
Short-term oriented societies foster
virtues related to the past and present
such as national pride, respect for
tradition, preservation of "face", and
fulfilling social obligations.
Geert Hofstede Cultural
Indulgence versus Restraint
Indulgence - a society that allows
relatively free gratification of basic
and natural human drives related to
enjoying life and having fun.
Restraint - a society that suppresses
gratification of needs and regulates it
by means of strict social norms.
Scores around the world

Power distance: high for Latin, Asian and African countries //

smaller for Anglo and Germanic
Uncertainty avoidance: higher in Latin countries, in Japan, and in
German speaking countries // lower in Anglo, Nordic, and Chinese
culture countries
Individualism prevails in developed and Western countries, while
collectivism prevails in less developed and Eastern countries; Japan
takes a middle position on this dimension
Masculinity is high in Japan, in some European countries like
Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and moderately high in Anglo
countries; it is low in Nordic countries and in the Netherlands and
moderately low in some Latin and Asian countries like France, Spain
and Thailand
Long-term orientation scores are highest in East Asia, moderate in
Eastern and Western Europe, and low in the Anglo world, the Muslim
world, Latin America and Africa.
Indulgence scores are highest in Latin America, parts of Africa, the
Anglo world and Nordic Europe; restraint is mostly found in East Asia,
Eastern Europe and the Muslim world

What are the levels on which culture functions?

Taking into account E.T. Hall classic dimensions of
culture, what type of culture do you belong to?
How do you perceive and manage time in your
On what bases can we compare nations from a
cultural point of view?/ What are the cultural
values on which we can compare nations?
What are the particular values that distinguish
your own culture from others?
Do national cultures and organizational cultures
have a similar impact upon the individual?

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