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Word problems

involving exponential
Elifnur Yazc
How many rice can
you fit into a
The rice and
chessboard story
"Oh emperor, my wishes are
simple. I only wish for this.
Give me one grain of rice for
the first square of the
chessboard, two grains for
the next square, four for the
next, eight for the next and
so on for all 64 squares,
with each square having
double the number of grains
as the square before."
How quickly exponential
sequences grow!

18 446 744 073 709 551 615
18 quintillion 446 quadrillion 744 trillion 73 billion 709 million 551
thousand 615

20,000 grains of rice 1kilogram

)/20000 kilogram = ton
Jaime plans to
purchase a car
that depreciates at
a rate of 12% per
year. The initial
cost of the car is
$19,000. How
much money will
the car be worth
after 3 years?
Thank you!

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