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Channels of


-By Ms Sumita Shah

Classified in two Categories


Formal Channel of Communication
When the information is communicated
through the hierarchical lines of authority
Covers an ever widening distance as
organizations grow
Keeps the higher level managers from
getting bogged down with unnecessary
Informal Channel of
Along with formal channel , every
organization has informal channel of
communication that is equally effective
Not officially sanctioned and quite often
discouraged or looked down upon
Named as grapevine as it runs in all
Types of Formal Communication
1. Downward
2. Upward
3. Horizontal/Lateral
4. Diagonal/Crosswise
Downward Communication (refers to
communication from higher level in managerial
hierarchy to lower ones)

Supervisory communication initiated by

upper management
Flows downward through hierarchy of
Effective downward communication is
crucial to success of organization
Downward Communication

Written Oral
Eg instructions Eg instructions
Memo Speeches
Letters Meetings
Handbooks Telephone
Policy statements
Electronic news display
Downward Communication-
Essential for functioning of any
organization as it involves transfer of
information, instruction, advice, ideas to
subordinate staff
Increases staff awareness and facilitates
implementation of new policies, guidelines,
decisions, evaluation and appraisal of the
performance of employees
Downward Communication-

Message Abbreviation
Message Distortion

Message Overload

Incomplete information
Upward Communication
Refers to the flow of information from lower
levels to higher levels within an organization in
the form of information, requests, reports,
proposals, feedback, suggestion box, exit
interviews, grievance committees
Main function is to supply information to the
upper levels about what is happening at lower
Essentially participative in nature and can
flourish only in democratic organizational
Upward Communication-Merits
Promotes better working relationships within
an organization
Facilitates employee involvement in the
decision making process
Upward Communication-

Lack of Positive Encouragement

Concealing unfavorable facts

Delay, Distortion and Filtering

Bypassing and suspicion

Poor Listening

Communicating Criticism
Lateral/ Horizontal
Communication between two or more persons who
are subordinates working under the same person
or on the same level
Main objective is developing teamwork and
promoting group coordination within an
More casual in tone and occurs more frequently
Saves time and facilitates cooperation
Carried out through informal discussions,
management gossip, telephone calls,
teleconferencing, memos, routine meetings
Communication flowing between people
belonging to different levels of hierarchy
and having no direct reporting relationship
Is the result of growing realization of
fraternity and equality in corporate sector
Used generally to quicken the information
flow, improve understanding

Eg informal meetings
Eg company newspaper or
magazine Lunch hour meetings
Bulletin boards Formal conferences
General notices etc
Informal Channel of
Informal channels transmit official news
through unofficial and informal
communicative interactions known as
Includes teatime gossip, casual gatherings,
lunch time meetings..
Such channels more active in organizations
which are not transparent
Factors Responsible for
Grapevine Phenomenon
Feeling of uncertainty or lack of sense of
direction when the organization is passing
through a difficult period.
Feeling of inadequacy or lack of self

confidence on the part of employees,

leading to formation of groups
Formation of coterie, clique or favored

group, giving other employees a feeling of

insecurity or isolation
Merits of Grapevine
Speedy transmission
Feedback value

Support to other channels

Strengthens the solidarity of workers

Less expensive than formal channels

May give some information that you may

find otherwise difficult to collect through
formal channels
Demerits of Grapevine
Less credible
Incomplete Information

Distorted information

Fast spreading nature can cause damage to

the organization
Guidelines for Grapevine
To be used as a supplementary channel only
Information to be verified for the facts
and source
Should not be ignored

Employees using this channel should not be

threatened or encouraged too much
Fax - Fax uses the public telephone system as a way of delivering paper documents
from one place to another, for situations where a hard copy isn't essential. This can
be used for business to business communication.

Email - E-mail has become the primary means for delivering short text messages
within organisations that are networked. E-mail between organisations is has become
more common and this method is increasingly take the place of fax, particularly as
whole documents can be sent as e-mail attachments. E-mail provides many cost
advantages when compared with the use of paper or the telephone. This can be used
for staff to staff, staff to customer and customer to staff communication.

Telephone/ Mobiles - Phones are universal and, with the advent of voice mail
and mobile phones, it is now possible to reach people practically anytime, anywhere.
This can be used for staff to staff communication.
Video Conferencing - Video conferencing uses phone lines to
transmit video as well as sound, between two or more groups. Because
cameras, microphones, audio playback and special software are required,
video conferencing is used only infrequently and on specially-provided
workstations. However, as networks become more powerful and the
machinery becomes less expensive, it is possible that this will eventually be
available to everyone. This can be used for staff to staff communication.

Intranet - An intranet uses the same technology as the Internet, but

operates within the confines of a single organisation. Normally an intranet is
used to deliver text and images. Information is much less expensive to
distribute and maintain with an intranet than with paper copies. This can be
used for staff to staff communication.
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