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Rapid Response

Aishah Al-Naiem, Omar Quintanar, and Ivan Torres
Rapid Response
What is a RRT?

When a patient demonstrates signs of

imminent clinical deterioration, a team of
providers is summoned to the bedside to
immediately assess and treat the pt with
the goal of preventing intensive care unit
transfer, cardiac arrest, or death.
Rapid Response
Purpose of a Rapid Response?

Patient whose condition deteriorates acutely while hospitalized often exhibit warning
signs in the hours before experiencing adverse clinical outcomes

A pt meets criteria for a rapid Response Team to be activated if any of the following
criteria are met:

Heart rate is < 40 bpm or > 140 but

SBP is < 90 mmHg or > 180 mmHg

Respiratory rate is < 8 min or > 28 min

SpO2 less than 90% that does not improve with O2 administration

Respiratory distress

Acute significant bleed

Acute mental status change

Purpose of a Rapid Response cont.

Urinary output < 50mL in 4 hours and/or <

100 mL in 8 hours

Staff or family concerned

Note: If pt's baseline vital signs meets

criteria, the physician should adjust "Notify
provider vital signs" order to parameters they
feel are appropriate for initiating a Rapid
Due to the critical nature of a RR, we
would like to determine if there are any
distinguishing factors that contribute to a
patients deteriorating condition; and if any
of these factors are preventable. The goal
of this project is to possibly improve
patient outcomes and implement any
necessary change to the rapid response
team and/or policy of rapid responses.
We wanted to examine the relationship among floor and duration
stay at the hospital.

To do this, we ran a Hierarchical Multiple Logistic Regression with

Outcome (Remains in Room or Transferred to ICU) as our
dependent variable. We ran a logistic regression because of our
outcome variable (Remains in Room, transferred, or expired). In
the first step, we entered Sex and Age. To examine the
independent effects of duration predicting outcome, we entered
Floor and duration stay into step two of the model. None of the
variables significantly predicted the Outcome, although due to
number of patients in our sample (N = 46) there is a possibility
that if we had more patients we could draw a more definitive
conclusion. Due to the significance value of the Duration variable
(.105), we expect that there will be significance with a larger

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