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Perceptual world

Our perception/judgment of somebodys actions is

influenced by the assumptions we make about other
persons internal state
Our perception/judgment of somebodys actions is
influenced by the norms of the system and society
related to the action
So perception can be understood as the interpretation
of stimuli we encounter or giving meaning to a stimuli
World is as it is perceived
Therefore, behaviorally it is important
Most interpersonal problems have perceptual roots

Why different meaning by different people

Stimuli is like that

Person is like that
Context/situation/environment forced one to
give meaning like that
Conclusion is that meaning changes
depending on time, setting (work place),
and region (society/culture)

Person, stimuli and environmental characteristics

Person is like that
Aspirations and
Cognitive framework

Stimulus is like that

Physical stimulus, relate in
the context of people
nt forces to perceive in that
Setting (work place) and
Region (society/culture)

How do we make judgment about others

Selective perception is tendency to selectively interpret/give meaning to
what we encounter on the basis of our personal profiles, why
Because, we can not observe everything going on and it is difficult
(impossible) to assimilate everything we see but only certain stimuli at a
Therefore, you will see what you want to see depending on your
interests, background, experience, values etc
Halo effect refers to the tendency of drawing a general impression
about people with whom we encounter on the basis of single most
important characteristics of the target person/s
Projection is reflection of ones own desires on others means tendency to
attribute our own characteristics on others while making judgments
Stereotyping is tendency to judge/evaluate other/s on the basis of our
perception of the group to which target person/s belong
Implications for managers

Inferring causes from events is attribution

People have general tendency to attribute success to
internal and blame for failures on external factors
attributional error
We have tendency to
underestimate the
influence of external
factors and overestimate
the influence of internal
factors while making
judgment about the
behavior of others

Self serving bias

We have tendency to
attribute our own
success to internal
factors such as
ability/effort while
putting the blame for
failures on external
factors such as luck and
task difficulty

Why the case and factors influencing

perception are important for you (M)
Perceptual problems discussed take place and play
their role in work-context on
Performance expectation (SFP/Pygmalion)
Performance evaluation/appraisal
People effort (motivation)
People overall relationship
Enhancing performance
Shows relationship between perception and
decision making

Rationality (bounded) and

intuition: Decision making styles

Sensation (S)
Intuition (I)
Thinking (T)
Feeling (F)
High score on S- (Realistic) see the world in terms of facts
High score on I- see the world in holistic terms
High score on F- take decisions based on gut feelings
High score on T- take logical and analytical approach in
Two important issues
1. Moral development (ethics)
2. Organizational constraints

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