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Core Competency 1

By Porchala Armstrong

Core Competency: 1
Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior

Practice Behavior 1.1

Make Ethical decisions by applying the standards of the NASW code of Ethics,
relevant laws and regulations, models for ethical decision-making, ethical conduct
of research, and additional code of ethics as appropriate to context .
The National Association of Social Workers states that social workers should respect clients
right to privacy. Privacy and Confidentiality is major rule Cape Fear Valley Medical Center
use to eliminate ethical dilemmas . While doing General Assessments for patients needs it is
important to keep the doors close while collecting demographics information from patient.

Practice Behavior 1.2

Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in
practice situation.
At Cape Fear Valley during an assessment session I noticed there were a lot of patients
whom preferred the option of keeping their religious beliefs to no preference (no religious
background). As a social worker intern I consider myself a Christian and I thought it was
very important to not become basis or judgmental due to different religious beliefs.

Practice Behavior 1.3

Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior; appearance; and oral, oral written and
electronic communication
Being a medical social worker intern at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center the dress code is
very strict. Social workers are expected to have a business causal style which does not
consist of open toed shoes, tank tops, and jeans. No club dresses are allowed! All social
workers and interns have to have appropriate non reveling shirts and knee length skirts or
dresses with a white lab coat on at all times. Also another example was when I gave out
TOCs (transition of care) documentation for the beginning of discharging processes I had
to communicate professionally with the patient stating for them to take documentation to first
Obgyn appointment

Practice Behavior 1.4

Use technology ethically and appropriately to facilitate practice outcomes.
Although I do not have computer access until next week I had to sign documentation that
stated while using Cape Fear Valley Computers do not browse any other social media or
websites that do not pertain to work related issues.

Practice Behavior 1.5

Use supervision and consultation to guide professional judgment and behavior
Met with supervisor and other social workers to discuss tips and ideas about how to create
questions when assessing or evaluating a patient.

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