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Thursday, November 10 th , 2016

ELAGSE8RL4: Determine the
meaning of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the impact of specific word
choices on meaning and tone,
including analogies or allusions to
other texts.

ELAGSE8RL3: Analyze how particular

lines of dialogue or incidents in a
story or drama propel the action,
reveal aspects of a character, or
provoke a decision

Learning Target
How can I use
quotes, and
connections to
demonstrate my
of a literary

Chapter 3, Fever
Please follow
along as we read.
Your eyes should
be on the paper
and when I turn
the page, you
should turn the
page as well!

Weekly Reading Logs Calendar

November 7th-11th: pages 1-40
November 14th-18th: pages 41-80
November 21st-25th:
Thanksgiving Break
November 28th-December 2nd:
pages 81-120
December 5th- 9th: pages 121160

Weekly Reading Logs

You will pick one vocabulary term from the weeks
section of the reading and use context to define

You will pick one important quote from the story
and explain how it either propels (moves) the
plot, develops the characters,

You will make one connection between your
experience and the text. You could pick a:
Text to text connection
Text to self connection
Text to world connection

Vocabulary Model

Page #

Sentence where you found the term

Rouse yourself this instant!

Definition based on context

In this scene, Mathildas mother is telling her to rouse herself
immediately. Her mother is currently mad at her for sleeping in,
so rouse must mean the same thing as wake up or get out of

Quote Model
A few block south lay the Walnut Street Prison, where
Blanchard had flown that remarkable balloon. From the
prisons courtyard it rose, a yellow silk bubble escaping the earth. I
vowed to do that one day, slip free of the ropes that held me. (page 2)

Why is this quote important?

This quote from the narrator, Mathilda, in chapter one is important
because it helps the reader understand more about her character
motivation. Mathilda feels drawn to the balloon because for her, it is a
symbol of freedom. The balloon escapes and slips free from the
ropes at the prison; it does not lift off gently, or ascend smoothly, like
one might imagine a balloon would normally do. Based on the language
Mathilda uses to describe being drawn to the freedom represented by
the open skies, we can guess that in her own life she obviously feels

Connections Model
Mathildas character in the novel Fever 1793 reminds me
of myself when I was a girl because of her relationship
with her mother. When I was young, I also frequently
disagreed with my mother. Just like Mathildas mother is
constantly lecturing her about being lazy and
complaining, my mother would always tell me about how
different her childhood was from my own. My mother
was also perfect, just like Mathildas mother describes
herself; she was in band and chorus, made perfect
grades, and never got into any trouble (unlike me!). I
can tell that Mathilda loves her mother since she does
things for her, like preventing Silas from getting mouse
blood all over her quilt. However I can understand the
feeling of having a strained relationship with someone
you love.

Partner up with an elbow buddy.
Each person will receive 3 Post-It notes.

On your Post-It, you will review your partners weekly reading log
thus far and offer one GROW and one GLOW for each section
(vocabulary, connection, and quote).
Example GROW
When you are defining your vocabulary term, it might help to clarify what type of context
clue you used to figure out what the word meant (synonym, antonym, inference or

Example GLOW
I love how you brought in your knowledge of current events in making text-to-world
connections to the novel. It really made your work look academic!

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