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The excavation
was about 1.5 meters
until reaching the
appropriate level

Plane Concrete
Plan concrete is Concrete without
reinforcement steel placed under
the foundations it has larger area
.than the foundations
.The Rise not more than 10cm
.To avoid Overlap foundations
.To better Distribute forces to soil
Isolated Foundations from the

The purpose of foundations isDistribution load to the plan
. concrete then the soil
Square foundation(1.40m x 1.40m x 0.6 m)
Isolated Foundation (1.20 m x 1.20m
x 0.4 m) After finishing from steel
.bars (8 14mm at bose side)
Processing the form wood To PouringReinforced Concrete For Neck
Columns (0.20 m x 0.60 m ) After
Finishing From steel bars (8
14mm with stirrups 7 8mm per

:During casting.Concrete temperature is be 32 not more-1

Casting is in the evening or in the early times of the-2
"To save the water of concrete from evaporation"
Take sample for the slump test-3

Isolated Foundation By Hot biotmen-

Put water balance to make sure that in the same.level
. Put the wooden planks around the dimensionsDouble check the dimension of wood to avoid leak.the concrete
.Reinforcement beams cast once-

-Filling the layers by Soil
Spraying by waterCompacted the soil by.grader

: Reinforcement the ground

The reinforcement be in two layers of rebar in two. different directions
Cove the entire area of the roomAfter finishing from backfilling material andcompaction soil Processing the form wood To
Pouring Reinforced
concrete For Ground beams
(0.20 m x 0.60 m ) After finishing from steel bars
(( TOP 3 14mm + BOT 3 14mm + TWO SIDE 2
12mm WITH STIRRUPS 8mm per M.L

Put the wooden planks around the dimensions of. Column
Double check the dimension of wood to avoid leak.the concrete
Use water balance and string way to make sure from.incorruptibility
Processing the form wood To Pouring ReinforcedConcrete For Columns (0.20 m x 0.60 m ) After
.Finishing From steel bars

:During casting#
.Concrete temperature is be 32 not More-1
Casting is in the evening or in the early times of the-2
To save the water of concrete from evaporation"
.Take sample to do the compression test-3

Spraying by water to specific time, two time at the day

.to avoid cracking

Build The Wall

The Wall Component from block and Cement
.Cement be between the blocks
The blocks used 20 cm with hollow

Reinforcement The Roof

The reinforcement be in two layers of rebar in two. different directions
Cove the external area of the roomProcessing the form wood To Pouring Reinforced
Concrete For Slab After Finishing From steel bars

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