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D i e l e c tr i c

+Q o



Q o

i ( t)


(b )

(c )

Fig. 7.1: (a) Parallel plate capacitor with free space between plates.
(b) As a slab of insulating m aterial is inserted between the plates,
there is an external current flow indicating that m ore charge is stored
on the plates. (c) T he capacitance has been increased due to the
insertion of a m edium between the plates.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q

n e t

= 0

p = Q a

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)


E lec tr o n c lo u d

A to m ic
n u cleu s

(a) A

n eu tr al ato m

in E

0 .

C e n te r o f n e g a ti v e
c h a rg e

in d u c e d

( b ) In d u c e d d ip o le m o m e n t in a fie ld

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

B o u n d p o l a r i z a ti o n
c h a r g e s o n th e s u r f a c e s



(b )


A re a = A

to ta l

(c )


Fig. 7.4: (a) When a dilectric is placed in an electric field, bound polarization
charges appear on the opposite surfaces. (b) The origin of these polarization
charges is the polarization of the molecules of the medium. (c) We can
represent the whole dielectric in terms of its surface polarization charges
+QP and -QP.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

lo c

E le c tr ic f ie ld a t
a to m ic s c a le

lo c

E =

Fig. 7.6: The electric field inside a polarized dielectric at the

atomic scale is not uniform. The local field is the actual field that
acts on a molecules. It can be calculated by removing that
molecules and evaluating the field at that point from the charges on
the plates and the dipoles surrounding the point.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

S iio n ic c o r e

N e g a tiv e c h a r g e c lo u d o f v a le n c e
e le c tr o n s

(b )

Fig. 7.7: (a) Valence electrons in covalent bonds in the absence of an

applied field. (b) When an electric field is applied to a covalent
solid, the valence electrons in the covalent bonds are shifted very
easily with respect to the positive ionic cores. The whole solid
becom es polarized due to the collective shift in the negative charge
distribution of the valence electrons.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

(a )

C l

N a

p '

p '

(b )

Fig. 7.8: (a) A NaCl chain in the NaCl crystal without an applied
field. Average or net dipole moment per ion is zero. (b) In the
presence of an applied field the ions become slightly displaced
which leads to a net average dipole moment per ion.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)




= aQ


(a )

= 0

(c )

(b )



Fig. 7.9: (a) A HC l m olecule possesses a perm anent dipole m om ent, p o

(b) In the absence of a field, therm al agitation of the m olecules results
in zero net average dipole m om ent per m olecule. (c) A dipole such as
HC l placed in a field experiences a torque which tries to rotate it to
align p o with the field E. (d) In the presence of an applied field the
dipoles try to rotate to align with the field against therm al agitation.
T here is now a net average dipole m om ent per m olecule along the
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

E le c tr o d e

E le c tr o d e

D ie le c tr ic

F ix e d c h a r g e

A c c u m u l a te d c h a r g e

M o b ile c h a r g e
(b )


G r a i n b o u n d a r y o r i n te r f a c e

Fig. 7.10: (a) A crystal with equal number of mobile positive ions and fixed
negative ions. In the basence of a field there is no net separation between
all the positive charges and all the negative charges. (b) In the presence of
an applied field the mobile positive ions migrate towards the negative
electrode and accumulate there. There is now an overall separation between
the negative charges and positive charges in the dielectric. The dielectric
therefore exhibits interfacial polarization. (c) Grain boundaries and
interfaces between different materials frequently give rise to interfacial
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)


E = E s in t

r ' and r ''




0 .0 1
v = V s i n

0 .1



(a )

(b )

Fig. 7.12: (a) An ac field is applied to a dipolar m edium . The polarization

P ( P = Np ) is out of phase with the ac field. The relative perm ittivity is a
com plex num ber with real ( r ') and im aginary ( r '') parts that exhibit
frequency dependence.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

v = V s i n

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

I n t e r f a c i a l a n d
s p a c e c h a r g e
O rie n ta tio n a l,
D ip o la r

Io n ic
E le c tro n ic

1 0 2





1 0 10

1 0 12

1 0 14

1 0 16

Fig. 7.14: The frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts
of the dielectric constant in the presence of interfacial, orientational,
ionic and electronic polarization mechanisms.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

2 .7

0 .0 4 5

2 .6 5

2 .6

2 .5 5

0 .0 4

0 .0 3 5

2 .5

0 .0 2 5
0 .0 2

2 .3 5

2 .4

0 .0 3

2 .4 5

Fig. 7.15: Real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant , r '
and r '', vs frequency for (a) a polymer, PET, at 115C and (b), an
ionic crystal, KCl, at room temperature. Both exhibit relaxation
peaks but for different reasons. (Data for (a) from Dielectric
Analysis, DEA, by Kasap and Nomura (1995) and data for (b)
from C. Smart, G.R. Wilkinson, A.M. Karo, J.R. Hardy,
International Conference on Lattice Dynamics, Copenhagen,
1963, as quoted by D.H. Martin, The study of the vibration of
Crystal Lattices by far Infra-Red Spectroscopy, Advances in
Physics, 14, (No. 53-56), pp. 39-100, 1965)
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

C h a r g e s in s id e
th e s u r f a c e

d A

S u rfa c e

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

G a u s s s u rfac e

A re a = A


(b )

Fig. 7.17: (a) The Gauss surface is a very thin rectangular surface just
surrounding the positive electrode and enclosing the positive charges,
Qo. The
field cuts only the face just inside the capacitor. (b) A solid dielectric occupies
part of the distance between the plates. The vacuum (air)-dielectric boundary is
parallel to the plates and normal to the fields
E1 andE2. (c) A thin rectangular
Gauss surface at the bundary encloses the negative polarization charges.

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

B o u n d ar y

(a )

t 1

t 2

n 2

forEt1 = Et2.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

Fig. 7.19: Field in the cavity is higher than the field in the solid.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

Fig. 7.20: A thin slab of dielectric is placed in the middle of a

parallel plate capacitor. The field inside the thin slab is E2.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q

G a u s s s u r f a c e

fre e

D ie l e c tr i c

Fig. 7.21: A convenient Gauss surface for calculating the field inside
the dielectric is a very thin rectangular surface enclosing the surface
of the dielectric. The total charges enclosed are the free charges on
the electrodes and the polarization charges on the surface of the
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

V o id in d ie le c tr ic

H ig h v o lta g e c o n d u c to r


(b )

G as

G ro u n d

C r a c k ( o r d e f e c t) a td ie le c tr ic
e le c tr o d e in te r f a c e

(c )


From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q


From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

O u te re le c tro d e
D ie le c tric in s u la to r
(e .g .,p o ly e th y le n e )
In n e re le c tro d e
T in y p o re o rc ra c k
E le c tric a ltre e in g
S e m ic o n d u c tin g
p o ly m e rs h e a th s
C a b le ja c k e t
(a )

(b )

Fig. 7.24. (a) A schematic illustration of electrical treeing breakdown

in a high voltage coaxial cable which was initiated by a partial
discharge in the void at the inner conductor - dielectric interface. (b) A
schematic diagram of a typical high voltage coaxial cable with
semiconducting polymer layers around the inner conductor and around
the outer surface of the dielectric.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

In tr i n s i c
E l e c tr o n i c
1 M V c m

E l e c tr o m e c h an ic al

In te r n a l d i s c h a r g e s
a n d e l e c tr i c a l tr e e s

T h e rm a l


W a te r tr e e s

1 kV cm


1 ns

1 s

1 m s

1 s

1 m in

1 h r 1 d a y 1 m o 1 y r1 0 y r s

T i m e to b r e a k d o w n

Figure 7.25: Tim e to breakdown and the field at breakdown, Ebr ,

are interrelated and depend on the m echanism that causes the
insulation breakdown. External discharges have been excluded
(based on L.A. Dissado and J.C . Fothergill, Electrical Degradation
and Breakdown in Polym ers, Peter Peregrinus Ltd. for IEE, UK,
1992, p. 63)
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

G a u s s s u rfa c e
D i e l e c tr ic


+ Q

d r

fre e

Fig. 7.26: A schematic diagram for the calculation of the capacitance

of a coaxial cable and the field at point r from the axis. Consider an
infinitesimally thin cylindrical shell of radius r and thickness dr in
the dielectric and concentrically around the inner conductor. This
surface is chosen as the Gauss' surface. The voltage across the
dielectric thickness dr is dV. The field E = -dV/dr.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

1 p F

1 n F

Fig. 7.27: Examples of dielectrics that can be used for various

capacitance values.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

H ig h P e r m ittiv ity C e r a m ic
L o w lo s s c e ra m ic a n d g la s s
M ic a F ilm
P o ly m e r F ilm
A lE le c tro ly tic
T a E le c tr o ly tic

1 H z

1 k H z

1 M H z

1 G H z

F re q u e n c y

Fig. 7.28: Examples of dielectrics that can be used in various

requency ranges.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

M e ta lte r m in a tio n

C e r a m ic

L eads

M e ta le le c tr o d e

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

P o ly m e rf ilm
A lm e ta lliz a tio n

(a )

(b )

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

E le c tro ly te
A l
A l f o ils

C a th o d e

A n o d e

A l

A l

A lc a s e

(a )

(b )

FromPrinciple sofEle ctronicMate rialsandDe vice s,S e condEdition,S.O.Ka sa p(McGra wHill,2002)

E poxy
S ilv er p ain t

T a O

T a

G r a p h ite

M nO

S ilv e rp a s te

T a

L ad s



Fig. 7.32: Solid electrolyte tantalum capacitor. (a) A cross section

without fine detail. (b) An enlarged section through the Ta
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

D ip o la r s id e g r o u p

P o ly m e r c h a in

P o ly m e r d ie le c tr ic

(a )

(c )

(b )

Fig. 7.33: (a) A polymer dielectric which has dipolar side groups attached
to the polymer chains. With no applied field the dipoles are randomly
oriented. (b) In the presence of an applied field some very limited rotation
enables dipolar polarization to take place. (c) Near the softening
temperature of the polymer, the molecular motions are rapid and there is
also sufficient volume between chains for the dipoles to align with the
field. The dipolar contribution to
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

2 .9

0 .1
P E T a tf= 1 k H z

2 .8
0 .0 1

ta n

2 .7

0 .0 0 1
2 .6


2 .5

0 .0 0 0 1

5 0

1 0 0

1 5 0

2 0 0

2 5 0

T e m p e r a tu r e ( C )

Fig. 7.34: Real part of the dielectric constant,

r ', and loss tangent,
tan, at 1 kHz vs temperature from Dielectric Analysis, DEA [by
Kasap and Maeda (1995)]
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

F o rc e

P = 0

(a )

(b )

(c )

(d )

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

F o rc e

P = 0

(a )

P = 0

(b )

Fig. 7.36: A cubic unit cell has a center of symmetry.

(a) In the absence of an applied force the centers of mass for positive
and negative ions coincide. (b) This situation does not change when
the crystal is strained by an applied force.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

A '

P = 0


(a )

(b )

A ''

P = 0

B ''


From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

M ech an ical
v ib ratio n s
P iez o elec tric
tran sd u c er

E lastic w av es
in th e so lid
O sc illato r

O sc illo sc o p e


From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

(a )

P ie z o e le c tric

P ie z o e le c tric

P ie z o e le c tric


(b )

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

Q u a r tz



(b )

(c )


(d )

Figure 7.40 When suitably cut quartz crystal with electrodes

is excited by an ac voltage as in (a) it behaves as if it has the
equivalent circuit in (b). (c) and (d) The magnitude of the
impedance Z and reactance (both between A and B) vs.
frequency, neglecting losses.

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

B a




( a ) B a T i O 3 c u b i c c r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e a b o v e 1 3 0

( b ) B a T i O 3 c u b i c s t r u c t u r e a b o v e 1 3 0 C

( c ) B a T i O 3 t e t r a g o n a l s t r u c t u r e b e l o w 1 3 0 C

Fig. 7.41: BaTiO3 has different crystal structures above and

below 130C which leads to different dielectric properties.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

H e a t

Fig. 7.43: The heat absorbed by the crystal increases the temperature
by T which induces a change
P in the polarization. This is the
pyroelectric effect. The change
P gives rise to a change
V in the
voltage which can be measured.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)


A bsorbing

H ighinputresistance
am plifier

R esponsetoconstantradiation

C hoppedradiation

R esponsetochoppedradiation

R eflecting

Fig. 7.44: The pyroelectric detector. Radiation is absorbed in the

detecting element, A, which generates a pyroelectric voltage that is
measured by the amplifier. The second element, B, has a reflecting
electrode and does not absorb the radiation. It is a dummy element
that compensates for the piezoelectric effects. Piezoelectric effects
generate equal voltages in both A and B which across a and b (the
input of the amplifier) cancel each other.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)


fre e


fre e

fre e


fre e

V ac u u m

D i el ec tr i c

E l e c tr o m e te r

E l e c tr o m e te r

(b )

Fig. 7.45: (a) Parallel plate capacitor with free space between plates
which has been charged to a voltage Vo . There is no battery to
m aintain the voltage constant across the capacitor. The electrom eter
m easures the voltage difference across the plates and, in principle,
does no affect the m easurem ent. (b) After the insertion of the
dielectric, the voltage difference is V, less than Vo and the field in the
dielectric is E less than Eo .
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q

G a u s s s u rfa c e

fre e

d A

D i e l e c tr ic

Fig. 7.46: Consider a Gauss surface just around the right plate and
within the dielectric encompassing both +Qfree and QP. (E is the
electric field.)
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q

+ Q

fre e

fre e

d e p

Fig. 7.47: The field E inside the dielectric can be considered to be

the sum of the field Eo due to the free charges (Qfree) and a field
due Edep to the polarization of the dielectric, called the
depolarization field.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

+ Q

+ Q

fre e

fre e

d e p

Fig. 7.47: The field E inside the dielectric can be considered to be

the sum of the field Eo due to the free charges (Qfree) and a field
due Edep to the polarization of the dielectric, called the
depolarization field.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

A p p lie d f ie ld

A p p lie d f ie ld



= 0


T h in r o d
d ie le c tr ic

P o la r iz e d
s p h e r ic a l
d ie le c tr ic
(a )

(b )

Fig. 7.48: (a) Polarization and the depolarizing field in a spherical

shaped dielectric placed in an applied field Eo . (b) Depolarization
field in a thin rod placed in an applied field is nearly zero.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

d E

d x

Fig. 7.49: Left: A dipole m om ent in a nonuniform field experiences a

net force F that depends on the dipole m om ent p and the field gradient
d E/dx.
Right: When a charged com b (by com bing hair) is brought close to a
water jet, the field from the com b polarizes the liquid by orientational
polarization. The induced polarization vector P and hence the liquid is
attracted to the com b where the field is higher.
From Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition, S.O. Kasap ( McGraw-Hill, 2002)

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