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the energy solar is a energy renewable, obtained since of use of the radiation electromagnetic from of sun. the
radiation solar that reaches the land has been exploited for the be human since the antiquity, through different
technologies that have gone evolving. in the present, the heat and the light of sun can profit for half of various panels
as cells photovoltaic may transformed in energy electrical or thermal. is call energy renewable or energy clean, that
could help to solve some of the enviromental problems in the earth. the different technologies solar is can classify in
pasives or active according to how catch, become and distributed the energy solar. the technologies active include
the use of panels photovoltaic and the pasive techniques , is found different techniques in the architecture like the
orientation of the buildings to the sun, the selection of materials with a mass thermal favorable or that have
properties for the dispersion of light, so as the design of spaces through ventilation natural. in 2011, the agency
international of the energy said that the development of technologies solar clean, cheap and inagotables will mean
a enormous benefit to long term. increase the security energy of the countries through the use of a fountain of
energy local, still more important, independently of imports, increase the sustainability, reduce the contamination,
decrease the costs of the mitigation of change climatic, and will prevent the climb excessive of the prices of the fuel
fossil. these advantages are global. of this way, the costs for its incentive and development must be considered
investments. the fountain of energy solar more developed in the present is the energy solar . according to reports of
the organization ecologist greenpeace, the energy solar could supply electricity to two thirds of the population
worldwide in 2003 thanks to the advances technological, the sophistication and the economy of scale, the cost of the
energy solar is has reduced of form constant since that is they made the first cells solar commercial, increasing to its
time the efficiency, and its cost half of generation electrical already is competitive with the energy not renovables in
a growing number of regions geographical, reaching the parity of red.


The Earth receives 174 petawatt of solar radiation from the highest layer of the atmosphere. Approximately 30% returns into space, while clouds,
oceans and land masses absorb remaining. The electromagnetic spectrum of sunlight on the Earth's surface is occupied mainly visible light and
infrared ranges with a small part of ultraviolet radiation.

The power of radiation varies by time of day, weather conditions that cushion and latitude. Under conditions of acceptable radiation. This power is
called irradiance. Note that overall virtually all radiation received is re-emitted into space (otherwise an abrupt warming would occur). However,
there is a noticeable difference between the radiation received and emitted.

Radiation is usable in its direct and diffuse components, or the sum of both. Direct radiation that comes directly from the solar focus, without
intermediate reflections or refractions. The daytime sky diffuse radiation emitted due to the multiple phenomena of reflection and solar refraction
in the atmosphere, clouds and other atmospheric and terrestrial elements. Direct radiation can be reflected and concentrated for use, while it is not
possible to concentrate the diffused light coming from all directions.

Direct irradiance normal (or perpendicular to sunlight) outside the atmosphere, it called the solar constant and has an average value of 1366 W / m
(corresponding to a maximum value at perihelion of 1395 W / m and minimum value at aphelion 1308 W / m).

The radiation absorbed by the oceans, clouds, air and land masses increase the temperature thereof. The heated air is containing evaporated water
that rises from the oceans, and partly of the continents, causing atmospheric circulation or convection. When the air rises to the upper layers
where the temperature is low, its temperature decreases until the water vapor condenses into clouds. The latent heat of water condensation
amplifies convection, producing phenomena such as wind, storms and anticyclones. The solar energy absorbed by the oceans and land masses
keeps the surface at 14 C. For photosynthesis of green plants solar energy is converted into chemical energy, which produces food, wood and
biomass, which also derived from fossil fuels.

Annual Solar flow and human energy consumptio



Wind poweWind powe




Use of primary Energy




Classification by technologies and corresponding more general use

Passive solar energy

Thermal solar energy

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

Passive solar technology is a set of techniques aimed at harnessing solar energy directly, without
transforming it into another type of energy for immediate use or for storage without the need for
mechanical systems or external supply of energy, but can It is supplemented by them, for example
for regulation.

Solar thermal (or thermal energy) is harnessing the sun's energy to produce heat that can be used to
cook food or to produce hot water for domestic water consumption, whether hot water, heating, or for
mechanical energy production and, from it, electricity. In addition it can be used to power an
absorption refrigeration machine, which uses heat instead of electricity to produce cold you can
condition the air of the premises.


La energa solar fotovoltaica consiste en la obtencin de electricidad obtenida directamente a partir
de la radiacin solar mediante un dispositivo semiconductor denominado clula fotovoltaica, o bien
mediante una deposicin de metales sobre un sustrato denominada clula solar de pelcula fina.
Paneles solares fotovoltaicos
consiste en una asociacin de clulas, encapsulada en dos capas de EVA (etileno-vinilo-acetato),
entre una lmina frontal de vidrio y una capa posterior de un polmero termoplstico (normalmente
tedlar). Este conjunto es enmarcado en una estructura de aluminio con el objetivo de aumentar la
resistencia mecnica del conjunto y facilitar el anclaje del mdulo a las estructuras de soporte


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