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Health Education

Teko Dasilveira

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Class
Teko Dasivleira | Office: CE333 Hours: email/appointments only |
Phone: 678-877-5157 | Email:

Dear students, welcome to The Breast Cancer Prevention and Early Detection
class. My name is Teko Dasilveira. As your course instructor, my main focus of putting
this course together is to bring more awareness, insight, and knowledge to breast
cancer prevention and early detection. This class is design for both sex. Upon
completion of this course, the learner will be able to understand the basic structure of
the human breast, demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, and collect and organize, display
and interpret data about ways to detect and treat breast cancer early.


Understand the basic structure of both male and female breast

structure. (this is very important in order to understand breast cancer)

The ability to label and know the functions of the different part of the

Demonstrate a healthy lifestyle.

Collect, organize, display, and interpret data about ways to detect

breast cancer early.

Course Content

Brief anatomy and physiology of the breasts

Cause of breast cancer

Types of Breast Cancer

Self Breast Exam

Breast cancer screening and Testing

Nutrition and healthy diet



Research article summaries


What is Breast Cancer?

Even though breast cancer is a malignant tumor that affect a greater percentage of the female
population; men are also susceptible to the disease as well. So what exactly is breast cancer? This is a
question that requires a person to be familiar with the human body especially the human breast. According
to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer, normally refers to as a malignant tumor, is a set of cancer
cells that grows in the breast tissue. If not detected early, the cancer cells can spread to other parts of the
body or metastasized.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Breast(s)






Causes of Breast Cancer?

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Excessive consumption of alcohol.

Your family history of breast cancer.

Early menstruation before age 12.

Late menopause after age 55.

Dense breast tissue with lobular and ductile tissues instead of fatty

Non-cancer cell abnormality.

Causes of Breast Cancer?

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Being a women


Radiation to chest or face before age 30



Pregnancy/Breastfeeding History


Types of Breast Cancer

Ductal Carcinoma

Lobular Carcinoma

Self-Breast Exam Steps.

Self-Breast Exam:


Change in appearance

Slightly depressed inward nipple



Any discharge


Symptoms and Signs

Self-Breast Exam

(cont.): changes in the appearance of the


lump(s) in the breast

Changes in size/shape of the breast

Swelling or shrinking of breast

Persistent pain in one spot

Hard lump, Knot, or thickening

Itchy or scaly skin on the breast

Breast Cancer Screening and Testing

Mammogram.(screening tests)

Biopsy(diagnostic tests)


Nutrition and Healthy Diet



Reduce starchy carbohydrates

Careful shopping in the following section:

* produce section
* seafood department
* spice aisle

Exercise/Increase Physical Activity

Jumping jacks (total body)

Wall sit (lower body)

Push-up (upper body)

Abdominal crunch (core)

Step-up onto chair (total body)

Squat (lower body

Triceps dip on chair (upper body)

Plank (core)

High knees/running in place (total body)

Lunge (lower body)

Push-up and rotation (upper body)

Side plank (core)

Breast Cancer Treatments


Radiation therapy


Hormone therapy

Targeted therapy

Bone-directed therapy

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, it is estimated that over 220,000
women in the United State will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will
lose their battle to this deadly disease. Even though breast cancer is rare in men, it does not
mean that men should ignore the disease or not take any precautions. It is estimated that
2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.
Hopefully, each and everyone of you will walk away from this information session with a
better understand of breast cancer and ways that you can prevent detect and prevent
yourself from this deadly disease. In addition, I expect each and everyone of you to take this
information and spread them down to your friends, families, and communities members.
Together we can lower the mortality rate of this disease.

Article1: Do You Need That Mammo?

In summary, this article really brought light to the controversies that surrounds mammograms. According to the article,
mammography, is a technique that is used to detect breast cancer. The growing debate discussed in this article is whether or not this
technique is a lifesaver for women in their 40s, if its needed, at what age it should he utilize, and how many times a year it should be
use. Even though mammogram is the best tool for detecting breast cancer, there are times were this technique that is used to diagnosed
breast cancer can over diagnose. In other words, Mammos sometimes detect lesions that would never progress to life-threatening
cancer. This can really put a patient life in danger because over-diagnosed of a disease that does not exist can result in unneeded
surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, according to Dr. Keating. When a women should get mammogram is also debated in this
article. With an early detection being the number priority, some argue that a women should start getting mammogram in their 40s while
others argue that the fact the fact that women in their 5i0s and 60s are more prone to getting breast cancer, getting mammogram should
begin after 50. Last but not least whether or not a women should get her mammogram every years or every two years. In my opinion, in
terms of whether or not a women should begin getting mammogram in their 40s or 50s, I strongly believe in early detection. With that
said, a women should begin this journey in their 40s instead of giving the disease the opportunity to metastasized.

Article2: Coping with Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

This article did an excellent job in shining light on another aspect of thud deadly disease, which is the coping and psychological wellbeing and physical health among the predominant group that have a higher risk of getting breast cancer; women. According to the article,
serious interventions are needed in order to find a solution that will target the psychological distress that even cancer survivors endured years
after diagnosis. The root of these stresses first emerged from diagnosis and prognosis, followed by treatment decisions, and the way in which
all these factors can disrupt a persons ordinary life functions and role. In order to help patients with the stress that comes with being diagnosed
with breast cancer, numerous coping scales are used.

Breast Cancer: Quiz

1. Men can get breast cancer.
A. True
B. False
2. If cancer has metastasized, that means that it
A. exists only in the place where it started
B. has disappeared from the body
C. has spread to other parts of the body
3. Which of the following are possible symptoms of breast cancer?
A. a change on the size or shape of the breast
B. ridges or pitting of the breast
C. nipple discharge or tenderness
D. all of the above
4. Breast cancer is more common in
A. men
B older women
C. younger women
5. Theres nothing you can do to lower your breast cancer risk.
A. True
B. False
6. Only women can perform self-breast examination
A. True
B. False


Graves, G. (2014). Do You Need That Mammo?. Health, 28(6), 85-88.

Kvillemo, P., & Brnstrm, R. (2014). Coping with Breast Cancer: A Meta- Analysis. Plos ONE, 9(11), 1-26.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112733 - Breast Cancer Information and Awareness. (2014, March 20). Retrieved March 9, 2015, from

Causes of Breast Cancer - National Breast Cancer Foundation. (2012). Retrieved from

American Cancer Society Contributors. (1945). American Cancer Society. Retrieved from U.S. Department

Of Health And Human Services. (2012, August). What You Need To Know About Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

"Breast Self-Exam: Check Your Symptoms." EMedicineHealth. 1 May 2003. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.

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