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Session 6

Advanced C# Concepts II


An assembly consists of:

A set of types and resources that form a logical unit of


A manifest containing information that describes the

We can deploy classes within the same namespace into
different assemblies, and classes within different
namespaces into one assembly.
Assemblies are of two types: Private Assemblies and Shared
The version number of an assembly is represented as a fourpart number in the following format: <Major version>.<
Minor version >.<Revision>.<Build Number>

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Review Contd

The System.Reflection namespace contains around forty

classes and interfaces that can be employed to get
information about an object.
Collections are datatypes that provide us with a way to store
and collectively act upon data.
Exceptions are raised by the runtime when an error occurs.
The try and catch block helps in handling raised exceptions.
Using the Throw statement, we can either throw a system
exception, or our own custom exception.
The statements in the Finally block are executed regardless
of the control flow.

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Explain Properties

Discuss type of properties such as





Discuss Indexers

Implement Delegates

Define and Raise Events

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Properties in C#

C# provides the facility to protect a field

in a class by reading and writing to it
through a feature called properties
C# properties enable a similar type of
protection while at the same time allows
access to the property like a field.
In general terms, a property would mean
the characteristics or information about
a particular entity.

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Properties in C# - Contd

The general form for declaring the properties is

<access_modifier> <return_type>

where <access_modifier> can be private, public,

protected or internal. The <return_type> can be
any valid C# type.

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Properties Get & Set

public class Employee
private String sName
private String sId
public string sId
return sId;
sId = value

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Properties Get & Set

Each time we need to access the field we
need to call the set and get methods

Employee emp = new Employee();

emp.sId = S001;
Console.WriteLine("The student id is
{0}, emp.sId);

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Properties - Example
using System;
public class Student
public string sName;
private string internal_sId;//Field
public string sId
return internal_sId;
internal_sId = value;

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Properties Example Contd

class Test
static void Main()
Student one = new Student();
one.sName = "Sam";
one.sId = "St423";
Console.WriteLine("The Name of the Student is {0}
and his Id is {1}", one.sName, one.sId);

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Properties - Explanation

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Types of Properties

Public Properties: Users can access these

properties without any restrictions
Private Properties: are accessible to the
users only from inside the class or structure
where they are defined.
Read / Write Property: Provides both read
and write access to the data members.
Read - Only Property: Provides only read
access to the data members.
Write - Only Property: Provides only write
access to the data members.

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Read-only Property - Example

public class Employee
private int empsalary = 15000;
public int EmpSalary
return empsalary;
class EmployeeTest

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Read-only Property Output

static void Main()
Employee objEmployee = new Employee();
System.Console.WriteLine ("The salary of the
Employee is {0}", objEmployee.EmpSalary);
objEmployee.EmpSalary = 25000; //error }

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Properties Vs Fields

Properties are logical fields

Properties are an extension of


Unlike fields, properties do not

correspond directly to a
storage location

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Property Accessors

Accessors of properties contain the

statements that are to be executed when
a property is get /set
The accessor declarations can contain the
get accessor or the set accessor or both.
The get accessor is similar to any
method that returns a value
The set accessor is similar to a method
that returns a void

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Indexers are simple components of C#

Created for arrays so that the elements

are accessed directly by specifying the
index from the class object

Allow an object to be indexed in the

same way as an array

Enable array-like access to the

members of the class

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Indexers - Example
class IndexerExample
public string[] stringList =new string[10];
public string this[int index]
return stringList[index];
stringList[index] = value.ToString();

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Indexers - Output
class Test
static void Main()
IndexerExample indexTest = new IndexerExample();
System.Console.WriteLine("indexTest[1] is
{0}\nindexTest[2] is {1}", indexTest[1], indexTest[2]);

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Steps for declaring an Indexer

The access modifier that decides the

visibility of the indexer is to be mentioned
State the return type of the indexer
The this keyword
Specify the data type of the index
State the variable name for the index
Specify the get and set accessors inside
the indexer

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Rules for defining an Indexer

At least one Indexer parameter

must be specified

The parameters should be

assigned values

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Indexers vs. Arrays

Indexers do not point to memory


Indexers can have non integer

subscripts (indexes)

Indexers can be overloaded

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Indexer Example 1
using System.Collections;
class StrIndex
public Hashtable studentList = new Hashtable();
public int this[string name]
return (int) studentList[name];
studentList[name] = value;

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Indexer Example 1
class Test
static void Main()
StrIndex objIndex = new StrIndex();
objIndex ["Sam"] = 232676;
objIndex ["Tom"] = 455464;
System.Console.WriteLine ("Phone number
of Sam is {0} and Phone number of Tom
is {1}", objIndex ["Sam"],

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Indexer Example - 2
using System.Collections;
class IndexerExample
public string[] stringList = new string[10];
public string this[int index]
return stringList[index];
stringList[index] = value.ToString();
public Hashtable studentList = new Hashtable();

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Indexer Example 2
public int this[string number]
return (int) studentList [number];
studentList [number] = value;

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Indexer Example 2
class Test
static void Main()
IndexerExample indexTest = new IndexerExample();
indexTest.stringList[1] = "Sam";
indexTest[2] = "Tom";
indexTest ["Sam"] = 232;
indexTest ["Tom"] = 455;

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Using Multiple Parameters

More than one indexer parameter can be specified in an indexer

Multiple parameters would mean that the indexer would be
accessed like a multi-dimensional array

class TestMultip
public int this[int firstP, int secondP]
//Get and Set Accessors appear here
. . .

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Using Multiple Parameters

Class TestIndexers with multiple indexer
parameters are accessed like a MultiDimensional Array.

void static Main()
TestMultip myTest = new TestMultip();
int I = myTest[1,1];

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Contain a reference to a method

Helps us decide, which method to call at
Technically, a delegate is a reference
type used to encapsulate a method with
a specific signature and return type.

Defining a delegate
Instantiating a delegate
Using a delegate

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Defining Delegates
Defining a delegate involves specifying the
return types and parameters that each method
must provide
public delegate void
public delegate int CallFunctions (int a, int b);


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Instantiating Delegates
Instantiating a
class TestDelegates
public delegate int CallFunctions(int a, int b);
means making
class MathsOperations
it point (or
public int MultiplyFn(int a, int b)
refer) to some
return a*b;
public int DivisionFn(int a, int b)
return a/b;

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Instantiating Delegates
class Test
static void Main()
CallFunctions DelegateObj;
MathsOperations math = new
DelegateObj = new

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Using Delegates
class TestDelegates
public delegate int CallFunctions(int num1, int
class MathsOperations
public int MultiplyFn(int num1, int num2)
return num1*num2;
public int DivisionFn(int num1, int num2)
return num1/num2;

Using a delegate means instantiating a method that uses

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Using Delegates - Contd

class Test
static void Main()
CallFunctions DelegateObj;
MathsOperations math = new MathsOperations();
DelegateObj = new CallFunctions(math.MultiplyFn);
int result=DelegateObj(5, 3);
System.Console.WriteLine ("The Result after
calling MultiplyFn is : {0}",result);
DelegateObj = new CallFunctions(math.DivisionFn);
int result1 = DelegateObj(5, 3);
System.Console.WriteLine ("The Result after
calling DivisionFn is : {0}\n",result1);

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Using Delegates - Output

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Events in C# allow an object to notify other objects

about the event or that a change has occurred

The object that notifies the others about the event

is known as the Publisher

An object that registers to an event is known as

the Subscriber


Defining an Event
Subscribe objects to that event
Notify subscribers of the event

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Defining Events

While defining an event the publisher

defines a delegate
defines an event based on the delegate

public delegate void delegateMe();

private event delegateMe eventMe;

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Subscribing an object to an event
depends upon the existence of the
eventMe += new delegateMe(objA.Method);
eventMe += new delegateMe(objB.Method);

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To notify all the objects that have
subscribed to an event we just need
to raise the event

Raising an event is like calling a


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Events and Delegates-Example

using System;
class ClassA
public void DispMethod()
Console.WriteLine ("Class A has been notified of
NotifyEveryOne Event!");
class ClassB
public void DispMethod()
Console.WriteLine ("Class B has been notified of
NotifyEveryOne Event!");

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Events and DelegatesExample

class Test
public static void Main()
TestDelegate dA = new TestDelegate();
ClassA objA = new ClassA();
ClassB objB = new ClassB();
dA.NotifyEveryOne += new
TestDelegate.MeDelegate (objA.DispMethod);
dA.NotifyEveryOne += new
TestDelegate.MeDelegate (objB.DispMethod);

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Events and DelegatesExample

class TestDelegate
public delegate void MeDelegate();
public event MeDelegate NotifyEveryOne;
public void Notify()
if(NotifyEveryOne != null)
Console.WriteLine ("Raise Event : ");

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Properties provide the opportunity to protect a field in a class by

reading and writing it using accessors.
An indexer allows an object to be indexed in the same way as an
A delegate contains a reference to a method rather than the method
There are three steps involved in using delegates that are as follows.

Defining a Delegate
Instantiating a Delegate
Using a Delegate

Events in C# allow an object to notify other objects about the event,

or about a change that has occurred.
There are three steps involved to handle events in C# that are as

Defining an Event
Subscribing objects to that event
Notifying subscribers of the event (when it occurs)

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