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With Your
Taxes A Colonial
French and George and more Trouble in The First Army
Indian War Washingto taxes! Boston Battles

100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

In the 1700s, colonies and
colonists that had once been
called English, were now
called this.

A 100
Who are the British?

A 100
These people were allies to
the French during the French
and Indian War.

A 200
Who are the Native American

A 200
Britain and France fought for
control over this piece of

A 300
What is the Ohio River

A 300
This agreement was signed at
the end of the French and
Indian War between France
and Britain to make peace.

A 400
What is the Treaty of Paris?

A 400
This public statement was
made that promised that
colonists would not settle
west of the Appalachian

A 500
What is the Proclamation of

A 500
George Washington and
General Braddock planned to
seize this fort from the

B 100
What is Fort Duquesne?

B 100
George Washington leads this
army into the Revolutionary

B 200
What is the Continental

B 200
George Washington’s bravery
made him a hero in this state.

B 300
What is Virginia?

B 300
George Washington sent this
man to Fort Ticonderoga in New

B 400
Who is Henry Knox?

B 400
This was the year George
Washington was elected as
the first president of the
United States.

B 500
What is 1789?

B 500
This word means the illegal importing of goods.

C 100
What is smuggling?

C 100
This man made an angry
speech against the Stamp Act.

C 200
Who is Patrick Henry?

C 200
This man, along with British
Parliament, decided the
American colonists should
help pay for the costs of the
French and Indian War.

C 300
Who is King George III?

C 300
Place A Wager
C 400
Samuel Adams organized this
event for people to complain
about the Stamp Act.

C 400
What is a protest?

C 400
These were the acts that
placed a tax on tea, as well as
many other goods imported
into North America from

C 500
What are the Townshend

C 500
This event happened on
March 5, 1770, in which 5
colonists were shot and killed
on the streets of Boston by
British soldiers.

D 100
What is the Boston

D 100
This man was an African
American sailor who is
known as a hero and was
killed in the Boston

D 200
Who is Crispus Attucks?

D 200
This man was a member of
the Sons of Liberty who
created a drawing that gave a
false impression of the
Boston Massacre.

D 300
Who is Paul Revere?

D 300
This man was a Boston
lawyer who defended the
British soldiers to prove that
the justice system in North
America was fair.

D 400
Who is John Adams?

D 400
These were committees set up
to share news with the other

D 500
What are Committees of

D 500
This is a group of ordinary
people who train for battle.

E 100
What are the militia?

E 100
This is the city where Patriots
were hiding weapons and the
British soldiers planned to
secretly attack.

E 200
What is Concord?

E 200
Paul Revere rode, along with
this man, ahead of the British
army to warn the minutemen
and militia that the British
were coming.

E 300
Who is William Dawes?

E 300
This is where the Battle at
Bunker Hill was actually

E 400
What is Breed’s Hill?

E 400
This is what Paul Revere
yelled as he rode the streets
ahead of the British army.

E 500
What is “The Regulars are
coming out!”

E 500
This is the name of the
meeting of the congress that
took place where they
decided they would need an
actual trained army.

F 100
What is the Second
Continental Congress?

F 100
This is the name of the final
attempt at peace that was sent
to King George III.

F 200
What is the Olive Branch

F 200
This is the name of the city
where the Second Continental
Congress met.

F 300
What is Philadelphia?

F 300
This is the name of the fort
that was captured from the
British in 1775, whose canons
were drug to Boston to help
the Continental Army.

F 400
What is Fort Ticonderoga?

F 400
This is the name of the officer
in charge of an army.

F 500
What is a commander?

F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Please record your wager.

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This was the command given to
the Patriot militia at the Battle of
Bunker Hill.

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What is “Don’t fire until you see
the whites of their eyes.”

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