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Course outline

Basics of container and Docker

Major Docker components
Starting learning basic docker commands
Hands-on labs and exercises

Basic knowledge of how OS works, no need
to be expert
At least 1 virtual machine

Traditional application deployment

A bit of scale makes a bit of scare

Containers under the hood

cgroups - Wikipedia
cgroups (abbreviated from control groups) is a Linux kernel feature that limits,
accounts for and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network,
etc.) of a collection of processes.
Engineers at Google (primarily Paul Menage and Rohit Seth) started the work
on this feature in 2006, under the name "process containers".[1] In late 2007
the nomenclature changed to "control groups" due to the confusion caused by
multiple meanings of the term "container" in the Linux kernel context, and
control-group functionality merged into kernel version 2.6.24.[2] Since then,
developers have added many new features and controllers, such as support for
kernfs,[3] firewalling,[4] and unified hierarchy.[5]

Quiz - Containers
What are the benefits of using container
instead of VM?
No need for hypervisor
No need for operating system
No physical hardware
No need for priveleged user
No. Its uselles.

Quiz - Containers
What are the benefits of using container
instead of VM?
No need for hypervisor
No need for operating system
No physical hardware
No need for priveleged user
No. Its uselles.

Quiz - Containers
I create process with PID=1234 in container. What PID will
be on host OS?
a. the same as in container: PID=1234
b. on host there will be PID=4321 that maps to PID=1234
in container
c. it wont be created in container. Actually container
creates it on host.
d. there will be no pid on host. PID=1234 is the child
process in container

Quiz - Containers
I create process with PID=1234 in container. What PID will
be on host OS?
a. the same as in container: PID=1234
b. on host there will be PID=4321 that maps to PID=1234
in container
c. it wont be created in container. Actually container
creates it on host.
d. there will be no pid on host. PID=1234 is the child
process in container

Quiz - Containers
What are the main components of namespaces?
a. uts, ipc, pid, network, user, mount
b. user, pid, mount, filesystem, application, io
c. pid, os, hardware, user, internet, filesystem
d. mount, hardware, network, user, pid, cgroup

Quiz - Containers
What are the main components of namespaces?
a. uts, ipc, pid, network, user, mount
b. user, pid, mount, filesystem, application, io
c. pid, os, hardware, user, internet, filesystem
d. mount, hardware, network, user, pid, cgroup

Quiz - Containers
What should i do to run application with unprivileged user in
a. change the owner to current user and run it
b. login as sudo and run the application
c. enter the container and run it
d. login as sudo then chown the application then run it

Quiz - Containers
What should i do to run application with unprivileged user in
a. change the owner to current user and run it
b. login as sudo and run the application
c. enter the container and run it
d. login as sudo then chown the application then run it

Major Docker components

In short: write once, really run anywhere

Docker images and containers

pull the image from docker cloud servers

Images repository - Dockerhub

Installing Docker engine

1. Open
2. Find the name of your host operating system
from the list
3. Follow the instructions

Linux: Add current user to docker group

sudo gpasswd -a <user_name> docker

Mac OS: set env variables for boot2docker

boot2docker up
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=<cert path>
$(boot2docker shellinit)
Get ip of boot2docker: boot2docker ip
Check version of docker: docker version

Windows: maybe like on MacOS...but didnt try

boot2docker up
set DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
set DOCKER_CERT_PATH=<cert path>
boot2docker shellinit
Get ip of boot2docker: boot2docker ip
Check version of docker: docker version

Let docker say: Hello World!

docker run hello-world

Now lets get into the container


docker pull centos fetch centos image from repository

docker run centos run fetched centos image within container
docker ps - list the running containers
docker ps -a - list all the containers (running + not running)
docker exec - to execute the command inside container
docker attach - get into the container
exit from container quits the container
Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Q leaves the running container
docker inspect <container_id> - show info about running container

Lab: Run required container

IOS/Android developers:
1) docker run -d p 8080:8080 jenkins
2) Open http://<docker_host>:8080 in your browser and create build plan in
Service developers:
3) docker run -it --rm williamyeh/scala
4) Write hello world in scala
TIP: docker --help is you cheat sheet

Quiz - Docker
What is the difference between images and containers?
a. containers consist of binary files, images consist of user app files
b. containers run only once, whereas images run multiple times
c. containers pulled from dockerhub, whereas images stores locally
d. images consist of instructions and user files, whereas containers
only runtime environment for user process

Quiz - Docker
What is the difference between images and containers?
a. containers consist of binary files, images consist of user app files
b. containers run only once, whereas images run multiple times
c. containers pulled from dockerhub, whereas images stores locally
d. images consist of instructions and user files, whereas containers
only runtime environment for user process

Quiz - Docker
What will be the result of the following instructions?
docker run -it my-image /bin/bash # lets say it returns ID 123...
echo Sample text | cat > SampleText.txt
docker cp 123:/root/SampleText.txt ./
a. will copy SampleText.txt to current directory
b. will copy data from the current directory to /root/SampleText.txt inside container
c. prints to screen Sample text and copies SampleText.txt to current directory on docker host
d. does nothing. Terminates with error

Quiz - Docker
What will be the result of the following instructions?
docker run -it my-image /bin/bash # lets say it returns ID 123...
echo Sample text | cat > SampleText.txt
docker cp 123:/root/SampleText.txt ./
a. will copy SampleText.txt to current directory
b. will copy data from the current directory to /root/SampleText.txt inside container
c. prints to screen Sample text and copies SampleText.txt to current directory on docker host
d. does nothing. Terminates with error

Quiz - Docker
What will be the result of the following instructions?
docker run -d my-image /bin/bash echo Sample text | cat > SampleText.txt
# lets say returns id 123...
docker run -d my-image /bin/bash ping
docker cp 123:/root/SampleText.txt ./
a. will copy SampleText.txt to current directory
b. will copy data from the current directory to /root/SampleText.txt inside container
c. prints to screen Sample text and copies SampleText.txt to current directory on docker host
d. does nothing. Terminates with error

Quiz - Docker
What will be the result of the following instructions?
docker run -d my-image /bin/bash echo Sample text | cat > SampleText.txt
# lets say returns id 123...
docker run -d my-image /bin/bash ping
docker cp 123:/root/SampleText.txt ./
a. will copy SampleText.txt to current directory
b. will copy data from the current directory to /root/SampleText.txt inside container
c. prints to screen Sample text and copies SampleText.txt to current directory on docker host
d. does nothing. Terminates with error

Writing own Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:latest
MAINTAINTER <name surname>
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Docker Workflow 1

Download file from curl -L -O

run python

Build as docker:
FROM python:2-onbuild
CMD [gunicorn, -c,, flask-example:app]

Docker Workflow 2
Download file from curl -L -O
Build as docker:
FROM python:2.7-onbuild
CMD [gunicorn, -c,, --chdr, django-example, wsgi:application]
docker run --name postgres -d postgres:9.3
docker run --name memcached -d atbaker/memcached-verbose
docker run --name django -d -p 8000:8000 --link postgres:db --link memcached:cache django-example
docker run --name django --link postgres:db --link memcached:cache django-example python django/example/

Docker workflow 2 with Docker-Compose

build: .

Useful resources - official docs from Docker - official docs about Docker
Compose Docker architecture - WiKi about Linux Containers (LXC) - Linux namespaces overview - Linux PID namespaces

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