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What are

Plasmids are DNA molecules that are used for

many purposes including carrying genes from
organism to organism, making copies of
genes, and transporting genes to sites in
gene therapy.

What types of
plasmids are
There are 3 types
1. Conjugative plasmids: Able to perform
conjugation, which is the process of transferring
plasmids to another environment

2. Non-conjugative plasmids: Unable to perform


3. Intermediate plasmids: Able to be transferred

by conjugative plasmids. They contain a subset
of genes

Functions of
There are 5 main classes


Fertility plasmids: can perform conjugation


Resistance plasmids: contain genes that build a resistance against

antibiotics or poisons


Col plasmids: contain genes that code for proteins that can kill


Degradative plasmids: enable digestion of unusual substances


Virulence plasmids: turn the host of the plasmid into a pathogen

Shapes of
There are 5 shapes of plasmids
1. Nicked Open-Circular: DNA has one strand cut
2. Relaxed Circular: DNA is fully intact
3. Linear: DNA has free ends
4. Supercoiled: DNA is fully intact but has a twist
in it, making it more compact
5. Supercoiled Denatured: Slightly less compact
than supercoiled

Plasmids in
In genetic engineering, plasmids are used
to make copies of particular genes. This is
done by inserting the gene to be
replicated into the plasmid, then inserting
the plasmids into bacteria by a process
called Transformation. Next the bacteria
are exposed to antibiotics that destroy
bacteria without the plasmid. These
bacteria are then grown in large amounts
with their new genes.

Plasmids in gene
In gene therapy, plasmids are used to
deliver the therapeutic genes to the
selected chromosomal site.

Plasmid parts
A vector is a DNA molecule used to carry genes
from organism to organism. Plasmids have 3 key
They have an origin of replication,
a selectable marker gene, and
a cloning site.

The origin of replication is used to indicate where

DNA replication is to begin. The selectable
marker gene is used to distinguish cells
containing the plasmid from cells that dont
contain it. The cloning site is a site in the plasmid
where the DNA is inserted.

In conclusion, a plasmid is a DNA molecule that is used
for a variety of purposes, such as making copies of
particular genes, delivering genes to specific locations
and many more. While they may sound like something
from science fiction, they are used by scientists around
the world and can be invaluable.

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