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T hi s p r o j e c t is b a se d o n da ta min in g h o sp ita l d a ta b a se .

I n me di c al e n v ir o n me n t s, th e r e a r e ma n y d iffe r e nt t yp e s o f d at a a v a il a b le
f o r min in g . Th e se d a t a a r e sp e c if i c to th e me d ic a l a r ea , a n d th e r e f o r e h a v e
in t r in si c se ma n tic in f or ma t io n , r e l at io n sh ip s w i th o th er d a ta , a n d mu l tip l e
le v e l s o f mea n i n g f u l h ie r a r c h y.

T hi s p r o j e c t p r o v id e s a p la tf o r m f o r an al yz in g me d ic a l b ig da t a so a s t o
p e r f o r m b e tt er a s a n o rgan iz a tio n in ha n d l in g Bi g D a ta .

D a t a Min in g is c on c e r n e d w i th d e v e l op in g me th o d t o e x p lo r e th e u n iq u e
typ e s o f d a t a in me d i c al s et tin g s a n d u sin g th e se me t h od s t o b e tte r
u n d e r sta n d p a tie n ts a n d t h e se t tin g s in w h ic h t h e y a r e d ia g n o se d .

The whole purpose of computerizing Our System is to handle the work much
more accurately and efficiently with less time consumption.
Unlike the semi-computerized system there would be backup data for all the
information concerning the performance and response time for each task, it
is very much faster since there is less paper work to be completed.
Computerized hospital data can be used for better understanding of the
Reports generated can be used for further analysis.

The existing system is Manual based System.
Existing System is Time Consuming, and not Flexible.
Thus there is a great need for a fast, reliable, efficient and
easy automated system which will help in updating and
provide the best way for interaction in short duration of

Provides doctors with accurate patients medical history.
Reports generated can be used for further analysis.
Reports generated can also used for pharmaceutical companies.
Provides much better insight on Low Risk, At Risk and High Risk

Following are the minimum recommended system requirement which are needed for the project
SQL 2000 or higher
Visual Studio 2006 or higher
Windows XP or higher
.NET 2.0 framework

Following are the standard recommended system requirement which are needed for the project
SQL 2005 or higher
Visual Studio 2008 or higher
Windows 7 or higher
.NET 3.5 framework

Manually entered database entries into excel sheets from handwritten files.
Converted excel sheets into backup files.
Restored backup files in SQL Server 2012.
Created frontend GUI using HTML language. Frontend cover page consist of
UserID, password with Submit, Reset and Close buttons.
Created second page consisting of actual anlaysis generating reports based
on the queries entered using ASP.NET
It consists of GridView which displays output.
The database connectivity is done using SQL server 2012.

When the application opened user can see the login dialog box.

After successful login user can see the following window

The user can select the database, tables and execute appropriate queries.

After entries proper values, the GridView button generates outputs.

This system is very user friendly and provides great
efficiency in parallel with manpower.
This will provide directly or indirectly benefits to the
It is of immense help to grab the modem pace of
automation and this software will provide easy mean for it.

Ease of Use: Application automatically searchs through all the
Safety: Safeguard against hacking and SQL injection
Advance: We intend to implement this using SQL 2005 and Visual
Studio 2008

User need to have minimum knowledge of SQL.Example like Tables,
Advanced query is not available in this basic version
It requires connection to database for which queries and reports need
to be generated.

The future scope of this project is that this system does not cover the whole part
of the manual system.
To ensure a high level of quantity, it becomes necessary to agree on a scope of
work, which is viable for time scheduled.
Also a predictive model can be added to this system in near future that can
predict the diseases of the patients based on the symptoms and many such
complex queries can be solved by using predictive model.

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