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What is a plot?
The overall storyline and sequence of events is

known as the plot.

Elements of Plot
Exposition introduces the characters, setting

and basic situation.

Rising action presents the central conflict,
complications, suspense and crisis.
Climax the point of greatest tension.
Falling action subsiding intensity.
Denouement the resolution which ties up
loose ends and concludes the action.

Story Structure Development

Like the plot of a story, the plot of a play involves characters
who face a problem or conflict.
point of highest tension;
action determines how the conflict
will be resolved
tension builds

characters and conflict are

Subsiding intensity
conflict is resolved;
play ends

Story Structure Development

Conflict is a struggle or clash
between opposing characters
or forces. A conflict may
develop . . .
between characters who want

different things or the same

between a character and his or

her circumstances
within a character who is torn

by competing desires

Plot Analysis
Pay particular attention to the overall plot.
What are the major conflicts or issues?
When does the climax occur?
What force or forces seem to be at work in the

play, moving the action along?

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