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Group 9
Arranged by :
1.Farahdila F ( 1206009 )
2.Puji Hartini ( 12060017 )
3.Novita Theresiana ( 12060021 )
4.Welly Molanda ( 12060048 )
5. Latuvan Rizky (12060049)

8.1 Introduction : kinds of productivity

Bauer define, word formation procee is productive if it can be used in
synchronically in the production of new forms.
Kinds of Productivity
Productivity in shape: formal generality and regularity
Productivity in meaning : semantic regularity
Productivity in compounding

8.2 Productivity in shape: formal generality and regularity

1..Formal Generality
When attached to most adjective,it yields an abstract noun which is either in common use.
The forming yields a predictable meaning.
Eg :
a. suffix ness
happy + ness = happiness
b.suffix th
grey + th = greyth
c.suffix ity
rich + -ity = richity
d.suffix en
limp + en = limpen
2.Formal Regularity
There is different lexeme and meaning.
example :
long + ness = length
pure + ness = purity
Kinds of formal regularity
i. formal regular
Eg : survival,proposal,reveral,and committal
ii. Formal irregular
Eg : edital punishal and reckonal

8.3 Productivity in meaning : semantic regularity

There is different meaning after forming , the meaning after forming is unpredictable.
Example :
a.Local + ity = Locality
Local means confined small area but locality means never confinement areas but it
means neighboardhood.
b.Selective+ ity = selectivity
Means technical meaning related to radio reception
c.Selective + ness = selectiveness
has only the expected non technical meaning.
Both of example in b and c has same base adjective selective , but efter
forming there is different meaning.

8.4 Semantic Blocking

Semantic blocking can be regular and non regular .
Noun that attached suffix ous is adjective,and if attached by suffix ity will be noun .
Example :
Curious curiousity
(noun )
There is no curry as noun
b.Non regular
Glorious gloriousity
(adj )
( noun )
There is glory as noun
prefix unun+good =bad ( ungood blocked by bad )
un+long = short ( unshort blocked by short )
Suffix ly
fast + ly = fast ( fastly blocked by fast )
Suffix ness
high + ness = height ( highness blocked by height )
or other example
Piglet = pig baby but cow baby is not cowlet but calf.
Gosling = gos baby but sheeping is not shep baby but lamb.

8.5 Productivity in compounding

There is room for debate wheter there are secondary compounds of a semantically unusual kind or primary
compounds in wich the second component just happens to derived from a verb.The first componentmust
be the object of the verbal elements.
example : machine washing
some of context be interpreted washing of machine but more often it means washing in a machine
washing , as opposed by hand.
A globe trotter is someone who traveled o lot,not someone who trotes globe.
The example above show that it is the kind of unpredictablility.

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