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1. Human Social Lives
2. Human Evolution
3. Human Social History
4. The Kingdom of God
5. The Postmodern Sustainable Unified Society
The Source of the Presentation
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  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for the Unified Theory of Human Society

The unified theory of human society explains the principal

differences among different human societies, and establishes the
Sustainable Unified Society. The unified theory is divided into
five parts: human social lives, human evolution, human social
history, the kingdom of God, and the Postmodern Sustainable
Unified Society..

The unified theory starts with the three basic human social lives:
yin, yang, and harmony for feminine collective wellbeing,
masculine individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively. The harmonious
social life that exists only in humans is maximum eager
cooperation without lie. The three basic human social lives result
in the three-branch society of the collective, the individualistic,
and the harmonious societies.

The origin of such human social lives is explained by human
evolution, including ape evolution and hominid evolution.
Bipedalism and the harmonious social life make human beings
distinct from other species. The prehistoric hunter-gatherer
society was the harmonious society.


In the Early Period starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the
inevitably large civilized social group of the agricultural-nomad
society destroyed the prehistoric harmonious small social group,
resulting in the formations of the collective society and the
individualistic society. The collective society included Judaism,
Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism. The individualistic society
included Greek mythology and science. The harmonious society
included Christianity, Buddhism, and Daoism. In the Modern
Period starting from the Renaissance, the modern mass printing
and increased literacy led to communication and understanding,
resulting in the three-branch Modern Unified Society for the
three-branch society.

The supernatural interaction between the supernatural and human
is expressed as the kingdom of God that is the harmonious society.
The kingdom of God evolves through supernatural selection.
Through the supernatural miracle (the non-representation of the
natural physical laws), the supernatural selects the harmonious
society as the chosen society by the divine revelation of the
abstractness (the non-representation of the expression of the
natural human mind). The prehistoric kingdom of God expressed
as Symbolic Religion during the Upper
Paleolithic Period provided the abstract social bond (symbols) to
bond the isolated social groups to survive the harsh environment.
In the Early Period, the early transitional kingdom of God was the
moral religion as Judaism where God was the high ruler, and
provided the abstract morality to prevent the activated
dehumanized prey-predator instinct. Jesus Christ initiated the
early kingdom of God that provided the abstract rebirth for the
civilized people to return to the harmonious social life and society.
Representing human history, human nature, and the
supernatural, the Postmodern Kingdom of God is the inclusive
harmonious society in the three-branch unified society.

In the Postmodern Period starting from global mass
telecommunication, the world is divided into the Divided Society
where the three branches clash and the Unified Society where the
three branches coexist peacefully. The Unified Society is divided
into the State Unified Society as Russia, China, and Japan where
the state represents politically both the collective and the
individualistic societies and the Partisan Unified Society as USA,
UK, and Germany where the political parties represent separately
the collective and the individualistic societies. The harmonious
religion in the Unified Society represents the harmonious society
separated from the collective and the individualistic societies.
The State Unified Society is suitable for the non-West, while the
Partisan Unified Society is suitable for the West.
The Postmodern Sustainable Unified Society consists of
the three-branch Unified Society and the sustainable affluent
system. The sustainable affluent system is the two-branch
Unified Society of the affluent centralized globalized system and
the sustainable decentralized localized system.





social lives: yin, yang, and harmony

Introduction for the unified theory of human society
1. Personality
2. Social Lives

The Source of the Presentation

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  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for Human Social Lives
The unified theory of human society explains the principal differences
among different human societies. In Part 1, the unified theory starts
with the three basic human social lives: yin, yang, and harmony for
feminine collective wellbeing, masculine individualistic achievement,
and harmonious cooperation, respectively. The yin and yang social
lives are derived from the personality system and the social life
system, similar to the popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
and the Big Five personality systems and the popular Merrill-Reid
social style theory, respectively. The harmonious social life that
transcends yin-yang social lives and exists only in humans is
maximum eager cooperation without lie. The three basic human
social lives result in the three-branch society of the collective, the
individualistic, and the harmonious societies.
Y   !    "    

Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)
Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)
Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)


Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)
The social lives for Primate Social Structures
social lives Characteristics Primate Social Merrill-Reid
Structures Temperaments
Yin (BNC) Passive (S) ±active (A)
Yang (FDG) or flexible Intragroup
or harmony interaction
Yin Passive passive loose Amiable
collective collective
wellbeing society
Yang Passive passive loose Analytical
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Yin Active active collective tight collective Expressive
wellbeing society
Yang Active active tight Driver
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Harmony Flexible harmonious harmonious
cooperation society
1. Personality
In Section 1, the personalities are derived from the brain
structure-neurotransmitters. The proposed personality
system is the social-information personality system. The
two general types of personality are the social relation type
for socialization and the information process type for the
human brain process information like a computer. There are
one factor for the social relation type and four different
factors in the information process type. These four factors
correspond approximately to the four factors in the popular
Myers-Briggs Type MBTI. These four factors in addition to
the social relation type correspond the five factors in the
popular Big Five.
Popular Personality Theories
The two popular theories are the Big Five and Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI).
the Big Five (OCEAN) :
1. openness to experience (appreciation for unusual ideas, imagination,
and curiosity)
2. conscientiousness (tendency to act dutifully rather spontaneously)
3. extraversion (to seek the company of others)
4. agreeableness (tendency to be compassionate and cooperation
rather than suspicious to others)
5. neuroticism (a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily).
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
1. Introvert-extrovert
2. sense-intuition
3. thinking-feeling
4. judging-perceiving.
The Social-Information Personality System

The proposed personality system is the social-information

personality system. The two general types of personality:
1. The social relation type: deals with social relation.
2. The information type: deals with how the human brain
process information like a computer. There are four
different factors in the information process type. These
four factors correspond approximately to the four factors
in MBTI. These four factors in addition to the social
relation type correspond the five factors in the Big Five.
1.1.The Social Relation Type


Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)


Sociability is a function of all social animals. High committed
sociability is bonding relation (denoted as B), while low
committed sociability is free relation (denoted as F).
° !
Three bonding chemicals: oxytocin, vasopressin, and edorphin.
Oxytocin sometimes is called ³cuddle chemical´ that builds bonds
between mates, mother-child, and social members. Vasopressin
processes focus attention to the individuals for the bonding.
Vasopressin is responsible for creating intense loving memories
during passionate situations. Edorphin is a social neurotransmitter
that response to touch and pleasing visual stimulus (such as smile).
According to Simon Baron-Cohen, the essential difference
between the female brain and the male brain is that the average
female brain favors slightly empathy, and the average male
brain favors slightly in non-social information. Instead of social
contact, the average male brain finds pleasure in systematizing
non-social information. The overlapping of the male brain and
the female brain is significant.
A genetic example of free relation is autism, which has genetic
impairment in forming social bonding. A genetic example of
bonding relation is Williams Syndrome, which has genetic
impairment to process visual±spatial information, but has
unusually cheerful talkative demeanor and ease with strangers
The Information Process Type



Admission High sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low assertiveness (A) extrovert (N)
Resolution High distinctness (D) sense (S)
Low network (N) intuition (N)
Action High goal (G) thinking (T)
Low context (C) feeling (F)
Openness High updating (U) perceiving (P)
Low persistence (P) judging (J)
1.2. Admission: Sensitivity and Assertiveness

Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)

ð &

The admission of each set of input data can be high or low. In
computer, program is written to recognize and admit a part of each
set of input data. If every detail in a set of input data is important,
the admission of data is high. In this case, under limited computer
capacity, only few sets of data can be accepted.
In the human mind, the perceived degree of harm determines the
degree of admission. The high perceived degree of harm leads to
the importance of every detail in a set of data, resulting in
sensitivity (represented by S). The low perceived degree of harm
leads to the importance of only few details, resulting in
assertiveness (represented by A).
According to H. J. Eysenck, extroverts have persistently low cortical
arousal and seek stimulation. The personality of assertiveness
therefore is the personality of extrovert as described in MBTI and
by Eysenck. On the other hand, the personality of sensitivity is
introvert in MBTI. Introverts have persistently high arousal and
avoid stimulation.
The behavior is facilitated by neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters
facilitate communication between neurons (nerve cells). Different
neurotransmitters enhance different personality types. Serotonin
(5-HT) enhances the assertiveness type. If excessive amount of
serotonin is in the brain, the brain can become too selective,
expressing as repetition or inactivity. Acetylcholine (Ach) is the
neurotransmitter to enhance sensitivity. Acetylcholine provokes
fear and withdrawal (freezing). Acetylcholine decreases in
Alzheimer¶s dementia, so the patient with Alzheimer¶s dementia
has trouble in association in terms of memory.
ð  #  

 ' )

Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
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When computer processes video pictures, it can have many pictures
with coarse details (low resolution) or few pictures with distinct
details (high resolution). The information process type with the
high resolution and low connection is Distinctness (represented
by D), while the information process type with low resolution
and high connection is Network (represented by N).
°  !]
According to MBTI, a person with the personality type of sensing
(represented by S) is a specialist, matching with the distinctness
type in the information process type. According to MBTI, a
person with the personality type of intuition (N) is a generalist,
matching with the network type.

The cortex is divided into the left cortex and the right cortex. The left
cortex, which expresses language, is the cortex for distinctness,
while the right cortex, which is good in orientation, is the cortex
for network
The social relation affects the brain structure involving network. The
bonding relation type requires extensive social network resulting
the brain structure with extensive network. As discussed before by
Simon Baron-Cohen, woman is more social relation type than man,
so the female brain has more network than the male brain. It is
shown in the thicker corpus collosum that connect the right brain
and the left brain, more dendritic connections between brain cells,
and more evenly distributed language centers in the brain for better
communication. Therefore, for woman, the brain is wired more for
the bonding relation and the network, and for man, the brain is
wired more for the free relation and the distinctiveness.
R ' 
Dopamine allows a person to focus. Dopamine has been implicated in
the controlled of fine motor movement. The patient with
Parkinson¶s disease, which is deficient in dopamine, cannot control
fine motor movement. Excessive dopamine causes a person to have
an unrealistically excessive focus.
+ $%  
The mental disorders involving Distinctiveness and Network deal
with the extreme presence or absence of Distinctiveness and
Network. The extreme presence of Distinctiveness involves
Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). The extreme
absence of Distinctiveness involves diseases, such as in
Parkinson¶s disease.
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 , %

Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)

ð & 

In a computer, each information process goes through an operating
system that control the flow of information processing in terms of
priority and scheduling of different information processes. A simple
operating system put all information processes in a context from
which priority and scheduling are determined. Thus, each
information process has a specific goal to reach, while each simple
operating system has a context to arrange all information processes.
In terms of action for actual information output, information process
has much higher action than operating system. In the human mind,
there is also Goal (represented by G) for information process and
Context (represented by C) for operation system.
Goal is action-oriented resulting in the measurable intentional
change. Context is option-oriented resulting in the context for
possible action.

The evolutionary origin of Goal and Context is the first
difference between male and female animals. Male animal
carries extremely high number of sperms, while female animal
carries limited number of eggs. During the mating session, the
presence of a female animal with eggs triggers the desire of
action in a male animal. Such action can result in a measurable
intentional goal in terms of mating. On the other hand, to a
female animal, the presence of a male animal is merely an option
for which a context is set for possible action. Such context can
be the show of strength, superiority, and affection. The context is
for possible action. A female animal has much less drive for
action, and much higher ability for the discernment for possible
Another important action in Goal is problem solving in terms of
removing obstacle during courtship and mating, such as chasing
off another male competitor. Context is emotion with option, and
Goal is emotion with action.
The free-bonding relation type is closely connected with the goal-
context type because the man-woman difference. For man, the
combination of free relation type and the goal type results in the
thinking type (T) for MBTI. According to MBTI, The thinking
type (T) has characteristics of theoretical, rational, analytical,
purposive, logic, and unconcerned with people's feeling. In terms
of Goal, the thinking type is essentially the action of problem
solving to remove an obstacle. It has a definitive goal to make a
measurable intentional change. For woman, the combination of the
context type and the bonding relation type results in the feeling
type in MBTI. According to MBTI, the feeling type (F) has
characteristics of passionate, warm, personal, artistic, and
concerned with people's feelings.
In the Context, the feeling type does not have a particular propose
to make a measurable intentional change. It is merely to discern
the situation. Since the context type is combined with the bonding
relation type, it concern with people¶s feeling.
On average, the female human brains have a larger deep limbic
system than males. The larger deep limbic brain allows women
more in touch with their feelings to prioritize all possible options.
When the brain at rest without consciously thinking of anything,
men, on average, had higher brain activity in the more ancient and
primitive regions of the limbic system, the parts that are more
involved with action. Women, on average, had more activity in the
newer and more complex parts of the limbic system, which are
involved in feelings . The hypothalamus, which is a tiny structure
at the base of the brain, regulates many basic functions, such as
eating, sleeping, temperature control, and reproduction. One part of
the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behavior is larger in male
brains than in female brains, in human and non-human animals.
R $%  
The mental disorders involved are the extreme Goal and the
extreme Context The extreme Goal is the extreme action-oriented
without stopping, resulting in manic. Manic can lead to
psychopath, seeking the unstopping thrill of action. The extreme
Context is the extreme option-oriented without any possible action,
resulting in depression. Depression can result in suicide,
terminating all possible action. Both extremes are the results of
chronic stress in terms of pain and loss.
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Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)

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An elaborate operating system for a computer not only schedules
information processes but also manipulate and update information
from different information processes. In the human brain, the part
involved in the update is the prefrontal cortex. The large size of
the prefrontal cortex in human is an important difference between
human and other apes. The opposite of update is persistence
which keeps the program constant. The information process type
for the low openness is persistence (represented by P), and for the
high openness is updating (represented by U).
°  !]
According to MBTI, the judging type has characteristics of
planned, orderly way, settled, organized, decisive, closeness, and
finishing things. The judging type matches the Persistence type.
The perceiving type has characteristics of flexible, spontaneous,
flexible, tolerant, open option, understand life rather than control
it. This perceiving type matches the Updating type.
The whole updating process involves both the prefrontal cortex
and the rest of the cortex. The prefrontal cortex has extensive
connections to various parts of the brain. The prefrontal cortex
allows a quick switch of strategy in behavior to a change of
circumstance. The reason for such a quick switch of strategy is
that the prefrontal cortex has ample free neuron network which
provides the space to construct a new strategy one after another
free of previous experience and memory.
Glutamate is the neurotransmitter for long-term potent (LTP)
which is necessary for the working memory, which in turn is
important for updating. Dopamine enhances the activity of few
selective neurons by inhibiting the activity all other unrelated and
unneeded neurons. Both glutamate and dopamine work together
to accomplish updating.
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The people with damage in the prefrontal cortex cannot construct
a new strategy one right after another. They tend to construct one
strategy, and stay with the same strategy over and over again
even there is a need for another strategy. They fail to select the
most current strategy for their action. The people with damage in
the prefrontal cortex may also persistently follow whatever
command given to them without change. The damage in the
prefrontal cortex is the example for the extreme case of

1. Openness correlates to Updating in persistence-updating for the
propensity for adapting to changing information.
2. Conscientiousness relates to Distinctiveness in distinctiveness-
network for the care for focusing attention.
3. Extrovert corresponds to Assertiveness in sensitivity-
assertiveness for the easy to receive incoming information.
4. Agreeable corresponds to bonding relation in bonding relation-
free relation in the way of social life for the propensity to form
trust for social bonding.
5. Neuroticism corresponds to Context in goal±context for
Y   !    "    

Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)
Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)
Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)


Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)
2. Social Lives
In Section 2, the combination of the factors in the personality
system results in the yin personality (BNC) and the yang
personality (FDG) for collective wellbeing and individualistic
achievement, respectively. The social lives are the combination
of the yin-yang personalities and the active-passive intragroup
interactions among the basic social units. The combination
results in yin passive, yin active, yang passive, and yang active,
corresponding to Amiable, Expressive, Analytical, and Drive in
the popular Merrill-Reid social style theory. The additional social
life is harmony that exists only in human. The instinct for the
harmonious social life (harmonious) is the conscience instinct
that is the combination of the hyper friendly instinct and the
detective instinct (theory of mind), resulting in maximum eager
cooperation without lie. The yin, the yang, and the harmonious
social lives result in the collective, the individualistic, and the
harmonious societies, respectively.

yin (network-bonding relation-context = collective wellbeing) and yang

(distinctiveness-free relation-goal = individualistic achievement)
passive (sensitivity) ± active (assertiveness) intragroup interaction
harmony = high openness (updating) to transcend yin-yang and passive-active

the social instincts


yin passive yin active harmonious social yang active yang passive
social life social life life social life social life
(amiable) (expressive) (driver) (analytical)
bonding + nurturing + conscience instinct = hyper dominative + systemizing +
freezing instincts manipulative instincts friendly + detective predatory addictive instinct

loose collective tight collective harmonious tight individualistic loose individualistic
society society society society society
° ð  


ð /
The feminine yin personality is the combination of the bonding
relation type (B), the network type (N), and the context type (C),
while yang is the combination of the free relation type (F), the
distinctiveness type (D), and the goal type (G). For the yin
personality (BNC) type, the combination leads to ³collective
wellbeing´, where collective means B and N, and wellbeing does not
involve a specific action. For the masculine yang personality (FDG)
type, the combination brings about ³individualistic achievement´,
where individual means F and D, and achievement involves a specific
goal. Collective wellbeing deals with mainly people, while individual
achievement deals with primarily with task. Therefore, yin represents
people, while yang represents task. The society with the yin
personality is the collective society, while the society with the yang
personality is the individualistic society.
(2) Passive-Active Intragroup Interaction (S-A)
1. Primate social structure
The social lives for primates are the combination of the yin-yang
personalities and the active-passive intragroup interactions among
the basic social units (subgroups) within a social group. The
basic social units (subgroups) can be single female and her
offspring, monogamous family, polyandrous family (one-female-
several-male group), polygynous family (one-male-several-
female group), and multimale-multifemale group (non-committal
male-female). The intragroup interaction among the subgroups
can be passive or active interaction, corresponding to introvert
(Sensitivity) or extrovert (Assertiveness). The passive intragroup
interaction leads to a loose social group where the intragroup
interaction in not active. The active intragroup interaction leads
to a tight social group. The tight social group helps to provide
protection against predators. It also helps to protect scarce food


The combination of the yin-yang personalities and the active-
passive intragroup interactions leads to yin passive, yin active,
yang passive, and yang active. The loose collective society and
the tight collective society come from the yin passive and the yin
active social lives, respectively, while the loose individualistic
society and the tight individualistic society come from the yang
passive and yang active social lives, respectively.

In the tight collective society, the active intragroup interaction
produces the group wellbeing that promotes care about all
members of the group and the group identity in addition to basic
collective wellbeing. In the tight individualistic society, the active
intragroup interaction produces the group hierarchy that promotes
individual strength and effort as well as the submission to the
leader of group in addition to basic individualistic achievement.
The tight collective society is more egalitarian than the tight
individualistic society.
  (  -  *
The additional social life is the harmonious social life for
harmonious cooperation that exists only in human that has the
much larger prefrontal cortex responsible for the high openness
in terms of Persistence-Updating in the personality system.
The high openness allows the harmonious social life to
transcend yin-yang and passive-active. Consequently, the
society with the harmonious social life maximizes acquisition,
and minimizes the cost for individuals in the intragroup
interaction, resulting in the most successful society. However,
the harmonious social group size has to be small. The
description and the evolution of harmony social life and
harmonious society will be discussed in details in the next
The social lives for Primate Social Structures
social lives Characteristics Primate Social Merrill-Reid
Structures Temperaments
Yin (BNC) Passive (S) ±active (A)
Yang (FDG) or flexible Intragroup
or harmony interaction
Yin Passive passive loose Amiable
collective collective
wellbeing society
Yang Passive passive loose Analytical
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Yin Active active collective tight collective Expressive
wellbeing society
Yang Active active tight Driver
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Harmony Flexible harmonious harmonious
cooperation society
The Merrill-Reid and the Yin Yang social lives


control emotion yang

analytical driver yang passive yang active

ask tell passive active

amiable expressive yin passive yin active

emote yin

The yin yang social life system is comparable to the Merrill-

Reid social style theory , consisting of amiable, expressive,
analytical, and driver temperaments.
According to the Merrill-Reid theory, the four temperaments are
described below.
‡ &
  Place a high priority on friendships, close
relationships, and cooperative behavior. They appear to get
involved in feelings and relations between people.
‡ $% 
 Appear communicative, warm approachable and
competitive. They involve other people with their feelings and
‡ & 
  Live life according to facts, principles, logic and
consistency. Often viewed as cold and detached but appear to be
cooperative in their actions as long as they can have some
freedom to organize their own efforts.
‡ (
 Give the impression that they know what they want,
where they are going, and how to get there quickly.
Amiable and Expressive have yin (female type) characteristic for
collective wellbeing, while Analytical and Driver have yang (male
type) characteristic for individualistic achievement. Expressive and
Driver are more active in interpersonal relations than Amiable and
Driver. Merrill-Reid Temperaments do not include harmony. The
amiable temperament in the Merrill-Rein theory corresponds to the
yin passive social life that involves and is keenly interested in the
close relationship with people (yin) for collective wellbeing. The
expressive temperament corresponds to the yin active social life that
involves in both close relationships with people in the basic social
unit and the intragroup in terms of group wellbeing in addition to
basic collective wellbeing. The analytical temperament corresponds
to the yang passive social life that involves and is keenly interested
in only systemizing task (yang) for individualistic achievement. The
driver temperament corresponds to the yang active social life that
involves both the close relationships with people in the basic social
unit and the intragroup in terms of group hierarchy in addition to
basic individualistic achievement.
° ° The Human Instincts and the Yin-yang social lives


The social lives are derived from the human instincts. The human
instincts include the humanized instincts and the dehumanized
instincts. The humanized instincts are used originally involving
human. The dehumanized instincts are used originally involving
nonhuman. It is quite common among social animals to behave
differently toward the animals of the same species and toward the
animals of different species. For examples, cannibalism and the
killing among the animals of the same species are rare in social
animals even during the fighting among the animals of the same
species. On the other hand, as predators, animals kill preys of
different species without hesitation. As a prey, an animal makes a
manipulative strategy to escape from a predator of different
species. Animals make a clear distinction between the animals of
different species and the animals of same species.
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The humanized instinct consists of the female-male instincts
involving human. People possess all of the female-male instincts.
The female instincts are in average stronger in women, while the
male instincts are in average stronger in men. However, the
overlap is large, so it is common for some men to have stronger
female instincts, and for some women to have stronger male
instincts. The female instincts include the bonding instinct to
bond with other human and the nurturing instinct to nurture the
love ones. The male instincts include the systemizing instinct to
systemizing various objects into a system and the dominative
instinct to have domination in social hierarchy.
0   * 

The dehumanized instincts involving nonhuman are the prey-predator
instincts. The prey instincts include the freezing instinct to
minimize the activity in the presence of strong nonhuman predator
and the manipulative instinct to play tricks to a strong nonhuman
predator for the protection of self and love ones.
The predatory instincts include the addictive instinct to have
obsession in terms of task and the predatory instinct to over-
control a weak nonhuman prey. Such prey-predator instincts are
for nonhuman, but in the large complicate civilized society where
people relations are complicate, people misuse the prey-predator to
subhuman that is defined as human who is treated as nonhuman.
In an extreme case, a person regards all people as subhuman that
activates the prey-predator instincts in the person, resulting in
mental disorders, such as depression, borderline personality
disorder, obsession, and psychopath. The prey instincts closely
relate to the female instincts, while the predatory instincts closely
relate to the male instincts.



As in the table below, the positive yin social life and the positive yang
social life are derived from the humanized female instinct and
male instinct, respectively. The negative yin and the negative yang
social lives are derived from the dehumanized prey-predator
instincts, respectively.
The Positive-Negative Yin yang social lives

 -]]$/]' -]]$/&'

 humanized female-male instincts involving human

 collective wellbeing in individual achievement in
mostly people mostly task
 abundant resource and deficient resource and security

 offensive mechanism for defensive mechanism for

 connecting people survival
&]$ &,]$ &]$ &,]$

 amiable expressive analytical driver
  bonding nurturing systemizing dominative
 kindness nurturing discipline strength
# friend nurturer systemizer leader
0  * loyalist peacemaker idealist hero

 '$&]$/]' '$&]$/&'

 dehumanized prey-predator instincts involving subhuman

 cool manipulation in obsessive over-control in
mostly people mostly task
 deficient resource and abundant resource and

 security security
 defensive mechanism for offensive mechanism for

 protection hunting
&]$ &,]$ &]$ &,]$

 amiable expressive analytical driver
  freezing manipulative addiction predatory
 withdraw manipulation obsession over-control
# prey manipulator addict predator
0  * loner strategist specialist master
  depression borderline obsession psychopath



As in the table above, the positive yin social life and the positive yang
social life are derived from the humanized female instinct and
male instinct, respectively. The general description of the positive
yin social life from the female instincts is collective wellbeing in
mostly people. The best perceived condition to have collective
wellbeing is abundant resource and security. It is hard to have
collective wellbeing under deficient resource and security. Under
such abundant resource and security, the mechanism is the active
offensive mechanism to connect with people instead of passively
connecting with people. The general description of the positive
yang social life from the male instincts is individual achievement
in mostly task. The best perceived condition to have individual
achievement is deficient resource and security. The deficient
resource and security motivate an individual to achieve in order to
survive and prosper. Under the deficient resource and security, the
mechanism is passive defensive mechanism to achieve in order to
survive and prosper.

The positive yin passive social life (amiable) involves and is keenly
interested in close relationships with people, so the instinct is the
bonding instinct. The corresponding behavior is kindness toward
people. The role for the yin passive social life is friend. A person
with the role of friend can idealize (exaggerate) the role as loyalist.



The positive yin active social life (expressive) involves in both basic
social unit and intragroup. The instinct is the nurturing instinct in
addition to the bonding instinct. The nurturing instinct¶s
involvement is active and broad. The role for the yin active social
life is nurturer. A person with the role of nurturer can idealize in
terms of exaggeration the role as peacemaker to provide the
peaceful environment for nurturing all love ones.


The positive yang passive social life (analytical) involves and is keenly
interested in only task. The instinct is the systemizing instinct for the
intrinsic human capability and desire to make a system out of various
objects. The corresponding behavior is discipline to follow a well-
developed system. The role for the yang passive social life is
systemizer. A person with the role of systemizer can idealize in terms
of exaggeration the role as idealist to have the idealistic system.



The positive yang active social life (driver) involves in the basic social
unit and intragroup. The instinct is the dominative instinct in addition
to the systemizing instinct. The dominative instinct¶s involvement is
active and broad. The corresponding behavior is mental and physical
strength. The role for the yang active social life is leader to provide
the best (dominating) condition to survive and prosper. A person with
the role of leader can idealize in terms of exaggeration the role as
hero who will fight for survival and prosperity.



As in the table, the negative yin social life and the negative yang
social life are derived from the dehumanized prey instinct and
predatory instinct, respectively. The general description of the
negative yin social life from the prey instincts is cool manipulation
in mostly people. The perceived condition to have cool
manipulation is deficient resource and security. Under the
deficient resource and security, the mechanism is passive defensive
mechanism to stay away and to manipulate in order to survive.
The general description of the negative yang social life from the
predatory instincts is obsessive over-control in mostly task. The
perceived condition to have obsessive over-control is abundant
resource and security. Under such abundant resource and security,
the mechanism is the active offensive mechanism to obsess and to


The negative yin passive social life is derived from the dehumanized
prey instinct that is the freezing instinct to avoid the contact with
strong subhuman predator as much as possible. The corresponding
behavior is to withdraw (coolness) involving subhuman predator.
It involves only subhuman. The role for the yin passive social life
is passive prey. A person with the role of passive prey can
rationalize the role as loner to avoid detestable people. In the
extreme case, the person can regard all people as subhuman
predator, resulting in the destruction of the intrinsic brain structure
to distinguish human and nonhuman. The result of the extreme
case is the mental disorder of depression.



The negative yin active social life is derived from the dehumanized
prey instinct that is the manipulative instinct in addition to the
freezing instinct. The corresponding behavior is manipulation
involving subhuman predator.
Manipulation can be very deceptive as the broken wing trick that a
mother bird plays to lead a predator away from the baby birds. It
is the origin of the asymmetrical warfare. It involves both
subhuman and task needed to carry on manipulation. The role for
the yin active social life is manipulator. A person with the role of
manipulator can rationalize the role as strategist to protect the
person and the love ones from strong opponents. The result of the
extreme case is the mental disorder of borderline personality
disorder. People with borderline personality disorder frequently
have unstable relationships, fly into rages inappropriately, or
become depressed and cannot trust the actions and motives of
other people . Most of people with borderline personality disorder
are women.


The negative yang passive social life is derived from the
dehumanized predator instinct that is the addictive instinct. The
corresponding behavior is obsession to do a very specific task all
the time. It involves only task. The task can be an obsessive
professional task for excessive wealth or an obsessive hobby task
for excessive adventure. The role for the yin passive social life is
addict. A person with the role of addict rationalizes the role as
specialist. The result of the extreme case is the mental disorder of


The negative yang active social life is derived from the dehumanized
predatory instinct that is the predatory instinct in addition to the
additive instinct. The corresponding behavior is over-controlling
of weak subhuman prey. It involves both task and subhuman prey.
The role for the yin active social life is predator to weak subhuman
A person with the role of predator can rationalize the role as master
who controls an inferior person. The mental disorder in the
extreme case is psychopath. People with psychopath are very
egocentric individuals with no empathy for others, and they are
incapable of feeling remorse or guilt. Psychopath is a combination
of dominant and cold interpersonal characteristics Most of people
with psychopath are men. In an fNRI study by neuroscientist Kent
Kichl , a certain part of the brain in criminal psychopaths showed
much less activity in responses to emotional charged words like
blood, sewer, hell, and rape than the normal people. It shows that
psychopaths are relatively insensitive to the cruelty involving


Long social memory from yin, dominance hierarchy from yang, and
gender dichotomy are important to maintain a social structure, but
they form the social barrier that hinders the free cooperation among
the members of society. Cooperation is important in survival
strategies as described by Axelrod and Hamilton's evolution of
cooperation. Among all strategies, TIT FOR TAT is the best strategy.
On the first move cooperate. On each succeeding move do what your
opponent did the previous move. From the further analysis of TIT
FOR TAT, four features of TIT FOR TAT emerged:
1. Never be the first to defect: indicate eager cooperate
2. Retaliate only after your partner has defected: detect defection
3. Be prepared to forgive after carrying out just one act of retaliation:
minimum social memory
4. Adopt this strategy only if the probability of meeting the same
player again exceeds 2/3: a strategy for a small social group..
A distinctive character in TIT FOR TAT is eager cooperation as in
the first feature above. It always cooperates first. Such eager
cooperation has minimum social memory to forgive the past
defection as in the third feature above. Such eager cooperation
generates a large cohesive domain, resulting in the best strategy.
However, if defection has no consequence as in a large group, TIT
FOR TAT does not work as in the fourth feature above. TIT FOR
TAT works only in a small group.
In the yin and yang social lives, the high social barrier from long
social memory, dominance hierarchy, and gender dichotomy
excludes eager cooperation. To carry out TIT FOR TAT strategy,
the evolution of human social life produced two additional new
instincts:. the hyper friendly instinct and the detective instinct.
The hyper friendly instinct allows human to cooperate eagerly,
while the detective instinct allows human to detect defection.. The
combination of the hyper friendly instinct and the detective instinct
brings about the conscience instinct.
The harmonious social life

 &# -'/


 maximum eager cooperation without lie: harmonious
cooperation (mutual empathy and empowerment)
  hyper friendly detective
 eager cooperation theory of mind
°  ð $ , 
*   "

Long social memory, dominance hierarchy, and gender dichotomy
are important to maintain a social structure, but they form the social
barrier that hinders the free eager cooperation among the members
of society. To promote eager social cooperation, it is necessary to
minimize such social barrier. One way for the minimization is the
hyper friendly instinct. Through the hyper friendly instinct, the
hyper friendly act minimizes the social barrier. One example of the
hyper friendly instinct is the frequent sexual activities among all
members of bonobo social group. The sexual activities can be
between couples regardless of ages and genders. They do sexual
contacts to greet, to avoid social conflicts, and to reconcile after
conflicts. The hyper friendly act minimizes the social barrier, and
enhances social cooperation. For an example, bonobos engage in
sexual activities before eating to avoid conflict during eating.
Comparing to chimpanzees, bonobos are much more peaceful and
egalitarian because of this hyper friendly instinct.
° .
In human, the hyper friendly instinct is expressed as language. The
verbal communication minimizes effectively social barrier. Human
learns language quickly and early. The human brain encourages
language by rewarding language. For an example, the extremely
hyper friendly people are the people with Williams Syndrome,
which has unusually cheerful talkative demeanor and ease with
strangers. They have excellent verbal skills, superior and
precocious musical ability, perfect pitch and a good memory for
names and faces. Individuals with Williams Syndrome, however,
have higher amount of fear with non-social encounter. The highly
developed human language instinct indicates the highly developed
human hyper friendly instinct.
°  ° (  
3  (  


In the advanced stage of verbal communication, a verbal statement

can express an event occurred elsewhere. Since the event occurs
elsewhere, a listener has to determine if the expressed statement is a
truth or a lie. The detective instinct for detecting a lie in a verbal
statement is necessary for the advanced stage of verbal
communication. The detective instinct is for subtle lie instead of
conspicuous lie, which can be detected easily without the new
detective instinct. The neural network for the detective instinct is
called the lie detection neural network. The neural network has been
described by Hiram Brownell and Richard Griffin as the neural
network for theory of mind that that a person believes that the other
people have the mind to lie and to detect a lie that the person makes.
°    ,
Theory of mind derived from the detective instinct is that a person
believes that the other people have the mind to lie and to detect a lie
that the person makes. The combination of the hyper friendly instinct
and theory of mind derived from the detective instinct brings about
the conscience instinct that is the instinct for maximum eager
cooperation without lie. People feel guilty about cooperation with lie,
and feel other people should feel guilty about cooperation with lie.
The conscience instinct as the self-regulation of cooperation results in
maximum eager cooperation without lie, leading to the harmonious
cooperation (mutual empathy and empowerment). Mutual empathy is
love, while mutual empowerment is diligence. The result is the
harmonious social life. The people with the harmonious social life are
harmonists. The society with the harmonious social life is the
harmonious society.

the brain structure±neurotransmitters for socialization and information processing


admission resolution socialization action openness

(sensitivity- (distinctiveness± (bonding relation± (goal± (persistence±
assertiveness) network) free relation) context) updating)

yin (network-bonding relation-context = collective wellbeing) and yang

(distinctiveness-free relation-goal = individualistic achievement)
passive (sensitivity) ± active (assertiveness) intragroup interaction

harmony = high openness (updating) to transcend yin-yang and passive-active

the social instincts


the social instincts


yin passive yin active harmonious yang active yang passive

social life social life social life social life social life
(amiable) (expressive) (driver) (analytical)
bonding + nurturing + conscience instinct = dominative + systemizing +
freezing manipulative hyper friendly instinct predatory addictive
instincts instincts + detective instinct instincts instinct

the loose the tight collective the harmonious society the tight the loose
collective society individualistic individualistic
society society society


      ! "    


($ '

$)   *    %&
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
1. Ape Evolution
2. Hominid Evolution

The Source of the Presentation

| | 

  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for Human Evolution
The unified theory of human society explains the principal differences
among different human societies. In Part 2, the unified theory deals
with human evolution including ape evolution and hominid evolution.
Diverging from the peacemaking bonobo-like common ancestor, early
human ancestors were basically bipedal peacemaking bonobos whose
habitat changed from hospitable forest to hospitable woodland.
Feeding on fruits from bushes and low branches in woodland forced
them to walk on two legs often. When a group fanned out to find
food, the continuous gestural communication from bipedal early
human ancestors¶ free hands coordinated individuals effectively. The
improvement of gestural communication led eventually to the
emergence of the harmonious social life as indicated by the absence
of large sharp canine teeth for fighting. Bipedalism and the
harmonious social life make hominids distinct from other apes. The
harmonious social life based on the conscience instinct makes human
distinct from all other species. The prehistoric hunter-gatherer society
was the harmonious society.
ð & $  

1.1. The Original Ape: the solitary ape
1.2. The First Split: the peacemaking ape
1.3. The Second Split: the loyal ape
1.4. The Third Split: the harmonious ape
1.5. The Fourth Split: the aggressive ape
1.6. Summary
Early apes evolved during the Miocene epoch from 25 Ma (million
years ago) to 5 Ma. Miocene warming began 21 Ma allowed tropical
forests to prevail in Eurasia and Africa. The early ancestors of apes
migrated to Eurasia from Africa about 17 Ma. Apes evolved in
Eurasia. Miocene warming continued until 14 Ma, when global
temperatures took a sharp drop. As a result, some apes migrated south
into tropical forests in Africa. By 8 Ma, temperatures dropped sharply
once again. Consequently, apes became extinct except in tropical
forests in Southeast Asia and Africa. In Africa, the climate got even
cooler and dryer and the forest patches shrank. By the end of the
Miocene, East Africa had become mostly open grassland. About 2 Ma,
a significant drying occurred in Africa.
Cooling and drying cause the change in the density and type of trees in
forest and the changes from forest to woodland, grassland, and desert.
The difference between woodland and dense forest is in the canopy.
Forest trees are tall and dense enough to hide most of the sky, while
woodland trees are sparse enough for the sky to be visible and grass
and brush to grow on the ground. Grassland has tall grass with few
trees. Eventually, tropical forests are limited to a tight band around the
equator. The original apes were arboreal animals in dense forest,
adapting to life in the trees in dense forest that provided both food
resource and security. Different apes evolved to adapt to the changes
in environments.
1.1. The Original Ape: the solitary ape
ð $  

The original great ape existed before 13 Ma, when the warm and wet
climate allowed tropical forest to prevail in Eurasia. It was the
orangutan-like common ancestor with the best food resource and
security from dense forest. The orangutan-like common ancestor
did not migrate to Africa. Apes evolved a new way of moving
around in the trees ± brachiation that is arm-over-arm swinging
from one branch to another. Brachiation evolved as a way to get
at fruits that were at the very tips of branches. This allows apes to
get at fruits that a monkey cannot reach. Apes have larger brains
than monkeys. Gestural communication is virtually limited to
great apes.
° ! 

As the orangutan-like common ancestor, current orangutan is the
solitary ape that has the loose social structure without the need of
the support of tight social group. They are currently found only in
rainforests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Orangutan is
the largest arboreal animals in forest, adapting to life in the trees in
dense forest that provides both food resource and security.
Orangutans are the most arboreal of the great apes, spending
nearly all of their time in the trees. Every night they fashion
sleeping nests from branches and foliage. They are more solitary
than other apes; males and females generally come together only
to mate. There is significant sexual dimorphism. Orangutans
primarily eat fruit.
ð °  "


ð $  

The Miocene warming began 21 Ma and continued until 14 Ma,
when global temperatures took a sharp drop. About 13 Ma, the
slight decrease in of tree-density in forest by climate change
caused the first split from the orangutan-like common ancestor to
produce the bonobo-like common ancestor with the second best
food resource and security. It was necessary to have the support
of social group for the procurement of food and for protection in
this environment. With the support of social group, food and
security posted no serious problems without the strong need to
fight for food in a social group. As a result, as the bonobo-like
common ancestor, bonobo is the peacemaking ape that has the
matriarch collective society for collective wellbeing.
Bonobos are now found in the wild only in the dense tropical forest
south of the Congo River. Genetically modern bonobo is exactly as
close to modern human as modern chimpanzee.
° ! 

For peacemaking, bonobo has ³hyper friendliness´ as shown in the
frequent sexual activities among all members of bonobo social
group. The sexual activities can be between couples regardless of
ages and genders. They do causal sexual contacts to greet, to avoid
social conflicts, and to reconcile after conflicts. The hyper friendly
act minimizes the social barrier, and enhances social cooperation.
For an example, bonobos engage in sexual activities before eating to
avoid conflict during eating. On the other hand, De Waal pointed
out that 'sex for peace' precisely because bonobos have plenty of
conflicts. There would obviously be no need for peacemaking if
they lived in perfect harmony.
Bonobo walks upright approximately 25% of the time during
ground locomotion. At the time of the split, its quadrupedal
ground locomotion was orangutan-like forelimb fist or palm
walking instead of the predominant use of knuckles developed
later as characteristic of gorillas and the chimpanzees. Like
human, bonobo has relatively small canines. These physical
characteristics and its posture, give bonobo an appearance more
closely resembling humans than that of chimpanzee.
1.3. The Second Split: the loyal ape
ð $  

By 8 Ma, temperatures dropped sharply once again. The further
decrease in tree-density in some forests by further temperature
drop caused the second split from the bonobo-like common
ancestor to produce gorilla in diverse forests in about 7 Ma. In
some regions in Africa, dense forest turned into diverse forest with
various tree-densities. Gorilla is the loyal ape that has the patriarch
collective society for collective wellbeing with strong loyalty to the
dominatingly large male leader for protection.
° ! 

Gorillas are the largest of the living primates. Instead of relying
trees for protection, gorillas rely on their physical sizes for
protection. Relying on physical size for protection was
adaptable to diverse forests with variable tree-densities. Large
gorillas could not climb trees easily, so gorillas were ground-
dwelling. Gorillas move around by knuckle-walking. Gorillas
are shy and peaceful vegetarians. Diverging from the bonobo-
like common ancestors, early gorillas ancestors were basically
the dominatingly large bonobos. Gorillas today live in tropical
or subtropical forests in different parts of Africa.
1.4. The Third Split: the harmonious ape

ð $  

The progressive drying and cooling turned parts of forests in Africa
into woodlands. The appearance of woodland caused the third split
from the bonobo-like common ancestor to produce the bipedal
human ancestor, who used free hands for the improvement in
gestural communication to survive in hospitable woodland.
Human ancestors were basically bipedal bonobos whose habitat
changed from hospitable forest to hospitable woodland. Free
hands from bipedalism allowed continuous gestural
communication during walking. The improvement in
communication led eventually to the harmonious society. Human
was the harmonious ape.
Ardi (Ardipithecus ramidus), the oldest human skeleton discovered,
lived in 4.4 Ma. Similar to other apes, Ardi's skull encased a small
brain ± 300 to 350 cc. Ardi¶s feet had a stout opposable big toe for
climbing trees. She lived in grassy woodland with patches of
denser forest and freshwater springs. Woodland allowed
increasingly amount of food from bushes and low branches, which
could be seen and reached from the ground. Chimpanzees today
move on two legs most often when feeding on the ground from
bushes and low branches. In the same way, feeding on fruits from
bushes and low branches, Ardi moved on two legs often. When
chimpanzees today are under duress from a poor fruit season, they
break up into smaller foraging units that scour the environment
more thoroughly.
In the same way, Ardi and the members of her social group
fanned out to find food. Individuals could communicate with one
another by vocal/gestural communication. Bipedal Ardi¶s free
hands allowed individuals from the searching group to
communicate continuously and precisely during walking.
(Without bipedalism, apes cannot walk and do gestural
communication at the same time continuously.) Such effective
coordination by vocal/gestural communication allowed them to
find food efficiently. The effective coordination also allowed
them effectively escaping from predators.
° ! 

They climbed trees mostly at night, for high branch fruits, and for
safety. The tree-density was high enough, so they had easy access
to trees to escape from predators, and did not need the rapid
movement of quadrupedal locomotion, such as knuckle walking, to
escape from predators. This initial woodland habitat was quite
hospitable for early bipedal hominid. Bipedalism might possibly
happen in a number of locations with similar hospitable woodland
environment. Human ancestors were basically bipedal bonobos
whose habitat changed from hospitable forest to hospitable


The continuous gestural communication allowed improved
explanation gestural communication for improving mutual
understanding and the improved cooperative gestural
communication for establishing elaborate social rules. The
improvement in communication reduced conflicts by the
improvement of understanding among them and the
establishment of some elaborate social rules.


The primitive gestural communication emerged first involved the
primitive natural gestures of pointing and pantomiming. Such
primitive gestural communication did not require the large
expansion of the brain.

What robust vocal/facial/gestural communication needed was
pleasure connecting with vocal/facial/gestural communication. For
bonobos, hyper friendliness for peacemaking is expressed by causal
sexual contact that gives them pleasure. Unlike other apes, humans,
including babies, enjoy gestural/facial/vocal communication, such as
dancing, singing, and talking. The pleasurable vocal/facial/gestural
communication of early human ancestors gradually replaced
pleasurable casual sexual contact of the bonobo-like common
ancestors as pleasurable way to bond with one another. By the time
of Ardi, pleasurable causal sexual contact disappeared, and replaced
by pleasurable vocal/facial/gestural communication. Instead of
group sex for peacemaking, human ancestors, like Ardi, had group
dancing and group singing for peacemaking. The disappearance of
casual sexual contact allowed human ancestors to develop
monogamy for pair bonding.


Communication became not only useful but also pleasurable.
Communication became frequent. Communication became
sharing information both related and unrelated physical needs.
The human ancestors, like Ardi, evolved from the merely
peacemaking bonobo-like common ancestors to the harmonious
hominids as shown in the absence of large sharp canine teeth
(fangs) for fighting. Other apes, particularly males, have thick,
projecting, sharp canines that they use for displays of
aggression and as weapons to defend themselves. Such
harmonious coherent social group improved its ability to find
and collect food and to fend off predators, resulting in improved
chance for survival in woodland.
Gestural communication served as a stepping stone for the evolution
of human symbolic communication. Gesture production in humans
is so automatic that it is relatively immune to audience effects:
blind subjects gesture at equal rates as sighted subjects to a known
blind audience. Gestural communication as gestural language is the
predecessor of spoken language. The generally right-handed
dominant hominid caused the development of the gestural language
area (Broca¶s area) in the left-brain that eventually developed into
the part for the spoken language later. In the study by Hickok,
Bellugi and Klima, the impairment for sign language patients was
identical with that of speaking patients. At the hemispheric level
the neural organization of sign language is indistinguishable from
that of spoken language.
1.5. The Fourth Split: the aggressive ape

ð $  

‡ Two million year ago, a significant drying occurred in Africa.
Near the central Africa about 2 million years ago, the decrease tree-
density in forest caused the fourth split from the bonobo-like
common ancestor to produce chimpanzee. Chimpanzee is the
aggressive ape that has the patriarch individualistic society with
individual and group aggression to survive in inhospitable
woodland. The tree-density in the initial habitat of chimpanzees
was the lowest among the five apes.
‡ Anatomical differences between chimpanzee and bonobo are
slight, but in sexual and social behaviors there are marked
differences. Bonobos live in the tropical rain forests with
relatively sufficient food and security. Chimpanzees live in the
tropical woodland savannah around the equatorial portion of
Africa. Chimpanzees travel around 3 miles a day for food and
water, whereas bonobos have hardly been noted to travel more
than 1.5 or 2 miles a day. Individual and group aggression of
male chimpanzees became the mean to survive in such
inhospitable woodland. Diverging from the bonobo-like
common ancestors, early chimpanzee ancestors were basically
the aggressive bonobos whose habitat changed from hospitable
forest to inhospitable woodland.
° ! 

Chimpanzees have the patriarch individualistic society with the
competitive hierarchy. Primatologist Frans de Waal described
male chimpanzees in Chimpanzee Politics . The male
chimpanzees fight to be the number one. A leader is under
constant challenge. A leader is deposed after the other male
chimpanzees have formed alliance and ganged up against the
leader. In the wild, male chimpanzees are extraordinarily hostile
to males from outside of the social group. Male patrolling
chimpanzees attack and often kill the neighboring male
chimpanzee outsider who might be traveling alone. On the
contrary, bonobo males or females prefer sexual contact over
violent confrontation with outsiders.
1.6. Summary
XY Y    

   # $

 Y$  Y  

X % $  Y  
   & ' &
Y   Y  #   % &

X $    

Y      ' #  

XY  $       & Y
' (  Y       % 
XY  %   $     
 %  Y  $  Y

  $ Y    Y    $Y $
& $  

orangutan-like common ancestor
13 Ma

orangutan bonobo-like common ancestor

7 Ma (million years ago)

6 Ma

2 Ma

chimpanzee bonobo




- original ape (> dense forest/tree (1)
13 Ma)
! first split (13 dense forest/tree (2)

 second split (7 diverse forest/tree (3)
 third split (6 hospitable woodland/ground (4)
0 fourth split (2 inhospitable woodland/tree (5)


  # $    Y   %


       Y   %


 Y    Y      

   '$$ %    Y  %   



2.1. Ardi and Lucy
2.2. Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus
2.3. Homo Sapiens
2.4. The Prehistoric Harmonious Hunter-gatherer Society

Hominids evolved from the non-Homo hominids (Ardi and Lucy)

to the Homo hominids (Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo
sapiens). During hominid evolution, the usage of tools and the
successful harmonious society based on the conscience instinct
(the combination of hyper friendliness and theory of mind)
allowed the Homo to become highly successful species adaptable
in diverse environments. The prehistoric human society was the
harmonious hunter-gatherer society.
) '  

Human is the only non-extinct species of hominids. Hominid
evolution started from woodland in Africa. From 6 Ma to 2 Ma, the
drier and cooler climate progressed slowly. By around 6 Ma to 2
Ma in Africa, hominids had evolved with two important traits that
distinguished it from apes: bipedalism and small canine teeth.
° &
The two most complete skeletons for early hominids are Ardi and
Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis). Ardi (45% complete skeleton) is
estimated to be 4.4 million years ago. (Similar to other apes, Ardi's
skull encased a small brain ± 300 to 350 cc.) She lived in grassy
woodland with patches of denser forest and freshwater springs.
The further decrease in temperature and rain decreased food
resource and security as shown in Lucy (40% complete skeleton) in
3.2 million years ago. (The brain size is 450-530cc.) The
environmental pressure led to the small expansion of the brain as
shown in the larger brain in Lucy than in Ardi.
ð $

After about 2.8 Ma, in East Africa east of the African Rift
System, the environment pressure came from the climate
fluctuation and significant drying. During this period, parts of
forest and woodland turned to grassland. Without the protection
of forest, the bipedal hominid in the open grassland faced
predators from both large dangerous animals and intense inter-
group competition. The climate fluctuation and open grassland
forced hominids to evolve quickly in terms of the brain size to
thrive in diverse environments including forests, woodlands, and
grassland savannas. It involved the usage of tools and the
emergence of the highly efficient cooperative harmonious society
based on the conscience instinct as the combination of hyper
friendliness and theory of mind for social cooperation. The
usage of tools and the highly efficient cooperative harmonious
society allowed human to thrive in diverse environments.

In the next 2 million years, the Australopithecine evolved into the
Homo. The next most significant gradual change of hominid
evolution is the conversion of free hands into manipulative hands
with precision grip resulting in the acquisition of tool-use and
making. The most primitive stone tool-use hominid family is
Homo habilis in about 2.2-1.6 Ma. (The brain size is 750-
850cc.) The use of tools allowed hominids to hunt and butcher
animals which provided the nutrients for the brain.
Eventually, (1.9-0.1 Ma), Homo erectus had not only perfected
stone tools considerably but had also learned how to control and
use fire. The hearth for fire and the gathering for cooperative tool
manufacture promoted the development of social organization.
The competitive advantage of social organization resulted in the
rapid development of spoken language to aid gestural language in
the same area of the brain.
Language alone cannot solve all social conflicts to achieve
maximum eager cooperation without lie, so it is necessary to control
social conflicts by will. The social behaviors were still affected
greatly by the instincts from the old non-harmonious social lives that
hinder frequently maximum eager cooperation without lie. The
competitive advantage of the harmonious society (TIT FOR TAT
strategy as the best strategy) resulted in the expansion of the
prefrontal cortex to control the non-harmonious instincts. As the
brain had tripled in size during human evolution, the prefrontal
cortex had increased in size six fold. The prefrontal cortex in
humans occupies a far larger percentage of the brain than any other
animal. Therefore, the conscience instinct can be divided into the
conscience intelligence for the knowledge of socialization and the
conscience will to control the non-harmonious instincts to achieve
maximum eager cooperation without lie. The earliest Homo sapiens
found in Ethiopia were dated to be about 200,000 years old.
walking hands (bonobo-like common ancestor)

free hands for gestural language as hyper

friendliness (non-Homo hominids 6-1 Ma)

manipulative hands for tool

(Homo habilis 2.2-1.6 Ma)

speech for theory of mind

(Homo erectus 1.9-0.1 Ma)

hyper friendliness theory of mind (detective instinct)

conscience instinct
extra prefrontal cortex

enhanced conscience instinct

(Homo sapiens < 0.2 Ma)

conscience intelligence conscience will


3.1. The Properties of the Social Lives
3.2. The Enforcement of the Social Life
3.3. The Interaction of the Social Lives

Life has many parts. Each specific part has specific fitness and
disorder. Fitness enhances life, and disorder enhances demise.
The instinctive response to fitness that enhances life is happiness
to continue the fitness. Disorder that enhances demise is the loss
of the function of certain adaptable life part. The instinctive
response to disorder is suffering to prompt attention to disorder, so
disorder can be dealt with urgently.
) Y "    Y    %

Social-life fitness enhances social life, and social-life disorder

enhances social-life demise. The instinctive response to social-life
fitness that enhances social life is social-life happiness to continue
the pursuit of social-life fitness. The instinctive response to social-
life disorder that enhances social-life demise is social-life suffering
to prompt attention to social-life disorder, so individuals can deal
with social-life disorder urgently. Social-life sin is the action of
social-life disorder. The healthy social life allows all three of social
lives working together constructively rather than destructively.




  collective individualistic harmonious

  wellbeing achievement cooperation

  injustice repression disharmony


 injustice repression disharmony

 alienation unfulfillment loneliness

 Collective individualistic harmonious
 Y *    Y    
Healthy society and individual in terms of social life enforce the
adoption of social-life fitness and the avoidance of social-life
disorder. The enforcement originates from the memories of
happiness and suffering, social reward and punishment, and faith.


The memory of social-life happiness enforces the adoption of
fitness, while the memory of social-life suffering enforces the
avoidance of disorder. The process can be manifested by the
memories of extreme social-life suffering (PTSD) and happiness
(peak experience) .

Society rewards fitness as virtue, and punishes disorder as sin

As soon as a specific social life is established by the combination of
memory and social enforcement, the faith in the social life can
continue the enforcement even without the successful social life.
 Y !    Y    %

The interactions among the social lives result in the unified multi-
social life society and the single-social life society.


A peaceful unified multi-social life society consisting of the
collective, individualistic, and harmonious social lives has the
balanced social life. To have a balanced social life, a peaceful
society must have a continuous checks and balances process, so all
social lives have acceptable existences. An unbalanced multi-social
life society does not have good checks and balances process to find
acceptable existences for all social lives.

the single-social life society has one complete social life. In the
complete social life, dominant collective wellbeing represses
individualistic achievement and disharmonizes harmonious
cooperation, dominant individualistic achievement violates
collective wellbeing and disharmonizes harmonious cooperation,
and dominant harmonious cooperation violates collective wellbeing
and represses individualistic achievement.
A person who joins a purely single-social life society must choose
the social happiness of the complete social life and the social-life
sufferings of the other social lives. The conversion remains
unchanged as long as the happiness is greater than the sufferings. .



human social history from the prehistoric harmonious hunter-

gatherer society to the modern/postmodern three-branch Unified
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
1. The Prehistoric Period
2. The Early Period
3. The Modern Two-Party Society
4. The Modern Three-Branch Unified Society

The Source of the Presentation

| | 

  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for Human Social History
The unified theory of human society explains the principal
differences among different human societies. In Part 3, the unified
theory deals with human social history including the Prehistoric
Period, the Early Period and the Modern Period. In the Early Period
starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the inevitably large civilized
social group of the agricultural-nomad society destroyed the
prehistoric harmonious small social group, resulting in the
formations of the collective society and the individualistic society.
The collective society included Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and
Confucianism. The individualistic society included Greek
mythology and science. The harmonious society included
Christianity, Buddhism, and Daoism. In the Modern Period starting
from the Renaissance, the modern mass printing and increased
literacy led to communication and understanding, resulting in the
three-branch Modern Unified Society consisting of the collective
political party, the individualistic political party, and the harmonious


the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Neolithic Revolution
the Early Divided Society

the individualistic the collective society: the harmonious society

society: the collective state + the harmonious religion
the individualistic state the state religion
the state individualism
the Modern Revolution
the Modern Unified Society

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism
I. The Prehistoric Period
1.1. The Prehistoric Harmonious Society
1.2. The Exit from the Harmonious Society

 harmonious Disharmony loneliness

 cooperation (disconnection)

1.1. The Prehistoric Harmonious Society

In the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society, the social-
life fitness that enhances social life is harmonious cooperation.
Social-life disorder that enhances social demise is disharmony.
The action of disharmony is disharmony sin that causes the
disharmony suffering as loneliness (disconnection). The
harmonious society rewards harmonious cooperation as virtue, and
punishes disharmony as sin.

The prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society as maximum
eager cooperation without lie was egalitarian, democratic, and
peaceful. The prehistoric hunter-gatherers were averaged 6 inches
taller than agricultural peoples up to 100 years ago. Each person
lived adequately. Today, we are now as tall as we once were. The
prehistoric hunter-gatherer society may be similar to the modern
Bushman in African¶s Kalahari Desert as described by Marshall
Sahlins¶ ³The Original Affluent Society´ . The hunter-gatherer
society in small groups (about 20-35 people) adjusts its daily needs
and desires with what is available to them. Available food is
actually fairly adequate for their modest need. Without material
accumulation, they work only for daily needs, so only the able-
bodied work no more than 19 hours only a week, and 40% of
people do not need to work. Without clear property lines, they
welcome all visitors. They do not have to permanently stay in one
social group.
A great deal of evidence suggests that the prehistoric hunter-
gatherer society was much less war-like than later peoples.
Archaeological studies throughout the world have found hardly
any evidence of warfare the prehistoric hunter-gatherer society .
Many of the world¶s cultures have myths that refer to an earlier
time when life was the balance way of social life. In ancient
Greece and Rome this was known as the Golden Age; in China it
was the Age of Perfect Virtue, in India it was the Krita Yuga
(Perfect Age), while the Judeo-Christian tradition has the story of
the Garden of Eden . The prehistoric hunter-gatherer society is
the prehistoric harmonious society.
1.2. The Exit from the Harmonious Society

The Neolithic Revolution as the transition from nomadic hunting
and gathering to the cultivated crops and domesticated animals for
their subsistence was first adopted about 10,000 years ago. As
cultivated crops and domesticated animals improved, people
depended on cultivated crops and domesticated animals as the
main food source.
2.  )  
Plow technology, which required more upper body strength and
allowed large farm far away from home, did not allowed women to
participate in plowing the fields and rearing children at the same
time. Gender inequality was severe in the agricultural society.


Farmers grew crops for sale rather than crops grown only for
household use. Market became an important part of society.
Surplus food production brought about non-food-producing
professionals, such as religious or ruling elites.
Large cities emerged. It is the start of civilization whose original
meaning relates to being a citizen, who is governed by the law of
one¶s city, town or community. Civilization was an irreversible
process. The agricultural society required to stay in the same place,
so it was more prone to the periodic local natural disaster. The
constant population pressure and the periodic natural disasters
caused deficient resource and warfare.

Because TIT FOR TAT is essentially a strategy for a small social group.
The agricultural society with large size social group forced the
society moving away from the original small prehistoric harmonious
society. A sign of the loss of harmony in the agricultural-nomad
society was warfare. Archaeological evidence points to a
commencement of warfare that postdates the development of
agriculture. The result of the deviation from the harmonious society
was the emergence of the collective civilized society and the
individualistic civilized society.
2. The Early Period
2.1. The Early Collective Society
2.2. The Early Individualistic Society
2.3. The Revival of the Harmonious Society
In the Early Period starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the
inevitably large civilized social group of the agricultural-nomad
civilized society destroyed the harmonious small social group. As a
result, the collective society and the individualistic society were
formed separately as the Early Divided Society with exclusive
societies. In the collective society, the state has the state collective
religion as ideology (Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism).
In the individualistic society, the state has the state individualism as
ideology (Greek mythology and science). Later, the harmonious
society was formed as the harmonious religions (Christianity,
Buddhism, and Daoism).
2.1. The Early Collective Society


 collective Injustice alienation

In the collective society, the social-life fitness that enhances social

life is collective wellbeing. Social-life disorder is injustice. The
action of injustice is injustice sin that causes the injustice suffering
as alienation. The collective society rewards collective wellbeing,
and punishes injustice. In the society dominated by the collective
society, individualistic achievement to disregard collective wellbeing
and harmonious cooperation to disregard the distinction between
friends and outsiders are minimized to maximize collective
wellbeing. The collective society includes the moral religions and
socialism. The collective religions include Hinduism, Confucianism,
Judaism, and Islam. Collective wellbeing is
expressed as the moral code for the wellbeing of all people in a
religion. Socialism has the centralized economic plan for the
wellbeing of all people in a socialistic society.
The moral code in the collective religions prevents injustice. The
supernatural authority rules over all human rulers with morality. The
supernatural authority becomes the ³High Ruler´. Judaism and
Islam believe in one personal God or Allah, while Confucianism
believes in one impersonal God (Heaven (Tian) or High Ruler
(Shang-di)). Hinduism is polymorphic monotheism where one God
assumes many forms.
2.2. The Early Individualistic Society


 individualistic repression unfulfillmen

 achievement t

In the individualistic society, the social-life fitness that enhances

social life is individualistic achievement. Social-life disorder as sin
is repression. The suffering as the response to repression is
unfulfillment. The individualistic society rewards individualistic
achievement, and punishes repression. In the society dominated by
the individualistic society, collective wellbeing to restrict
individualistic achievement and harmonious cooperation to disregard
the merit hierarchy based on individualistic achievement are
minimized to maximize individualistic achievement.

Greece was divided into many small self-governing communities, a
pattern largely dictated by Greek geography. It prevented the
formation of the collective society over all communities, resulting in
the tight individualistic society in many separated states in Greece.
This individualistic society developed state individualism. Greek
individualism allowed individuals to understand rationally the
physical universe. It permitted individuals to have self-reliance to
question all traditional authorities. Individual achievement rather
than collective wellbeing became the primary concern.

The two distinctive features in Greek culture are Greek mythology
and science. Greek mythology involves essentially the
individualistic supernatural achievement. Science involves
essentially the individualistic intellectual achievement.
2.3. The Revival of the Harmonious Society
For about ten thousand years after the Neolithic Revolution, the
two-branch civilized society consisting of the collective society and
the individualistic society dominated the civilized society. The
revival harmonious societies including Daoism, Buddhism, and
Christianity were found by Laozi, Buddha, and Jesus, respectively.
The five reasons for the revival of the harmonious society are the
propensity for harmonious cooperation as a part of human social
lives, the futility of the existing fitness in the chaotic society, the
affluence of society to allow the existence of the dependent
harmonious society as a small social group, the miraculous
supernatural selection to reveal complete harmonious life, and the
examples of the founders to choose complete harmonious life.
3. The Modern Two-Party Society

3.1. The Modern Individualistic Society

3. 1.1. The Renaissance
3. 1.2. The Industrial Revolution
3.2. The Modern Collective Society
3.3. The Modern Democratic Two-Party Society
3.1. The Modern Individualistic Society.
After the fall of the Roman Empire and the end of the dominance of
the Greek culture, the Western World returned to the collective society
dominated by the human authorities in the Christian church in the
Middle Ages. It had rigid social code to maintain the order in the
3.1.1. The Renaissance.

The Greek culture and its individualism again became important in
the Renaissance. The Renaissance had their origin in late 13th
century Florence, Italy. Italy was divided into smaller city states
and territories, similar to the classical Greece. Italy was one of the
most urbanized areas in Europe. They were in the Roman Empire
that inherited Greek culture. Italy at this time was notable for its
merchant Republics, similar to the exclusive individualistic society
in the classical Greece, resulting in the individualistic society.
Greek individualism gave people self-reliance to change
traditions and authorities. The highly spiritual art in the Middle
Ages was transformed into worldly and secular art. The religion
that depended on the church authority and tradition in the Middle
Ages was transformed into the personal rational reading of the
original scripture. People again were interested the rational
system of the nature. Politics was understood in more realistic
power struggle among individuals. The change in the society as a
whole was more gradual than the change in ideas. The broad
power of the church was replaced by small national powers. The
society as a whole continued to be the collective society.
In some areas, the exclusive democratic society appeared. The
exclusive democratic society was controlled by small wealthy
males. Within this small group, there was democracy, while the
whole society was still the collective society. The situation was
changed by the industrial revolution.
3.1.2. The Industrial Revolution

Greek individualism assisted not only in the development of new
science after the Renaissance but also the development of new
technology and new commerce, resulting in the industrial
revolution in the areas where individualism was strong. Such areas
were mostly occupied the Protestants whose belief relied on
distinctively individual connection with God.

The Industrial Revolution replaced an economy based on manual
labor by one dominated by machinery. The dramatic increase in
productivity lifted most people from the poverty in the agricultural-
nomad society. The Industrial Revolution started in the mid 18th
century and early 19th century in Britain and spread throughout the
The success of the Industrial Revolution in Britain is due to the
simultaneous combination of financial capital, labor, technology,
and free market with economic growth, all of which Britain had in
the mid 18th century. At that time, none of other locations had all
elements for the successful start of the Industrial Revolution.

The capitalistic society derived from the Industrial Revolution
resulted in a highly individualistic society for individualistic
3.2. The Modern Collective Society

By the mid-nineteenth century, many reformers from Europe and
America realized the need to transform capitalist industrial society
into a much more egalitarian system in which collective wellbeing
is above individualistic achievement. The system is socialism.
The word was first used in the early 1830s by the followers of
Owen in Britain and those of Saint-Simon in France. They
criticized the excessive poverty and inequality of the Industrial
Revolution. They advocated reform via the egalitarian distribution
of wealth without private property.

The principle of socialism is collective wellbeing. There are
different ways to carry out collective wellbeing. Socialism can be
cooperative socialism, total state ownership socialism, partial
state ownership socialism, and regulatory socialism.
3.3. The Modern Democratic Two-Party Society

The prehistoric hunter-gatherer society under normal condition was
the democratic society. It was democratic and egalitarian.
Democracy is defined as a political system in which all the
members of the society have equal access to power.
° (   


In the civilized society, a small political group simply cannot
survive. How can people build a democratic and egalitarian
democratic political society in the civilized society? It is possible
to have a democratic society, because the human nature is
evolved to have the propensity for democratic society as in the
prehistoric hunter-gatherer society. People want democratic
society. People have developed approximate democratic society
with different approximation methods to reach approximate
democratic society.

The first approximation method is the representation to select few
people to represent a large group. The selection method was lot
for Athenians. The more popular representation is election by
ballot. The size of the representative group is small enough to
build social bonding among representatives. It is common to find
good social bonding among political enemies in the representative

The second approximation method is the exclusion to make
democratic society exclusively for a particular homogeneous
group. For Athenians, the exclusive group was free men. It
excluded slave and women. In Athens, the exclusive group
represented only 20% of the total population. It was the same
way for the early United States. The exclusive group was for free
wealthy men. Poor people were typically excluded.
Such exclusion method had prevailed for a long time until only
recently. With the exclusion method, the society as whole is not
democratic. It is democratic only within the exclusive group.
After the industrious revolution, the exclusion method has become
increasingly ineffective for the approximate democratic society.
The exclusive group has lost its control intellectually and
economically. The easy communication after the industrious
revolution does not allow the intellectual control over any specific
groups. The economic income become fluidic, so any economic
control over any specific groups has become difficult. The modern
individualistic society as capitalism and the modern collective
society as socialism clashed to create tremendous turbulence in
many parts of the modern world. The modern mass printing and
increased literary at the same time allowed communication and
understanding between the two modern branches of human society.
The result was the establishment of the democratic two-party
Modern Unified Society, such as in America. The two-party system
consists of the socialistic political party for the collective society
and the free market (capitalistic) political party for the
individualistic society.
4. The Modern Three-Branch Unified Society

1. General Description
2. The Requirements for the Unified Society

The Modern Revolution gradually moved the church from the state
religion back to the harmonious society, particularly in America. In
the Modern Unified Society, such as America, political parties replace
states, partisan socialism replaces state religion, partisan capitalism
replaces state individualism, and religions become harmonious
religions without political state of large social group. The Unified
Society is the system of separation and balance of powers in the three-
branch society, consisting of the collective society, the individualistic
society, and the harmonious society.
4.1. General Description
The three-branch Unified Society of America is the system of
separation and balance among the three social powers: yin, yang,
and harmony as describe below.

!  /

 4 Collective Individualistic harmonious

 wellbeing achievement cooperation

 Large group Large group Small group


 Politics Politics Religion

  Democratic Republican None
Party Party
 Collective Individualistic None

 socialism capitalism
The social lives or the principles for yin, yang, and harmony are
collective wellbeing, individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively. The basic social group unit for yin and
yang is large, while the basic social group unit for harmony is small.
The main social activity for yin and yang is politics, while the main
social activity for harmony is religion, which is mostly Christianity,
a harmonious religion as the harmonious society. The political
parties for yin and yang are typically the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party, respectively. The preferred economic policies for
yin and yang are collective socialism and individualistic capitalism,
respectively. Since economic policy is for large social group unit,
harmony as a small social group unit does not have an economic
4.2. The Requirements for the Unified Society
ð & 5 #   

To start a nation in the modern time requires adequate resource and
security. Adequate resource includes natural resource and human
resource in terms the human capability to manage a modern nation.
Adequate security requires an adequate military power. Without
adequate resource and security, a nation is in a continuous conflict
and chaos. Such a nation becomes too weak to evolve into the
Unified Society.
°  &  (

A dictatorial power does not allow three different separated societies.
America practices democracy. At the heart of the US Constitution is
the principle known as 'separation of powersµ among the executive,
the legislature and the judiciary, and no one institution and individual
have too much power. This system of checks and balances prevents
the emergence of dictator.

Some political revolutions are hostile toward one or two of the three
societies. The communism revolution was hostile toward the yang
individualistic society and the harmonious religious society. The
French Constitution of 1905 and the Spanish Constitution of 1931
have been characterized as the two most hostile of the twentieth
century toward religion, although the current schemes in those
countries are considered friendly. The United States Constitution
has an amiable relation with religion. The United States
Constitution was written by a coalition of Enlightenment rationalists
and evangelical Christians who were deeply concerned about
entanglements between religion and government.

The American Revolution met the first three requirements for the
Unified Society. It takes long time to meet the requirement of the
clear separation and balance among the three societies.


the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Neolithic Revolution
the Early Divided Society

the individualistic the collective society: the harmonious society

society: the collective state + the harmonious religion
the individualistic state the state religion
the state individualism
the Modern Revolution
the Modern Unified Society

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism



The Postmodern Kingdom of God as the harmonious

society in the three-branch Unified Society
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
1. Supernatural Selection
2. The Prehistoric Kingdom of God
3. The Early Transitional Kingdom of God
4. The Early Kingdom of God
5. The Church
6. The Modern Kingdom of God
7. The Postmodern Kingdom of God

The Source of the Presentation

| | 

  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for the Kingdom of God
The unified theory of human society explains the principal differences
among different human societies, and identifies the peaceful unified
society for all human societies. In Part 4, the unified theory deals with
the kingdom of God. The supernatural interaction between the
supernatural and human is expressed as the kingdom of God that is the
harmonious society. The kingdom of God evolves through
supernatural selection. Through the supernatural miracle (the non-
representation of the natural physical laws), the supernatural selects
the harmonious society as the chosen society by the divine revelation
of the abstractness (the non-representation of the expression of the
natural human mind). The prehistoric kingdom of God expressed as
Symbolic Religion during the Upper Paleolithic Period provided the
abstract social bond to bond the isolated social groups to survive the
harsh environment. In the Early Period, the early transitional kingdom
of God was the moral religion as Judaism where God was the high
ruler, and provided the abstract morality to prevent the activated
dehumanized prey-predator instinct.
Jesus Christ initiated the early kingdom of God through the sacrifice
and the resurrection. The early kingdom of God provided the abstract
rebirth for the civilized people to return to the harmonious social life
and society. In the Modern Period starting from the Renaissance, the
modern kingdom of God is in the three-branch Modern Unified
Society consisting of the collective political party, the individualistic
political party, and the harmonious religion. Representing human
history, human nature, and the supernatural, the Postmodern Kingdom
of God is the inclusive harmonious society in the three-branch unified
the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Upper Paleolithic Revolution
the prehistoric Symbolic Religion @  @ 
the Neolithic Revolution
the individualistic society: the collective society: the harmonious society
the individualistic state + the collective state + the harmonious religion
the state individualism the state religion @  
@ @


the Modern Revolution

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism @   
the Postmodern Revolution

the global collective society: the global individualistic society: the global harmonious society
the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism @ @  
1. Supernatural Selection

Human as a species evolves through natural selection. The

kingdom of God evolves through supernatural selection. In
supernatural selection, the supernatural selects human as the
chosen species, the harmonious social life as the chosen social
life, and the harmonious society as the chosen society. Through
the supernatural miracle (the non-representation of the natural
physical laws), the supernatural selects the human harmonious
society to survive by the divine revelation of the abstractness
(the non-representation of the expression of the natural human
mind), including the abstract bond, the abstract morality, and
the abstract rebirth.
   & * 6

supernatural abstract the prehistoric Symbolic Religion
bonder bond kingdom of God (female figurines and
cave paintings)
supernatural abstract the early moral religions
authority morality transitional (Hinduism, Judaism,
kingdom of God Confucianism, and
supernatural abstract the early harmonious religions
liberator rebirth kingdom of God (Buddhism, Daoism,
and Christianity)
2. The Prehistoric Kingdom of God
ð  * 

For about 160,000 years, there was no formal religion in the
prehistoric human society. The first formal religion as the
prehistoric kingdom of God appeared about 40,000 years ago
during the Upper Paleolithic Revolution.


Similarly to the Industrial and Neolithic Revolutions, the Upper
Paleolithic Revolution represents a short time span when
numerous inventions appeared and cultural changes occurred.
The revolution comprised new religions, technologies, hunting
techniques, human burials, and artistic work. The Upper
Paleolithic period extended from about 40,000 to between 10,000
and 15,000 years ago. The reasons for these changes in human
behavior have been attributed to a number of sudden global
temperature drops reducing significantly the area for forest in
Europe and Asia.
The reduction of forest reduced the food supply, usable timber,
and other non-food materials. The same climate change caused
the extinction of Neanderthals, who had survived since 200,000
years ago, and had similar intelligence as Homo sapiens. Homo
sapiens faced the same fate of extinction as Neanderthals.

One distinct difference between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals
during the Upper Paleolithic Revolution is the appearance of the
new Homo sapiens¶ religion, Symbolic Religion, which saved
Homo sapiens from extinction. Symbolic Religion consists of
abstract female figurines and abstract cave paintings.


The difference in the religious practice during the Upper
Paleolithic Revolution is the increasingly shared abstract
religious symbols among different social groups. The sharing
provided the social bonds.

In terms of theology, when human faced the possibility of
extinction in the harsh environment, God initiated the supernatural
miracle by Symbolic Religion for fertility and vitality in the forms
of female figurines and cave paintings, respectively. Through
sharing religious symbols among different social groups, the
religious symbols were blessed by God with the supernatural
miracles. The religious symbols really worked miraculously.
Different social groups identified with the common religious
symbols, forming the social bond. The religious symbols become
the abstract bond outside of the natural mind that relies on actual
concrete human interaction. In other words, the religious symbols
instantly evoke social bond without actual concrete human
interaction. This abstract bond is revealed through the supernatural
miracle. Bounded by the blessed religious symbols, different social
groups worked together to overcome the harsh environment,
avoiding extinction.

The prehistoric kingdom of God expressed as Symbolic Religion
(female figurines and cave paintings) provided the abstract social
bond to bond the isolated social groups to survive the harsh

In the Bible, God first created man and woman in Genesis 1:27, ³So
God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them.´ There was no formal
religion (the supernatural interaction) for the first man and woman.
Later, in Genesis 2:7-8, ³the LORD God formed the man from the
dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being. Now the LORD God had
planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he
had formed.´ God formed man again. God breathed the abstract
bond into Adam to form the religious being to be placed in the
Garden of Eden as the first religion.
3. The Early Transitional Kingdom of God
ð   %
The emergence of civilization by the agricultural-nomad society
caused the exit from the Garden of Eden by taking the fruit of the
knowledge of civilization. The power struggle in a large dominant
hierarchical group in civilization deviated greatly from the human
nature based on the conscience instinct in a small prehistoric
harmonious hunter-gatherer social group.
In the Bible, Genesis 3:2-7, ³The woman said to the serpent, "We
may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You
must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden,
and you must not touch it, or you will die.' ³ "You will not surely
die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you
eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
knowing good and evil."
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food
and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she
took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was
with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves
together and made coverings for themselves.´

Their descendents became herders and farmers. Genesis 3:1-2,
³Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave
birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought
forth a man." Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel
kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.´


When human faced the possibility of destruction in the immoral
yin-yang civilized society with the activated dehumanized prey-
predator instincts, God became the supernatural authority for the
abstract morality to prevent the activation of the dehumanized prey-
predator instinct. Since humans by nature have both the humanized
instincts and the dehumanized prey-predator instincts, the abstract
morality as the prevention of the activated dehumanized prey-
predator instincts is abstract outside of the expression of biological
instincts. The supernatural authority rules over all human rulers
with the abstract morality. The supernatural authority becomes the
³High Ruler´. The religious civilized social groups that worship
the authoritative transcendental supernatural as the high ruler for
the abstract morality are blessed by the supernatural with the
supernatural miracles, resulting in the early transitional kingdom of
God and the moral religions.
   , $%°2
1. Thou Shall Have No Other Gods beside Me
2. Thou Shall Not Worship Any Graven Images
3. Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain
4. Remember the Sabbath Day to Rest and Keep it Holy
5. Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
6. Thou Shall Not Kill
7. Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery
8. Thou Shall Not Steal
9. Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness
10. Thou Shall Not Covet Anything that is Thy Neighbor's.
The first four commandments are to accept the Lord as the
supernatural authority. The fifth commandment is to accept parents
as the earthly authority. The rest of the commandments are for the
prevention of the activation of the dehumanized prey-predator
instincts, such as the addictive instinct for greed and the predatory
instinct for harming people.

The moral religions are the early transitional kingdom of God. In
the society today, most people believe explicitly or implicitly in the
supernatural authority for the abstract morality that prevents the
activation of the dehumanized prey-predator instincts. The abstract
morality becomes the foundation of a good society. The abstract
morality has been firmly established in the human society.
4. The Early Kingdom of God


The early harmonious society was developed and separated from
the early civilized society. The yin-yang civilized society deviates
from the harmonious society, and the major social lives of the
civilized people also deviate from the harmonious social life. For
some people, the high social barrier is severe enough to cause
disconnection and alienation to separate the people from other
people. These disconnected and alienated people eager to return to
the harmonious social life and society where they can again connect
with people.

The return to the harmonious society requires the transformation
from the non-harmonious social life and society into the
harmonious social life and society. The harmonious religions
involved in such transformation are Christianity, Buddhism,
Daoism, and other spiritual religions.
4.1. The Transformation Principle

The transformation is the transformation from the non-harmonious
social life into the harmonious social life. The transformation
involves the extinction of the non-harmonious social life and the
rebirth into the harmonious social life.
° &

On the conscious level, the social life is expressed as
autobiographic self. Autobiographic self in a person is the life story
of self with goal and meaning of life. In the civilized society, it
becomes the civilized autographic self through the non-harmonious
social lives. The transformation involves first the realization of the
no civilized autobiographic self or simply the no-self. However,
because self naturally is too important to be replaced, no-self is
abstractness, non-representation for the expression of the natural
detective instinct. The supernatural miracle reveals the abstract no-
self as the alternative to the civilized autobiographic self.
The supernatural sent the liberators to liberate the civilized people
from the bondage of the civilized autobiographic self, and to return
to the harmonious society through the abstract rebirth. The
harmonious religions include Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism, and
other spiritual religions.

For Christianity, the no-self is the perishable sinful self (flesh), the
self-ending is to die on the cross with Christ, and the rebirth is to
resurrect with Christ into the Kingdom of God. For Buddhism, the
no-self is the impermanent and imperfect illusive- self and the self-
ending is Nirvana that extinguishes the flame of life. Rebirth in the
Buddhist context relates to reincarnation. For Buddhism, the
abstract rebirth into the harmonious social life corresponds to the
way of Bodhisattva that is a person who has achieved
enlightenment has chosen to remain in this world to help those who
are suffering, instead of going on to Nirvana..
Therefore, for Buddhism, the abstract rebirth into the harmonious
social life is the Bodhisattva Way rather than reincarnation. For Zen
Buddhism, Nirvana and the Bodhisattva Way correspond to the
Insight (dun wu) into the futility of the civilized nature and one¶s
own original nature (Buddha nature), the harmonious social life.
Zen Buddhism is essentially the combination of the original
Buddhism and Daoism. It has simplicity and spontaneity from
Daoism, and discipline and the basic framework from Buddhism.
For Daoism, no-self is no civilized self. It does not have a specific
self-ending. The rebirth corresponds to the return to the nature
away from the civilization.
4.2. The Transformation Practice: The Three-Stage Conversion
1. The Three-Stage Conversion
The transformation practice involves the three-stage conversion: the
harmonious relationship (justification), the harmonious mind
(sanctification), and the harmonious adaptation. In the Christian
terminology, the transformation into the harmonious society is
³justification´ (to make just), while the transformation into the
harmonious social life is µsanctification¶ (to make sacred). The most
suitable identity for the harmonious relationship is the kingdom of
God from Christianity. The kingdom of God represents the
kingdom of the harmonious relationship based on love. The most
suitable identity for the harmonious mind is the fourfold
harmonious mind from Buddhism. The harmonious mind is
achieved by practicing meditation diligently. The most suitable
identity for the harmonious adaptation to the world (non-
harmonious civilization) is water from Daoism. To Laozi, the
adaptation of the harmonious social life to the world is like the
adaptation of water to its environment.
°   * , 


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‡ -

To Jesus, the kingdom of God is not political, and the state of the
Roman Emperor was separated from the kingdom of God, as
described by Jesus. Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is
Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:21)
The kingdom of God consists of small groups of people. "Do not be
afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the
kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
‡ '  

The civilized society has the propensity to accumulate. The
kingdom of God as the harmonious society does not have the
propensity to accumulate. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard
it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!´ (Luke 18:24)
Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for
yours is the kingdom of God. (Luke 6:20)

Therefore, the kingdom of God consists of ubiquitous small groups
of people unlike the kingdom of civilization and without
accumulation and grandiosity. The kingdom of God corresponds to
the prehistoric hunter-gatherer society consisting of ubiquitous
small groups of people and without accumulation and grandiosity.


The kingdom of God is within a person. Once, having been asked
by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus
replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful
observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because
the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:20-21)
‡ $ 

The harmonious social identity that Jesus provides is the kingdom
of God. To enter into the kingdom of God requires the rebirth.
In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the
kingdom of God unless he is born again." "How can a man be born
when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a
second time into his mother's womb to be born!³ Jesus answered,
"I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he
is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the
Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my
saying, 'You must be born again.' (John 3:3-7)

The small group of people led by Jesus followed Jesus¶ command.
³A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved
you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that
you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)´
Finally, the people in the kingdom of God follow the will of God as
Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter
the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father
who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21) The will of God is the kingdom
of God.
‡ (


The same aspiration to return to the prehistoric harmonious society
is expressed in Daoism. In Daoism, the harmonious social identity
is the ³small state´. Laozi describes the small group society as
following. ³Let there be a small state with few people, where
military devices find no use. Let the people look solemnly upon
death, and banish the thought of moving elsewhere. They may have
carts and boats, but there is no reason to ride them. They may have
armor and weapons, but they have no reason to display them. Let
the people go back to tying knots to keep records. Let their food be
savory, their clothes beautiful, their customs pleasurable, and their
dwellings secure. Though they may gaze across at a neighboring
state, and hear the sounds of its dogs and chickens. The people will
never travel back and forth, till they die of old age. (Dao De Jing:
Chapter 80)´
5.  °  * 

The complete harmonious life requires the end of the non-
harmonious social lives to have the complete cessation of
disharmony sin and disconnection. The end of the non-harmonious
social lives involves first the confession of disharmony sin and then
the repentance from the disharmonious sin. Disharmony sin is
defined as disharmony against fellow humans as described by Paul
in Romans 1:29-32.
They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed
and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and
malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant
and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their
parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although
they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things
deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but
also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:29-32)
It is impossible for civilized individuals under the domination of the
non-harmonious social lives to avoid all disharmony sins described
by Paul. It is not surprising that all civilized humans are not
There is no one righteous, not even one. (Romans 3:10)
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans
The confession of disharmony sin is followed by the repentance
from disharmony sin. According to Jesus,
"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent
and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15)
Also, according to Peter,
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out,
that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, (Acts 3:19)

The rebirth into the spiritual harmonious relationship requires
complete harmonious life. Because of disharmony sin, humans
cannot achieve complete harmonious life. Through the salvation by
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, disharmony sin can be
forgiven. The repentant people who accept the salvation can claim
complete harmonious life for the rebirth into the spiritual
harmonious society. The acceptance of Jesus is the end of self.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ
lives in me. (Galatians 2:20a)
An individual accepts the salvation to become just (righteous) as
complete harmonious life which allows the rebirth with Jesus into
the harmonious society, the God¶s family. ³This righteousness from
God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
(Romans 3:22)´. ³That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is
Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)´. ³Consequently, you are no
longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people
and members of God's household. (Ephesians 2:19)´ ³Therefore,
if anyone is in Christ, one is a new creation; the old has gone, the
new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17).´
Jesus represents ³the last Adam, a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians
15:45)´ to bring back the original harmonious society of the Garden
of Eden. Jesus found the new covenant.
For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those
who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance²now
that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins
committed under the first covenant. (Hebrews 9:15)
It is a tremendous life-changing experience to liberate from
disharmony sin and disconnection, and to enter into the warm,
loving, and egalitarian harmonious society, which is build by Jesus
to fill with love. A Jesus¶ last command to his disciples is
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you
are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)
According to Paul, Christians in the church are interconnected as
the body of Christ as he stated,´ Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27)´ In terms
of organization, the church in small group unit is essentially similar
to the pre-historic hunter-gatherer harmonious society.
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my
servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my
kingdom is from another place." (John 18:36)
The kingdom of civilization is described in the parable of mustard
seed and bush. ³Again he said, "What shall we say the kingdom of
God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a
mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground.
Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden
plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in
its shade." (Mark 4:30-32)´ The kingdom of God as the kingdom of
mustard bush is small and ubiquitous unlike normal civilized plants,
and the kingdom of God grows in the civilized garden.

It is a tremendous life-changing experience to liberate from the cold,
competitive, and hierarchical civilized society, and to enter into the
warm, loving, and egalitarian harmonious society, which is build by
Jesus to fill with love. According to Paul, Christians in the church
are interconnected as the body of Christ as he stated,´ Now you are
the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (1
Corinthians 12:27)´ In terms of organization, the church in small
group unit is essentially similar to the pre-historic hunter-gatherer
harmonious society. Within the small harmonious group, the
group-induced harmonious social life in terms of maximum eager
cooperation without lie emerges in the people. For Christians, the
result of justification is the harmonious society with maximum love
and morality,





The starting of sanctification as the rebirth into the harmonious
social mind is justification as the rebirth into the harmonious
relationship. The harmonious mind (social life) identity is the
fourfold harmonious mind, consisting of the calm mind, the clear
mind, the loving-kindness mind, and the no-self mind to transform
from the non-harmonious mind into the harmonious mind. They
correspond to faith, wisdom, love, and perishable flesh, respectively,
in Christianity, and right concentration, right mindfulness, loving-
kindness, and emptiness, respectively, in Buddhism. For
neuroscience, the calm mind and the clear mind relate to the
prefrontal cortex to control non-conscience instincts, and the
loving-kindness and the no-self relate to the hyper friendly instinct
and the detective instinct, respectively, in the conscience instinct.
* * 




 Faith Wisdom Love perishable
 Right right loving-kindness Emptiness
concentration mindfulness
 prefrontal cortex hyper friendly detective
instinct instinct
  control non-conscience enhance conscience instinct
relaxation emotional hyper friendly = detection of
and stability and love and kindness the no-self
integrity objectivity
‡      %

The prefrontal cortex serves as executive function for the
transformation from the non-harmonious social life into the
harmonious social life. The prefrontal cortex has a high number of
interconnections between both drives and instincts in the
brainstem's Reticular Activating System and emotion in the limbic
system. As a result, the prefrontal cortex can control pleasure, pain,
anger, rage, panic, aggression, fight-flight-freeze responses, and
basic sexual responses. A neurological principle in sanctification is
to strengthen the neural connection between the prefrontal cortex
and drive, instinct, emotion, and cognition in the brain. One
indication of the importance of the prefrontal cortex in
sanctification is the increased thickness of areas in prefrontal
regions of the cerebral cortex associated with the long-term
meditation practice of Buddhist monks.


The calm mind is through the prefrontal cortex that concentrates
non-judgmentally at one point or task. Distractive emotion is
pushed gently aside. Through the prefrontal cortex, the calm mind
trains the mind to focus calmly. The calm mind is faith from
Christianity and right concentration from the Buddhist Noble
Eightfold Path (right view, right aspiration, right speech, right
action, right livelihood, right effort, right concentration, and right

The calm mind is strengthened by meditation and prayer. The
meditation for the calm mind is the concentrative meditation as the
non-verbal method includes concentrating on the breath, movement,
and mantra. The verbal method involves prayer. In prayer, the
adoration to worship God and praise God can establish the calm
mind. One feels safe and peace by making such connection with
almighty and loving God. One of the prayer methods for the calm
mind is the centering prayer to center at a sacred word.
‡ !


During meditation, the brain¶s activity alters significantly, as
mapped by a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG). The
most well-known brain waves evident during many kinds of
meditation are called alpha waves. Many physiological changes
occur. This results in lowered blood pressure and heart rate, a
reduction in stress hormones and slowed metabolism. If meditation
is practiced regularly, these beneficial changes become relatively
‡ &(( 

The opposition to the calm mind is ADHD (attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder). The common symptom is a persistent
pattern of impulsiveness and inattention, with a component of
hyperactivity. Typically, ADHD is a developmental disorder. In one
study, the region with the greatest average delay is the middle of the
prefrontal cortex , lagged a full five years in development occurred
in elementary school aged ADHD patients.
The drug, Ritalin, for ADHD stimulates activity in the prefrontal
cortex. The prefrontal cortex is important for the calm mind that
requires concentration through the prefrontal cortex. One of the
symptoms for ADHD is the failure to follow instruction because of
the deficiency in the prefrontal cortex. For adult, following
instruction is important part of morality, so the calm mind as
concentration is important to resist temptation as distraction from
the right moral path. Alcohol is forbidden because alcohol also
depresses the activity of the sophisticated prefrontal cortex,
resulting in lowering the resistance against temptation.
‡  %


Therefore, the calm mind is for both relaxation and integrity
through the prefrontal cortex.

The clear mind is through the prefrontal cortex that connects non-
judgmentally with emotion. Emotion is connected gently with the
prefrontal cortex where emotion can be identified and controlled.
Through the prefrontal cortex, the clear mind trains to aware all
experiences clearly and objectively. Objectivity relates to the
perception without distortion by personal emotion and instinct. The
clear mind is right mindfulness from the Buddhist Noble Eightfold
Path and wisdom from Christianity.

The meditation for the clear mind is called mindfulness or insight
meditation. The meditators pay close attention to sensations and
thoughts as they come and go each passing moment but refraining
from judging or acting on those objects, thoughts and feelings. The
basic principle is labeling information. When the scan of self
becomes difficult, it is necessary to return to the calm mind step.
The prayer for labeling emotion is the mindfulness prayer to talk to
God freely. Guided by the spontaneous spirit, the prayer is a free
association private talk with God. The scan of self is through
confession, thanksgiving, and supplication for thoughts and feelings
of guilt, happiness, and stress-anxiety, respectively.
Basically, it is a free association private talk to God about self, as
Paul states. ³In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself
intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he
who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the
Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.
(Romans 8:26-27)´

The study by Matthew D. Lieberman showed that while the
emotion part (amygdala) of the brain was less active when an
individual labeled the negative feeling, the right ventrolateral
prefrontal cortex was more active. The individuals trained in the
scan of self by the mindfulness meditation have higher activity in
the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and lower activity in the
emotional part of the brain than the individual without the training
in the mindfulness meditation.
Unlabeled emotional information can lead to stress-anxiety, so
labeling information reduces stress-anxiety. Labeling information
corresponds to the mindfulness prayer or meditation.
‡ $


A person experienced in the clear mind meditation or prayer can
experience all things objectively, particularly during meditation or
prayer, because the perception of all things involves the prefrontal
cortex. It can overcome instinctive reflexes, such as startle and
habituation. Similarly, the people with clear mind can handle
shocking, unpleasant, and difficult social encounters objectively,
because they are experienced in the control of emotion by the
prefrontal cortex. In this way, they are able to stay in the middle-
way, not psychological extreme. Therefore, the clear mind is for
both emotional stability and objectivity through the prefrontal

Loving-kindness toward all people is derived from the activation of
the hyper friendly instinct of the conscience instinct. The loving-
kindness is the foundation of morality. The loving-kindness mind
can be practice during meditation (the Buddhist non-referential
compassion meditation ) or prayer.
‡  * 

The no-self as no civilized autobiographic self is basically derived
from the non-existence of civilized autobiographic self.. The
realization of the no-self is derived from the activation of the
detective instinct of the conscience instinct.
‡ & * ,

For Christians, the abstract no-self is the perishable sinful self. For
Christianity, ³all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
(Romans 3:23), and ³the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23a)´
The abstract self-ending is equivalent to the complete surrendering
self to God for the salvation.
‡ & * !

For Buddhism, the abstract no-self is impermanent and imperfect
illusive-self absent of reality and independence. The illusive
civilized life is source of disconnection and suffering. For
Buddhism, the abstract self-ending is to extinct the illusive no-self.
Õ  R ]
)  * 

To reach the Insight as the transformation from the non-harmonious
social life into the harmonious social life, it is necessary to have all
four minds in the fourfold harmonious mind involving the
conscience instinct and the prefrontal cortex. When the combined
fourfold harmonious mind reaches certain critical point
unconsciously, the Insight occurs suddenly. The critical point is
how a person feels comfortable enough unconsciously to change
the social life. The Insight consists of the sudden realization of the
non-existence (self-ending) of the civilized autobiographic self and
the reappearance (rebirth) of the original human nature with the
innate goodness.
‡  ]

The Insight is sudden because the mind is mostly unconscious.
Since the non-harmonious social life and the harmonious social life
always appear and disappear, the Insight is a process rather a fixed
‡  ]

For Christianity, the Insight is the spiritual Insight into the ultimate
relationship between Christ and the perishable flesh from the
civilized world. In the Insight for Paul in the Bible, all things are
rubbish. ³What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to
the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for
whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I
may gain Christ. (Philippians 3:8)´
‡  ]

For Buddha, all things are perishable. The last advice and words
from Buddha is ³All things are perishable. Strive with earnestness.
(vayadhamma sankhdra appamddena sampadetha)´
‡   * 
The Insight consists of the self-ending and the rebirth. The self-
ending is through the extinguishment of the abstract no-self. The
self-ending is Nirvana in Buddhism and the death of self on the
cross in Christianity.
‡  * 
In the meditation or prayer practice, the self-ending comes from the
combination of the no-self mind with any one of the three minds,
the calm mind, the clear mind, and the loving-kindness mind.
During such practice, self disappears. Occasionally, the self-ending
comes suddenly outside of meditation and prayer. After
experiential self-ending, there is a sense of letting go of self. The
emotion, due to autobiographic self, loses its emotional impact as if
the emotional memory of the self-identity fades away.

Neurologically, the abstract self-ending is the deliberate inhibition
of biological self that determines the boundary of biological self in
space and time. The self-ending is observed by the brain activity in
meditation and prayer examined by neurologist, Andrew Newberg .
When the meditation by the Tibetan Buddhist monks and the prayer
by Franciscan nuns reached to the ³peak´, he found increase in
activity in the prefrontal lobe and marked decrease in activity in the
parietal lobes. The prefrontal lobe is for mental concentration.
The parietal lobe is for the orientation of self in space, determining
where the self ends and where the external space begins. The
decrease in activity in the parietal lobes means the loss of self. At
the peak, people have a loss of the sense of self and frequently
experience a sense of no space and time. Therefore, the brain
activity observed by Newberg corresponds to the self-ending of the
biological self, which for a meditator is the self-ending of
autobiographic self.
Thus, the self-ending of autobiographic self has a real brain
experience of self-ending, allowing the brain to end or minimize the
civilized autobiographic self.
‡ #    * 

The self-ending minimizes gradually or greatly the civilized
autobiographic self. The social barrier and disconnection as well as
stress and anxiety resulted from long social memory, dominative
hierarchy, gender dichotomy, lie, cruelty, greed, and guilt are
The abstract self-ending leads to the abstract rebirth into the
harmonious social life, the human original social life. The
harmonious social life is friendlier toward all people, calmer, more
contented, more attentive, and more moral than the non-harmonious
social lives. The people with the harmonious social life form the
harmonious society automatically.
The result of sanctification is the harmonious social life with
maximum tranquility and contentment. After sanctification, a
person with the harmonious social life and compassion in the
harmonious society and in the world is described by Paul in the
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be
devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above
yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor,
serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in
prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice
hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live
in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to
associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not
repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes
of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at
peace with everyone. (Romans 12:9-18)


The harmonious society, however, does not work well and
consistently as a large social group to support civilization. The
harmonious society is simply not a suitable dominant society for the
world, so realistically there should not be competition between the
harmonious society and the world.
The harmonious adaptation identity of the harmonious social life to
the world is non-competitive water from Daoism.
The best are like water. Water benefits all things and does not
compete with them. It flows to the lowest level that people disdain.
In this it comes near to the Way. In their dwellings, they love the
earth. In their hearts, they love what is profound. In their
friendship, they love humanity. In their words, they love sincerity.
In government, they love good order. In business, they love ability.
In their actions, they love timeliness. It is because they do not
compete that there is no resentment. (Dao De Jing Chapter 8)
Laozi further described the leadership in the social life. It is also
like water, soft and yielding.
Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water, yet nothing
can better overcome the hard and strong, for they can neither
control nor do away with it. The soft overcomes the hard. The
yielding overcomes the strong. Every person knows this, but no
one can practice it. Therefore the sage declares: One who accepts
the humiliation of the nation may be the priest at the altar. One who
accepts the misfortunes of the nation is the Empire's Sovereign.
True words are often paradoxical. (Dao De Jing Chapter 78)
For Daoism, a leader of the Way accepts the humiliation and the
misfortunes of the nation. For Christianity, the symbol of the
humiliation and the misfortunes is the cross.
  * , 





 ƒ > !

ð The harmonious relationship identity
The kingdom of God
° The self-ending
 The rebirth into the harmonious relationship


 The harmonious mind identity ± 
the fourfold harmonious mind , , ,

the calm mind, the clear mind, the loving- ( right concentration, right mindfulness,
kindness mind, the no-self mind (faith, wisdom, loving-kindness, emptiness)
love, and perishable flesh)
R the self-ending ó

the non-harmonious autobiographic self-ending  ó

+ the rebirth into the harmonious social mind ”


1 ,


The harmonious adaptation identity The harmonious adaptation identity
The cross Water
5. The Church
5.1. The Early Church as the Kingdom of God
ð  $ , 
The early church from 30 to 312 AD represented the kingdom of
God established by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the head of the church. It
was the harmonious society, small and ubiquitous like the
prehistoric harmonious society. Since human society was the
harmonious society in the prehistoric time, and human was evolved
to adapt to the harmonious society, humans have propensity for
harmonious cooperation in the harmonious society. Such
propensity for harmonious cooperation in the harmonious society is
the basic reason for the growth of the early church from the obscure,
marginal Jesus Movement to become the religious force in the
Western World in a few centuries.
The early church spread in the urban area, the center of civilization.
The center of civilization was also the place farthest away from
harmonious cooperation in the harmonious society. Most people in
the urban area suffered from endless conflicts, diseases, and
loneliness. The church as the community with harmonious
cooperation attracted a lot of people in the urban area. They loved
each other and took care of each other. During the time of plague
and conflict, the people in the harmonious society survived much
better than the people outside.

During the Roman Empire, persecutions forced the early church to
gather in small groups for regular worship. The small social group
in the house church actually worked very well for harmonious
cooperation in the harmonious society whose ideal size of social
group is small. In this way, the persecution actually helped rather
than weakened the growth of the early church.
5.2.The Church as the State Religion in the Collective Society

The decline of the kingdom of God as the church resulted from the
rise of the state religion as the persecution ended in 313 AD when
Edict of Milan gave Christians equal rights. It was issued by
Constantine in the West and Licinius in the East. The church
started to rely on the state. Eventually, the church became the state
religion of the Roman Empire. The society became the collective
society, consisting of the civilized state and the state religion.

The state religion was a large social group activity instead of small
group activity as the kingdom of God. At its peak, the state
religion excommunicated a king, and sold people the right to go to
the heaven. The state religion became an intermediary between
people and the head of the civilized state, and also an intermediary
between people and God.
5.3. The Reformation: the breakdown of the intermediary
ð  # 

The Renaissance expresses the changes in art, religion, philosophy,
science, and politics. The highly spiritual art in the Middle Ages
was transformed into worldly and secular art. The religion that
depended on the church authority and tradition in the Middle Ages
was transformed into the personal rational reading of the original
scripture. People again were interested the rational system of the
nature. Politics was understood in more realistic power struggle
among individuals.
°  # 

For the state religion, the religious individualism brought about the
breakdown of the state religion (the church) as the intermediary
between human and God, resulting in the Reformation with direct
relation between human and God and the Bible as the sole authority
without an intermediary. The Reformation was started by Martin
5.4. The Puritan Movement: the breakdown of the collective society
ð  $
The further development of individualism resulted in the
Enlightenment. Individualism from the Enlightenment brought
about further change in the collective society consisting of the
national civilized state and the state religion. The religious
individualism from the Enlightenment objected the conformity
imposed by the state religion (the Church of England), resulting in
the Puritan movement.

The Puritans objected to ornaments and ritual in the churches for
the state religion. They also objected to ecclesiastical courts. They
refused to endorse completely all of the standardized ritual
directions and formulas of the state religion. The state religion
could not exist well as a large group collective society with all the
individualistic religious expressions. The non-conformable
denominations had to be silent or expelled.
6. The Modern Kingdom of God
6.1. The Decline of State Religion
The return of the kingdom of God resulted from the decline of the
state religion. The religious individualism and pluralism brought
about the decline of the state religion.
The religious pluralism in America changed the collective society
consisting of the civilized state and the state religion. Early New
England¶s religious character was shaped primarily by English
Puritans, and the religious character of the South by English
Anglicans. The Middle Colonies became a stage for the western
world¶s most complex experience with religious pluralism. No
single state religion could be imposed on such a mixed population.
Instead, a new form of religious practice emerged in the middle
region: the voluntary church²an institution supported by the free
choice and personal commitment of its adherents. As a result, there
was the separation between state and religion. Religion actually
flourished under this system.
6.2. The Three-Branch Modern Unified Society
ð   * 

When the United States of America was formed, the United States
Constitution was written by a coalition of Enlightenment
rationalists and evangelical Christians who were deeply concerned
about entanglements between religion and government. It
established the base for the separation of state and church, resulting
eventually the three-branch Unified Society of America for the
modern kingdom of God. The three-branch Unified Society is the
system of separation and balance of powers in the three-branch
society, consisting of the collective society, the individualistic
society, and the harmonious society.
The separation is natural for Christianity as described by Pope
Benedict. Pope Benedict XVI in October 2008 said: ³Indeed, we
may say that the distinction between religion and politics is a
specific achievement of Christianity and one of its fundamental
historical and cultural contributions.´
6.3. The Harmonious Moral Religions

A major difference between the Western European social system
and the American social system is religion. In the Western Europe,
religion loses prevalence in favor of secularism, while in America,
religion continues its prevalence. Christianity in Europe was state
religion associated with politics. Christianity as state religion loses
the vitality of social and personal harmony associated with
harmonious religion. Furthermore, the increasing pluralistic world
also causes the weakening of any state religions. All state religions
are not viable religions in the pluralistic world as witnessed in

Most countries disestablished state religions or maintain relatively
weak state religions. The traditional state moral religions gradually
move toward the harmonious religions with emphases in
harmonious relations and communities.
7. The Postmodern Kingdom of God
ð   6

the Postmodern Period starting from the global mass
telecommunication provides the global perspective involving the
whole human race on earth. The Postmodern Kingdom of God is
the human kingdom of God on earth.

is as follows.
ð   :
The human kingdom of God is the kingdom of God on earth. Jesus
Christ is the head.
°    %
The harmonious society of God is the harmonious society in the
Unified Society consisting of the collective society, the
individualistic society, and the harmonious society for collective
wellbeing, individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively. The non-harmonious world consists of
the collective society and the individualistic society.

The origin of the harmonious society of God is the interaction
between God and humans. The interaction between humans and
God is supernatural selection. Through the supernatural miracle
(the non-representation of the natural physical laws), God selects
the harmonious society as the chosen society by the divine
revelation of the abstractness (the non-representation of the
expression of the natural human mind), including the abstract bond,
the abstract morality, and the abstract rebirth. The abstract rebirth
leads to the harmonious society of God.

Unlike the non-harmonious world, the harmonious society of God
has the minimum social barrier among God and all people. The
minimum social barrier was achieved by the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ for all people on the cross to break down the high social
barrier of the non-harmonious world. Everyone who accepts the
salvation of Jesus Christ can be admitted to the harmonious society
of God through the confession of disharmony sins, the repentance
from disharmony sins, and the acceptance of the salvation. Because
of the unique salvation through Jesus Christ to minimize the social
barrier among God and all people, the salvation of Jesus Christ is
the path to establish the harmonious relationship in the harmonious
society of God.

The first mission is to establish the harmonious relationship among
God and all people. The second mission is to learn and practice the
harmonious mind as sanctification from all sources. The third
mission is to establish the harmonious adaptation that is to benefit
without competing with the non-harmonious world and other
religious traditions.
The social structure is the organism structure consisting of single
cell group or multiple cell groups, which are small social groups.
Harmonious cooperation works well in a small social group.
the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Upper Paleolithic Revolution
the prehistoric Symbolic Religion @  @ 
the Neolithic Revolution
the individualistic society: the collective society: the harmonious society
the individualistic state + the collective state + the harmonious religion
the state individualism the state religion @  
@ @


the Modern Revolution

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism @   
the Postmodern Revolution

the global collective society: the global individualistic society: the global harmonious society
the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism @ @  
Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you. The kingdom of
God is within the harmonious society and social life.


Human as a species evolves through natural selection. The kingdom
of God evolves through supernatural selection. In supernatural
selection, the supernatural selects human as the chosen species, the
harmonious social life as the chosen social life, and the harmonious
society as the chosen society. Through the supernatural miracle (the
non-representation of the natural physical laws), the supernatural
selects the human harmonious society to survive by the divine
revelation of the abstractness (the non-representation of the
expression of the natural human mind), including the abstract bond,
the abstract morality, and the abstract rebirth.

For about 160,000 years, there was no formal religion in the
prehistoric human society. The first formal religion as the
prehistoric kingdom of God appeared about 40,000 years ago
during the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. The prehistoric
kingdom of God expressed as Symbolic Religion (female
figurines and cave paintings) provided the abstract social bond
to bond the isolated social groups to survive the harsh


In the Early Period starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the
early transitional kingdom of God was the moral religion as
Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Islam where God was
the high ruler. The early transitional kingdom of God provided
the abstract morality to prevent the activated dehumanized prey-
predator instinct.

Jesus Christ initiated the early kingdom of God through the
sacrifice and the resurrection. The kingdom of God provides
the abstract rebirth for the civilized people to return to the
harmonious social life and society, as Christianity, Buddhism,
and Daoism.
The kingdom of God was manifested in the early church based
on the harmonious society and social life. The decline of the
kingdom of God later resulted from the conversion of the
church to the state religion.

In the Modern Period starting from the Renaissance for the
Modern Revolution, the decline of the state religion resulted in
the modern kingdom of God in the three-branch Unified.
Society consisting of the collective civilized society, the
individualistic civilized society, and the harmonious society for
collective wellbeing, individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively
1    6

In the Postmodern Period starting from the global mass
telecommunication for the Postmodern Revolution, the global
perspective involves the whole human race on earth, so In the
Postmodern Period starting from the global mass
telecommunication for the Postmodern Revolution, the global
perspective involves the whole human race on earth, so
representing human history, human nature, and the supernatural,
the Postmodern Kingdom of God is the inclusive harmonious
society in the three-branch society.


the harmonious democratic system as the three-branch Unified

Society and the sustainable affluent system as the two-branch
Unified Society
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
1. The Postmodern Divided Society
2. The Postmodern State Unified Society
3. The Postmodern Partisan Unified Society
4. The Postmodern Education
5. The Postmodern Unified Society as the Global
Natural Society
6. The Economic Systems
7. The Sustainable Affluent System
The Source of the Presentation
| | 

  Y   Y      
Introduction for the unified theory of human society
Human society is a complex society. Different people have
different social lives. The human brain has been evolved to be
much more advanced than any other brains in the natural world.
Different places have developed different social histories. In the
modern time, there are at least two major political parties:
socialistic (collective) and capitalistic (individualistic) parties. In
addition, human has supernatural human society in terms of
religions. There are at least seven major religions: Hinduism,
Judaism, Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and
Christianity. So far, there is no viable unified theory of human
society to unify specifically all these different social phenomena.
The proposed unified theory of human society explains the
principal differences among different human societies, and
identifies the peaceful unified society for all human societies.
Abstract for the Postmodern Sustainable Unified
The unified theory of human society explains the principal differences
among different human societies, and identifies the peaceful unified
society for all human societies.. In Part 5, in the Postmodern Period
starting from global mass telecommunication, the world is divided into
the Divided Society where the three branches clash and the Unified
Society where the three branches coexist peacefully. The Unified
Society is divided into the State Unified Society as Russia, China, and
Japan where the state represents politically both the collective and the
individualistic societies and the Partisan Unified Society as USA, UK,
and Germany where the political parties represent separately the
collective and the individualistic societies. The harmonious religion in
the Unified Society represents the harmonious society separated from
the collective and the individualistic societies. The State Unified
Society is suitable for the non-West, while the Partisan Unified
Society is suitable for the West.
The Postmodern Sustainable Unified Society consists of the three-
branch Unified Society and the sustainable affluent system. The
sustainable affluent system is the two-branch Unified Society of the
affluent centralized globalized system and the sustainable
decentralized localized system.
$]-#/-" &'-,]$/
the harmonious prehuman hominid society
the human evolution
the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Upper Paleolithic Revolution
the prehistoric religious harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Neolithic Revolution
the Early Divided Society
the individualistic society: the collective society: the harmonious society
the individualistic state + the collective state + the harmonious religion
the state individualism the state religion
the Modern Revolution
the Modern Unified Society

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism
the Postmodern Revolution
the Postmodern Society

the Postmodern Divided the Postmodern State the Postmodern Partisan

Society Unified Society Unified Society

affluent global central producer-distributor, regulation, and power

modular unit-distribution, financial service regulation, energy

sustainable local producer-retailer, financial service institution,

personal power station

product, money, and energy

1. The Postmodern Divided Society
ð  (


Global telecommunication and widespread literacy allow people to
receive different influences from all over the world. One major
consequence is to convert a society with one exclusive branch of
human branch to become the Divided Society from the outside
influences of other branches. Inevitably, the clash of the three-
branches occurs. In the present global society, the clash among the
three-branches in the Divided Society has caused turbulence locally
and globally, resulting in global crisis.

The insiders of an exclusive society take the positive view of their
exclusive society, and take the negative views of the invading
societies from the outsiders. The following table lists the real view,
the positive view, and the negative view.
Real view Positive Negative
view view
Collective wellbeing in the collective Idealism Conformity
Individualistic achievement in the Freedom Corruption
individualistic society
harmonious cooperation in the harmonious Peace Defeatism
The insiders of the exclusive collective society feel that they follow
their collective wellbeing as idealism, and they fight against
corruption from corrupting individualistic achievement in the
individualistic society and defeatism from illusive harmonious
cooperation in the harmonious society. The insiders of the
exclusive individualistic society feel that they follow their
individualistic achievement as freedom, and fight against
conformity from conforming collective wellbeing (conformity) in
the collective society and defeatism from illusive harmonious
cooperation in the harmonious society. The insiders of the
exclusive harmonious society feel that they follow their harmonious
cooperation as the way of peace, and they fight against conformity
from conforming collective wellbeing in the collective society and
corruption from corrupting individualistic achievement in the
individualistic society.
In the Divided Society, when each branch keeps the positive view
of itself, and the negative views of the other, the clash persists. The
Divided Society includes mostly the developing countries that are
in the transition from the underdeveloped stage to the developed
stage. Typically, the underdeveloped countries, which are the
agricultural-nomad society, are the collective society. When the
underdeveloped countries start to become the developing countries,
they are exposed to the outside influences, resulting in the Divided
Society. In some cases, the local clash is between the religious
collective society and the secular collective society. The local
turbulence draws the outsiders to interfere. The insiders resent the
outside influences and the outsiders¶ interference, so the insiders
take the clash to outside. In the present postmodern global society,
the clash among the three-branches in the Divided Society has
caused turbulence locally and globally.
2. The Postmodern State Unified Society
The goal of the Postmodern Unified Society is the three-branch
unified society, which is the peaceful coexistence of the collective,
the individualistic, and the harmonious societies. There are two
different methods to reach the same goal. The first method is the
Postmodern State Unified Society, and the second method is the
Postmodern Partisan Unified Society. In the Postmodern State
Unified Society, the state represents politically both the collective
and the individualistic societies, and separately, the harmonious
religion represents the harmonious society. The examples are
Russia, China, and Japan. In the Postmodern Partisan Unified
Society, different political parties represent separately the collective
society and the individualistic society, and separately, the
harmonious religion represents the harmonious society. The
examples are USA, UK, and Germany.
2.1 The Reasons for the Existence of the Postmodern
State Unified Society

In the West, political parties can be categorized as collective
(socialistic as the left) or individualistic (capitalistic as the right).
In the East, the large political parties in the democratic countries
cannot be categorized distinctively by ideology. The political
parties are personal political parties. People select a political party
on the base of what they like about the leaders of a political party.
Since the attitude toward ideology is flexible, leaders can easily
choose any suitable ideology. The absence of the ideological
partisan tradition allows the existence of the Postmodern State
Unified Society where state can choose suitable ideology within the
three-branch unified society as long as people like the state. The
Postmodern Partisan Unified Society in the East is de facto the
Postmodern State Unified Society according to the definition of
political party of the West.


The strong tradition of the collective society can also prevent
partisan competition from the individualistic society. The non-West
does not have the strong tradition of the individualistic society, and
feels uncomfortable about partisan competition. The State Unified
Society includes the individualistic society, but it does not include
partisan competition as the competition from political parties from
the individualistic society. according to the definition of political
party of the West.
If the size of a country is very large and the makeup is very
heterogeneous, partisan competition can easily turn the society into
chaos that is devastating to all people in the country. On the other
hand, if the size of a country is very small, like Singapore, partisan
politics is really unnecessary. The fear of chaos dominates most
countries. A result is the reliance in stable bureaucracy which is
relatively insulated from the chaotic partisan competition.
2.2. The Formation of the Postmodern State Unified
Since the state represents politically both the collective and the
individualistic societies, there is only one party, such as the ³state
party´, to implement the constitution. The structure of the state is
the three-branched government, consisting of executive, legislative,
and judiciary. The goal of people in executive branch is the
cohesiveness of the administrative network. The goal of people in
legislative branch is to represent diverse interests of people. The
goal of people in judiciary is the maintenance of the constitution of
legal system. They share political power in such way that they are
each subjected to reciprocal checks, so each of them does not have
a threatening structure to other branches. The state party nominates
and finances qualified candidates for democratic elections for
legislature. The state party nominates qualified candidates for the
top positions in the executive branch and the judges in the judiciary
branch to be approved by legislature.
2.2. The State Party
The mission of the state party is to operate the professional state of
the people, by the people, and for the people in the State Unified
Society. The state party instills honor, duty, and service in the
members of the party. The members of the state party consider
themselves as the professional state officials to serve people, as the
members of professional military organization consider themselves
as professional officers to protect people, and unlike the members
of the Western political party consider themselves mostly as the
supporters of the party ideology.
The professional state as the Confucian system was in effect in
China for about two thousand years under the emperors from
different dynasties and even different ethnic groups until the early
part of the 20th century. (It is the longest continuous political
system in the world.) the bureaucrats were selected by the education
and examination system based on Confucianism. The meritocratic
bureaucracy corresponded to the professional state.
2.3. The Private Sector
The legitimacy of the state party comes from the separated
responsibility between the state party and the private sector which
is run by private individuals or groups for profit, and is not
controlled by the state. The state party is responsible for the
professional state, and the private sector is responsible for free
market. The state party exchanges the right of state owned
companies for the right of the professional state. The private sector
exchanges the right of partisan competition for the right of free
market. The professional state results in social stability, while free
market leads to prosperity. In this way, the State Unified Society
has both social stability and prosperity.
2.4. Anti-Corruption
Political corruption, such as bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism,
patronage, graft, and embezzlement which use public office for
private gain, discredits and destabilizes both the public sector and
the private sector. The responsibility of anti-corruption is shared by
both the public sector and the private sector.
The separated responsibility between the state party and the private
sector eliminates some of the systematic sources of corruption.
According to a study of The Heritage Foundation , lack of
economic freedom explains 71% of political corruption: the more
economic restrictions, the more political corruption there is.
All government officials are accountable to the state party which
stands on the principles of honor, duty, and service. It is paramount
for the state party to weed out corruption. At the same time, the
private sector has to adhere to the strict anti-corruption, such as
anti-bribery in OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development) Anti-Bribery Convention.
2.5. Economic Equality
The promotion of economic equality is an important mission of the
state. There are different ways to achieve economic equality.
1. Free compulsory education
2. Job creation by the private sector in free market
3. Limiting job destruction in free market
4. Collective bargaining
5. Job creation in the public sector
6. Infrastructure
7. Income redistribution
Different countries adopt different ways to achieve economic
equality. Increasing gross economic inequality in developed
countries is proportional to social-health-mental problems for all
people, and is inversely proportional to life span . The cost of gross
inequality in prison, police, illegal drug, mental disease, homeless
shelter, and heath problems can be greater than the cost to maintain
a low degree of economic inequality. In the extreme case, extreme
economic inequality causes severe social instability.
2.5. The Natural and the Unnatural Political Systems
For the West, the natural political system is the Partisan Society
where multi-party election takes place. For most of the non-
Western country with no strong tradition of the individualistic
society for partisan competition, the multi-party election with
partisan competition is unnatural. The better alternative for the
non-Western countries is to follow their own natural political
tradition that is non-multi-party competition. Instead of multi-party
election, the election in most non-Western countries should be non-
multi-party election. In some countries, such as deeply divided Iraq
and Afghanistan, the election should be non-multi-party and
regional. Each region follows its own tradition to elect political
leaders that have the support of most people. The central
government, therefore, is to facilitate such interdependence. The
national stability is dependent on regional stability and the
interdependence among the regions. The power of central
government increases with increasing natural interdependence.
3. The Postmodern Partisan Unified Society
The goal of the Postmodern Partisan Unified Society is the three-
branch unified society where the collective, the individualistic, and
the harmonious societies coexist peaceful. The method is the
partisan unified society where different political parties represent
separately the collective and the individualistic societies, and
separately, the harmonious religion represents the harmonious
The Postmodern Partisan Unified Society is the dominate society
for the developed societies in the West, such as USA, UK, and
Germany. The three reasons for the existence of the Partisan
Society in the West are the monotheism tradition with relatively
rigid ideology, the strong tradition of the individualistic society that
allows partisan competition, and relatively tranquil society without
the aversion of social chaos.
3.1. The Legalization of the Democratic Two-Party Method
In most developed countries, the two-party (collective and
individualistic parties) method for the democratic society allows the
participation of all adult citizens without exclusion based on race,
gender, and wealth. The elected government is legitimized by the
political participation of all adult citizens. The outcome of election
determines the direction of a society toward more collective (yin) or
more individualistic (yang). Such direction may not exactly reflect
the winning of the yin party or the yang party, but the policy of
government reflects the direction of yin or yang from the election.
The legitimacy of government and the determination of social
direction are the two basic reasons for the democratic two-party
3.2. The Establishment of the Democratic Two-Party System
ð  *0 

Any free political electron involves changes for individuals. Some
people gain, and some people lose in free election. The result is
social conflict between the winning people and the losing people in
zero-sum competition. Free political electron, therefore, cannot be
a zero-sum competition. In zero-sum competition, the political
election is equivalent to the competition among well-defined
religious, regional, racial, or class groups. The winning of people
in one political party represents the total loss of people in the
opposition party. Such political election becomes a destabilized
force to split a nation. The chaos generated by such zero-sum
political competitions among different classes and ethnic groups in
democratic countries were described by Amy Chua in ³World on
Fire´ . Therefore, no national political party can represents
exclusively or nearly exclusively a specific religious, racial,
regional, or class group. There is separation between national
politics and religion, race, region, or class.
° )* 
In mature democratic nations, no major political parties represent
exclusively certain religion, race, region, or class. Almost all of
them have two major parties: the two-party system for the
collective party and the individualistic party. The competition
between the two parties is about the direction of society toward
committed group living or free group living. Typically, a society
needs different direction at different stages of economic
development. The determination of direction in free election
actually benefits the whole society as non-zero-sum competition.

Since all mature stable democratic governments have two-party
system, it is possible to write the two-party system as a part of the
constitution. The constitution excludes the formation of zero-sum
party. All about class, culture, ethnicity, religion, and location have
to be generalized. For an example, the issue about locality can be
generalized into the issue about the powers of central and local
3.3. The Establishment of the Common Ground
ð $5
In the two-party democratic society, the individualistic party
emphasizes freedom to be different, while the collective party
emphasizes the equality to be same. The individualistic party does
not tolerate much equality, while the collective party does not
tolerate much freedom. Therefore, it is important to establish the
common ground for the basic freedom to be different and the basic
equality to be same for both the yin and yang parties. A society
with individualistic culture accepts and needs much more freedom
to be different than a society with collective culture. A society with
collective culture accepts and needs much more equality to be same
than an individualistic culture. Economic condition can also makes
a society more individualistic or collective. The establishment of
the common ground varies with culture and economic condition.
° ,    
The basic freedom to be different and the basic equality to be same
are written in the constitutions of all nations and the United
Nations. Using such constitutions, culture, and economic condition
as criteria, a constitution about basic freedom and basic equality can
be written or rewritten to establish a common ground for the two-
party system.
Another important common ground is the establishment of good
government. A government is like a large corporation, which
requires ethical code, standard procedures, and transparency.
Conflict of interest and corruption destroy government, and makes
government ineffective. A government reflects the direction of
society by political appointments, and maintains a good government
by ethical codes, standard procedures, transparency, and
professional governmental employees independent of politics.
3.4. The Establishment of Different Constituents
ð , 
The core group for the yin party consists of poor people and
women, while the core group for the yang party consists of rich
people and men. Poor people want equality to reach higher level,
while rich people want freedom for individual pursuit. Women
have social life for collective welfare, while men have social life for
individual achievement. However, the overlapping among groups
is significant. The middle income group can identify with either
poor people or rich people. Poor people may have aspiration to be
like rich people, or rich people may have aspiration to be poor
people. There are significant overlapping in the social lives of
women and men. Intellectuals who have broad knowledge can
switch back and fro between two parties depending what they see
as more adaptable direction. Economic condition also shifts the
preferences of people¶s choice of parties. A political party also
shifts its direction. A yin party of the present may actually be
considered as a yang party of the past, and vice verse.

A minority group can go to either yin party or yang party depending
on its urgent need. If a minority group has limited freedom to
practice its culture and religion, it wants to join the yang party. If a
minority group is discriminated by other groups, it wants to join the
yin party. If it is deficient in both freedom and equality, it may join
the yang party first to gain freedom and the yin party later to gain

Homogeneous society with strong social bonding among
homogeneous people tends to have strong collective policy,
regardless of political party. In heterogeneous society, old
established group and new established group compete against each
other. Typically, old established group prefers the yang party for
the freedom that old established group lose in order to
accommodate new established group. New established group
prefers the yin group for the equality that new established group
feels it does not have.
3.5. Technological Development and Policy Direction
ð !  
The individualistic policy favors freedom and growth. The
collective policy favors infrastructure and equality. Each policy has
its benefit and cost. The benefit of the individualistic policy is
advancement in productivity and living standard, and the cost is
chaos in terms of economic bubble and gross inequality. The
benefit of the collective policy is stability, and the cost is
stagnation. When the cost is greater than the benefit, there will be a
shift of policy. Different stages in the technological development
are dominated by the individualistic policy or the collective policy.
° ]

The initial stage of new technological development is dominated by
the individualistic policy that favors freedom. Freedom allows
drastic change from old technology to new technology. Freedom
also allows an effective mean to explore vast opportunities in a new
technology. The collective policy that favors infrastructure does not
work in the initiation stage, because the infrastructure for old
technology often does not apply to new technology. Infrastructure
Automatic organization allows informal short-term infrastructure to
° .    
Because of the lack of collective thinking, such short-term
infrastructure inevitably collapses. For an example, the new
information technology allows the establishment of an extremely
extensive investment network based on extremely extensive
network of future earning. Without regulation and oversight, such
extensive network by the new information technology inevitably
contains miscalculation, recklessness, and deception, resulting in
the collapse of the system. Regulation infrastructure is required to
properly control freedom in the new technology. Freedom often
also ignores physical infrastructure, because freedom requires only
minimum infrastructure for individualistic usage. Collective policy
understands the need of infrastructure for collective usage.
Gradually, as technology matures, collective policy becomes the
dominant policy. When the next new technology appears,
collective policy appears to be the policy for stagnation and
restriction. A new cycle of policy starts again.
4. The Postmodern Education
Common people in the developed countries learn collective social
life and individualistic social life in compulsory elementary and
secondary school. The healthy postmodern society is the two-
education society including both collective social life education and
individualistic social life education in compulsory elementary and
secondary school. The collective social life education is group-
oriented education to learn cooperative social group. Group in the
collective social life education is social group in school, not
religious or political group. The individualistic social life education
is individual-oriented to learn competitive social hierarchy.
Individuals in the individualistic social life education include all
people. Since the healthy postmodern society needs both
cooperative social group and competitive social hierarchy,
elementary and secondary education provides the education for
learning both cooperative social group and competitive social
4.1. Elementary and Secondary Education
Cooperative social group and competitive social hierarchy are not
compatible. As a result, it is necessary to learn them at different
times. Typically, in the early years of the education, the emphasis
of learning is cooperative social group. The emphasis in
competitive social hierarchy gradually increases with the ages of
students. At the end of the education, the emphasis of learning is
competitive social hierarchy.
In elementary and secondary schools of some developed countries
such as America, the emphasis of the education is individual-
oriented individualistic social life for individualistic achievement.
In elementary and secondary school of some developed countries
such as Japan, the emphasis of the education is group-oriented
collective social life for collective wellbeing. It is interesting to note
that American education is moving toward standardized curriculum,
rote memorization, and nationalized testing, while other countries¶
education is moving toward creativity .
4.2. The Four Stages of Life

To have a balanced society without too much emphasis in one

social life is to look at the natural development of life stages.
Different stages of life have the stage social lives that are the core
social lives of the stages. In the modern time, the four stages for
social lives are pre-adulthood, early adulthood, middle aged
adulthood, and late adulthood as described by John Kotre and
Elizabeth Hall. The four stages of life can be designed to
experience all three different social lives as the stage social lives.
The most suitable stage social life for each stage of growth is as
The Four Stages of Life



 * From family to maturity collective social
  social group life
outside of family
$  small group to Fertility individualistic
&  large group social life

  Succession uphill to collective social
&  downhill life
.  large group to None harmonious
&  small group social life
5. The Postmodern Unified Society as the Global Natural Society
In Dao De Jing, the Way (Dao) means the harmonious social life as
in Chapter 1 of Dao De Jing. The Way means also the social life
structure as the source of all societies as in Chapter 42 of Dao De
The Way gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two give birth to
three, and three give birth to all things. All things carry yin on
back and hug yang in front. The forces collide to become harmony.
(Chapter 42 Dao De Jing)
In terms of the Way as the social life structure,
The social life structure started with the one-branch social life
structure as the asexual social life structure, the one-branch social
life structure evolved to become the two-branch social life structure
as the yin (female)-yang (male) social life structure, the two-branch
social structure evolved to become the three-branch social life
structure as the yin-yang-harmony social life structure, and the
three-branch social life structure generates all human societies. All
human societies have yin and yang in opposition, and these two
combine into harmony. (an interpretation of Chapter 42 Dao De
Chapter 42 of Dao De Jing describes the evolution of the human
social life structure. The three-branch social life structure is the
natural social life structure for human societies.
As in the Daoism principle of natural with non-action ( z),
the most stable and efficient human society is the minimum natural
society that is formed by the minimum action to the natural social
life structure. The natural social life structure consists of the
collective, the individualistic, and the harmonious social lives. The
minimum action to the natural social life structure includes (1) one
natural society, (2) one supernatural-human interaction, (3) one
collective society, (4) one individualistic society, and (5) one
harmonious society.
(1) one natural society
One natural society is the global natural society based on the natural
social life structure consisting of the collective, the individualistic,
and the harmonious social lives.
(2) one supernatural-human interaction
It is inevitable to have the supernatural-human interaction in human
society. Throughout human history, people need God, and God
needs people. The only concern is the supernatural-human
interaction regardless of the real existence of God that is beyond
human capacity to comprehend.
(3) one collective society
The collective society can be represented by the collective political
party for collective wellbeing.
(4) one individualistic society
The individualistic society can be represented by the individualistic
political party for individualistic achievement. Both parties form
the two-party constitutional political system.
(5) one harmonious society
Increasingly in the postmodern society, the public presence of God
disappears in both of the collective society and the individualistic
society. In the postmodern collective society, the postmodern just
social welfare system for all people gradually replaces the just
system maintained by the just of God. The postmodern science and
technology in the postmodern individualistic society gradually
replace the public presence of the powers of God. The personal
presences of God in the collective and the individualistic societies
continue. The public and personal presence of God continues in the
harmonious society to form the harmonious relationship between
God and humans. Since the harmonious society works well only as
small social group, while the collective and the individualistic
societies work well as large social group, the harmonious society of
God is non-competitive to the collective and the individualistic

The presence of God continues in the harmonious society to form
the harmonious relationship between God and humans. Jesus
Christ uniquely has brought the harmonious relationship instead of
the collective relationship and the individualistic relationship
between God and humans. No one else has done it explicitly.
Therefore, the one harmonious society is the harmonious society of
God as described before.
With the harmonious society alone, civilization is impossible, but
without the harmonious society, civilization is prone to become
extreme. Jesus said, ³What good is it for a man to gain the whole
world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for
his soul?´ (Mark 8:36-37) The gain of the world is the
accumulation of wealth, fame, pleasure, organization, and power in
the civilized society. The soul is harmonious cooperation in the
harmonious society. For the prehistoric primitive hunters and
gatherers, the harmonious human relationship instead of the
accumulation of wealth, fame, pleasure, organization, and power
was essential for human survival. The souls of prehistoric primitive
hunters and gathers were harmonious human relationship. As the
descendants of the prehistoric primitive hunters and gathers, we
inherit the soul. Without the soul for the social connection through
the harmonious human relation, human life is empty and miserable.
The harmonious society prevents the extreme accumulations of the
collective society and the individualistic society in terms of
totalitarianism and excessive greed, respectively.


With the acceptance of the basic principles in the global natural
society, different local societies behave differently in the collective,
the individualistic, and the harmonious societies. Different
conditions favor the rises of different societies. Homogeneous
society favors the collective society because it is easier to have
collective wellbeing in homogeneous society than in heterogeneous
Economic opportunity favors the individualistic society, because to
economic opportunity into success requires individual motivation
and responsibility. Economic opportunity often occurs from the
emergence of new or imported technology.
Economic equality can be reached by various methods. In the
collective society, equality is reached in part through the intrinsic
suppression of excessive greed, which is considered to be alienation
to group spirit, so excessive difference in the incomes of the
employees in the same organization is intrinsically or explicitly
suppressed. In the harmonious society, equality is reached by the
absence of the drive to accumulate wealth. The harmonious
relationship is much more important than the accumulation of

The two unified societies are the State Unified Society as Russia,
China, and Japan where the state represents politically both the
collective and the individualistic societies and the Partisan Unified
Society as USA, UK, and Germany where the political parties
represent separately the collective and the individualistic societies.
The harmonious religion in the Unified Society represents the
harmonious society separated from the collective and the
individualistic societies. The State Unified Society exists favorably
in the society with polytheism tradition, the strong tradition of the
collective society, and the aversion of social chaos, while the
Partisan Unified Society exists favorably in the society with
monotheism tradition, the strong tradition of the individualistic
society, and relatively tranquil society.
In the State Society, the state party is responsible to operate the
professional state of the people, by the people, and for the people in
the State Unified Society. The legitimacy of the state party is the
separated responsibility between the professional state and the
private sector. The state party exchanges the right of the state
owned corporations for the professional state, while the private
sector exchanges the right of partisan competition for free market.
In this way, the professional state provides social stability and the
protection of free market, while free market provides sustainable
long term prosperity.
In the Partisan Society, the individualistic political party competes
with the collective political party for the social direction. Both of
them accept free market as the vehicle to generate sustainable long
term prosperity. The legitimacy of the political parties is the
adaptable social direction from the competition between the
individualistic and the collective political parties without turning
into social chaos.
Since the world is dominated by the West, the Partisan Society
appears to be the universal system, and all nations have to comply
with this democratic partisan competition system. In reality,
depending on specific traditions, the State Society is as valid as the
Partisan Society, and both of them can work well in the Postmodern
World. The State Unified Society is suitable for the non-West,
while the Partisan Unified Society is suitable for the West.
$]-#/-" &'-,]$/
the harmonious prehuman hominid society
the human evolution
the prehistoric harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Upper Paleolithic Revolution
the prehistoric religious harmonious hunter-gatherer society
the Neolithic Revolution
the Early Divided Society
the individualistic society: the collective society: the harmonious society
the individualistic state + the collective state + the harmonious religion
the state individualism the state religion
the Modern Revolution
the Modern Unified Society

the collective society: the individualistic society: the harmonious society

the collective party the individualistic party the harmonious religion
+ the partisan socialism + the partisan capitalism
the Postmodern Revolution
the Postmodern Society

the Postmodern Divided the Postmodern State the Postmodern Partisan

Society Unified Society Unified Society
6. The Economic Systems
6.1 The Economic Type
The major difference between the Modern Period and the
Postmodern Period is the critical importance of environmental issue
in the Postmodern Period. The Postmodern Period requires the
proper economy-environment system. The economic system can be
defined by resource in terms of decentralization-centralization and
geographic-cultural structure in terms of localization-globalization.
Centralization has a central resource, while decentralization does
not have a central resource. Globalization crosses geographic and
cultural borders, while localization confines within geographic and
cultural borders. The four economic types from the resource and
geographic-cultural structure are decentralization-localization,
decentralization-globalization, centralization-localization, and
centralization-globalization as below.

decentralization - decentralization -
localization globalization


centralization - centralization -
localization globalization


The prehistoric hunter-gatherer society has the decentralization-

localization system without central resource and multiple
geographic and cultural social groups. The current developed
countries have the centralization-globalization system with central
resource and multiple geographic and cultural social groups within
the same economic system.
6.2. The Sustainable Impoverished
Decentralized-Localized System
The prehistoric hunter-gatherer society had the decentralization-
localization economic system. The society is localized without the
economic influence from other groups, so the society has economic
control. The society does not accumulate wealth, so the society is
decentralized in terms of resource. Without centralization in terms of
accumulation of wealth, people have economic flexibility to move
freely from place to place. People can move from inhospitable place
to hospitable place freely, unlike people in agricultural and industrial
societies. Economic control and economic flexibility provide
economic sustainability. However, decentralized resource cannot
build a complex infrastructure for the improvement of productivity
that improves living standard. Localization does not take advantage
of other group¶s economic strength to improve living standard.
Therefore, the decentralized localized system is sustainable and
6.3. The Affluent Unsustainable Centralized-
Globalized System
ð &  , 
The current developed society is decentralization-globalization
society. The current society is highly centralized to build enormous
complex infrastructure for the improvement of productivity that
improves living standard. Economies of scale allow the cost
advantages that a business obtains due to centralization. To take the
cost advantages of economies of scale, production-distribution,
financial service, and energy are highly centralized. Such
centralized system is highly efficient, resulting in affluence.
Globalization provides multiple resources for raw material, labor,
technology, and capital, resulting in affluence. Globalization takes
economic advantage in the law of comparative advantage that refers
to the ability of a party in a location to produce a particular good or
service at a lower marginal cost and opportunity cost than another
party in a different location.
However, the centralized system lacks economic flexibility, because
the centralized system is too complicate and big to be changed
easily. The globalized system lacks of control, because of multiple
sources of influences. The economic inflexibility and the lack of
economic control make the centralized globalized system
susceptible to self destruction, resulting in unsustainable system.
The centralized globalized system of production-distribution,
financial service, and energy will be shown to be unsustainable.
6.3.1. The Centralized Unsustainable System of
Production and Distribution
In the modern society, mass production and mass distribution
dramatically increase centralization, and stimulate mass
consumption. Globalization produces global centers for various
segments of industry. In the modern society, the major system for
production, distribution, and consumption is the linear centralized
unsustainable system as follows.

raw material part supplier

new parts
central mass producer

new product
general recycling center
central mass distributor

new product

recyclable items consumer


waste dump
ð $

Raw materials are processed by part suppliers to make new parts.
New parts are processed in centralized mass producers to make new
products. New products are shipped to the mass centralized
distributors who distribute new products to customers. In such
centralized mass production and distribution, products can be made
in high quantity, high quality, and low cost. It is highly efficient
way to produce and distribute products.
° < 
However, it is a highly wasteful system. Recycling is actually not
easy in this centralized system where centralized production,
centralized distribution, and localized consumption are separated in
different places. High cost transportation and inefficient logistics
for recycling make recycling impractical. Most products turn into
waste. Americans' total yearly waste would fill a convoy of garbage
trucks long enough to wrap around the earth six times and reach
halfway to the moon. It is estimated that several hundreds million
tons of waste are generated by Americans in a year.

The separation of centralized production, centralized distribution,
and localized consumption also makes the employment insecure as
production centers and distribution centers shift to different places.
Waste and employment insecurity are the two major disadvantages
in the linear centralized system. In the long term, the linear
centralized system is unsustainable.
Without outside and centralized influence, decentralized localized
society is stable. However, this decentralized localized model is not
a workable model. Agriculture and industry require a large network
of production and distribution, making the return to the small
localized society impractical and impossible. Various attempts,
such as Great Leap Forward in China and national protectionism in
the world, to return to localization have produced disastrous
6.3.2. The Centralized Unsustainable
System of Financial Service
The current financial service companies are like the industrial
manufacture companies before the anti-trust law. The information
technology allows the establishment of giant financial service
companies. In the globalization environment, giant financial
service companies are necessary to match the giant global
companies. Anti-trust law does not know what to do with giant
financial service companies in the globalization environment. Such
giant financial service companies have excessive economic and
political influences. The business connection among them creates
even greater economic and political influences. Economically and
politically, such giant financial companies become too big to fail.
The connected financial service companies become almost like one
central financial service company.

central financial service institution



The highly centralized financial service system generates highly

concentrated power. It becomes too big and powerful to be
regulated and supervised. Any short-sighted and flawed decision
can lead to financial crisis, so it is an unsustainable financial service
6.3.2. The Centralized Unsustainable
Energy System
In the traditional centralized power grid, power is concentrated in a
select number of central power stations that distribute electricity to
consumers as needed and according to priorities during periods of
peak demand. The goal is to please the most and dissatisfy the least.
The existing centralized power structure with central power station
prevails and remains unchallenged. The centralized power grind is
more efficient than decentralization. It enables location optimization
(accessible to energy resources) and less management/industrial
overhead per energy produced.
Centralized Unsustainable Energy System
central power station


All electrical distribution systems today are designed on the
assumption that power flows one way from the central power
station to the consumers. The design of the transformers, meters,
breakers and monitoring equipment all assume power flows in this
one direction. It is difficult to add energy to this one-direction
system in the middle of the network. The one-direction in the
centralized distribution is rigid.
° )
The centralized distribution system is also wasteful. A typical
large power station wastes over a third of its fuel by simply heating
up the atmosphere. A further 10% of this is wasted in transmission
and distribution, meaning less than half of the fuel is used
productively by the consumer.

It is also difficult to add renewable energy to the centralized power
system. Typically, abundant renewable energy locates far away
from the consumers, so it has to build expensive infrastructure to
bring renewable energy to the consumers. Consequently, the
introduction of renewable energy is slow in the centralized power
system. The rigidity, the waste, and the infrastructure cost in the
centralized energy system result in the unsustainable system.
The other extreme is a decentralized model where independent
individuals control an electrical power system that meets their
consumption requirements. Such decentralized system cannot
easily and quickly meet the large increase of consumption, and
recover easily from disaster.
7. The Sustainable Affluent System
The advantage of centralized globalized system is affluence, while
the advantage of decentralized localized system is sustainability. To
combine the advantages of the centralized globalized system and the
decentralized localized system, the unified system has centralized
globalized system as the upstream and the decentralized localized
system as the downstream. The sustainable affluent system is the
unification of affluent centralized globalized unsustainable system
and sustainable decentralized localized impoverished system.
Economic control and economic flexibility in the sustainable
decentralized localization system minimizes the unsustainable part of
centralized globalized system, while complex infrastructure and
economic comparative advantage in the centralized globalized system
minimizes the impoverishment part of decentralized localized system.
The result is the sustainable affluent system as the two-branch Unified
Society of the affluent and the sustainable branches in terms of
production-distribution, financial service, and energy.
7.1. The Cyclic Sustainable Affluent System
of Production and Distribution

For production and distribution, the unified system is the cyclic
sustainable affluent system of production and distribution. Raw
materials are processed by part suppliers to make new parts. New
parts are processed in centralized mass producers to make new
modular units instead products. Modular units are the assembled
units of the parts for as for easy assembly and repair or flexible
arrangement and use. It is important to reduce the number of
modular units used in a product, to make the assembling of
modular units into products easier, and to make the product easier
to take apart for repair and recycling at the end of its useful life.
Currently, computer companies use modularity design to overcome
changing customer demands and to make the manufacturing
process more adaptive to change.


raw materials part supplier
new parts recyclable parts
central producer
new modular units recyclable modular units

local producer
new product recyclable modular units
general recycling center
central distributor
new product recyclable modular units
local retailer
new product recyclable modular units
recyclable partial parts consumer
Examples of modular systems are cars, computers, high-rise
buildings, railroad signaling systems, telephone exchanges, pipe
organs and electric power distribution systems. The modular units
should be as durable as possible. Modular units can be assembled
into products easily without specific high technical tools and
° .   
Such modular units are shipped to small local producer who
assembles modular units in the modular production network .
There can be many small local producers to assemble modular
units in many locations. Such small local producers can be multi-
purpose producers to assemble different products, such as
assembling all electronic products such as computers, radio, and
television etc in one location. In this way, production is
decentralized to promote local economy and employment. Almost
1/3 of the waste generated the U.S. is packaging. It is important to
use reusable standard package for new products as much as
possible to minimize waste.
Electric car with simple components is particularly suitable for
local production from modular units. The Think City electric car is
built from prefabricated parts, allowing Think to place its factories
near key markets.

New products from local producer can be shipped to retailer
directly or to central mass distributor. Central mass distributor
ships new products to local retailer. Local retailer can be fairly
independent and small. Distribution is decentralized to
neighborhood. The store sells actual new products, and also takes
orders for new products to accommodate the small space of store.
It is important to make ordering new products as easy as
purchasing new products.
Retailers can act as the place for both selling new products and
recycling used product as the source of modular units. Customers
go to store with recyclable modular units, get credits for such
modular units, and come back home with new products. In the
same way, central distributor goes to retailer with new products,
and comes back with recyclable modular units. Central distributor
then goes to local producer with recyclable modular units that can
be used in the assembling of modular units in new products, and
comes back with new products. For local producer, the usage of
modular units from the recycling modular units reduces the cost of
modular units to counter any wage disadvantages that local
producer has. Local producer takes some difficult recyclable
modular units that require specific tool and technique for recycling
to central producer, and comes back with new modular units.
Central producer takes some difficult recyclable modular units that
require specific tool and technique for recycling to supplier, and
comes back with new parts.
Supplier takes un-repairable parts to raw material supplier and
comes back with raw material. Therefore, all trips are loaded
round-trip to make low cost transportation and efficient logistics
for recycling. General recycling center turns partial parts that
cannot be easily recycled into useful parts into raw materials or
basic parts.

The unification of local production, local distribution, and local
consumption is critical for such recycling. Instead of being
potential waste, new products are potential parts and raw materials
for future new products from cradle to cradle. The minimization of
materials and energy used makes sustainability possible for both
central economy and local economy. This cyclic sustainable
affluent system can promote local economy and employment in
developed countries. It can spread industrialization to developing
countries by local producers and the recycling of the used products.
Recycling slows global warming by minimizing energy used.
7.2. The Sustainable Affluent Financial
Service System
The financial crisis in 2008 is comparable to the Great Depression.
During the Great Depression, President Roosevelt and the
Congress set up the Temporary National Economic Commission
(TNEC), to bring together key Members of Congress, relevant
government agencies and civilian experts to undertake a large-scale
baseline study of the American economy and to make
recommendations as to what should be done. Since the world is
increasingly globalized, a global commission should be set up to
study the global financial service and to make recommendation for
financial service regulation and oversight as what should be done
in anti-trust law, transparency, securitized credits, and rating
agencies, and the very large and very complex banks. The result of
the new globalized centralized regulation and oversight should
produce stable, transparent, competitive and sustainable local
financial institutions that serve locally and globally.


global central regulation

regulations for financial service
local financial service institution

7.3. The Sustainable Affluent Energy System
The current computing system is the unified computing system
consisting of the central computer and personal computer both of
which store and process data. This unified computing system allows
tremendous expansion of data in terms of information. In the same
way, the unified energy system consisting of central power station and
personal power station can allow tremendous expansion of energy,
particularly, renewable energy, as the diagrams below.
 ]  ,
central computer
personal computer
 &  $  

central power station

energy auxiliary power station

personal power station

In the sustainable affluent energy system, the central power station
generates energy (electricity) in the conventional ways such as coal
and gas. It is assisted by auxiliary power station that uses renewable
energy. Electricity from the central power station goes to customers
through personal power station. The comparison between computer
and power station is as follows.

Computer Power station

Data Energy
central computer central power station
personal computer personal power station
data storage power storage
Processor Transformer (AC-DC charger)
operating system such as Windows operating system such as DSM
Multi-media multi-energy sources
ð   ) 

Personal power station can be used in the existing one-direction
centralized energy system without the expensive change to the
two-direction smart grid. The core of personal computer consists
of data storage such as hard disk and processor that transforms data
in and out of data storage. The core of personal power station
consists of energy storage such as battery and transformer that
transform electric current in and out of energy storage.
The recent breakthrough in sodium sulfur battery by Ceramatec
allows a viable battery for personal power station. The batteries,
which can be ramped to store up to 20 kilowatt-hours of electricity,
will be ready for market testing in 2011, and will sell for about
$2,000. With the batteries expected to sell in the neighborhood of
$2,000 that translates to less than 3 cents per kilowatt hour over the
battery's life. Conventional power from the grid typically costs in
the neighborhood of 8 cents per kilowatt hour.
The operating system such as Window in personal computer is to
manage data movement. The operating system such as DSM
(Demand Side Management) in personal power station is to
manage energy movement. Different programs in the operating
system can be set for different purposes of personal power station.
In personal computer, data sources are multiple, including
keyboard, audio, video, and telecommunication. In personal power
station, energy sources are multiple, including energy from central
power station, cost effective micro-CHP (combined heat and
power), wind, solar power, and bio-energy (anaerobic digestion to
generate methane gas). Micro-CHP systems use natural gas
generators to produce electricity for homes. The heat from the
electrical generator is then used either to create hot water or hot air,
which is then used to heat the home. It replaces gas forced-air
furnace. Because of this combined efficiency, a micro-CHP is 3
times more efficient than electricity delivered over the grid.


Personal computer, initially, was expensive and slow. The
increasing popularity of personal computer allows increasingly
larger data storage capacity, faster processor, more versatile
operating system and multi-media, smaller size, and lower cost. In
the same way, the increasing popularity of personal power station
allows increasingly larger energy storage capacity, faster
transformer, more versatile operating system and multi-energy
source, smaller size, and lower cost. In the future, all buildings
will be ready for personal power station to place battery and multi-
energy sources as a part of building code. As a whole new industry
has been build around personal computer (PC), a whole new
industry will be built around personal power station (PPS). The
usage of renewable energy will grow exponentially.
Global sustainability in economy-environment depends on the
transformation of the unsustainable affluent system into the
sustainable affluent system which is the unification of affluent
centralized globalized system and the sustainable decentralized
localized system in terms of production-distribution, financial service,
and energy. The combined sustainable affluent system is as follows.

affluent global central producer-distributor, regulation, and power station

modular unit-distribution, financial service regulation, energy

sustainable local producer-retailer, financial service institution,

personal power station

product, money, and energy

Abstract for the Unified Theory of Human Society

The unified theory of human society explains the principal

differences among different human societies, and establishes the
Sustainable Unified Society. The unified theory is divided into
five parts: human social lives, human evolution, human social
history, the kingdom of God, and the Postmodern Sustainable
Unified Society..

The unified theory starts with the three basic human social lives:
yin, yang, and harmony for feminine collective wellbeing,
masculine individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively. The harmonious
social life that exists only in humans is maximum eager
cooperation without lie. The three basic human social lives result
in the three-branch society of the collective, the individualistic,
and the harmonious societies.

The origin of such human social lives is explained by human
evolution, including ape evolution and hominid evolution.
Bipedalism and the harmonious social life make human beings
distinct from other species. The prehistoric hunter-gatherer
society was the harmonious society.


In the Early Period starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the
inevitably large civilized social group of the agricultural-nomad
society destroyed the prehistoric harmonious small social group,
resulting in the formations of the collective society and the
individualistic society. The collective society included Judaism,
Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism. The individualistic society
included Greek mythology and science. The harmonious society
included Christianity, Buddhism, and Daoism. In the Modern
Period starting from the Renaissance, the modern mass printing
and increased literacy led to communication and understanding,
resulting in the three-branch Modern Unified Society for the
three-branch society.

The supernatural interaction between the supernatural and human
is expressed as the kingdom of God that is the harmonious society.
The kingdom of God evolves through supernatural selection.
Through the supernatural miracle (the non-representation of the
natural physical laws), the supernatural selects the harmonious
society as the chosen society by the divine revelation of the
abstractness (the non-representation of the expression of the
natural human mind). The prehistoric kingdom of God expressed
as Symbolic Religion during the Upper
Paleolithic Period provided the abstract social bond (symbols) to
bond the isolated social groups to survive the harsh environment.
In the Early Period, the early transitional kingdom of God was the
moral religion as Judaism where God was the high ruler, and
provided the abstract morality to prevent the activated
dehumanized prey-predator instinct. Jesus Christ initiated the
early kingdom of God that provided the abstract rebirth for the
civilized people to return to the harmonious social life and society.
Representing human history, human nature, and the
supernatural, the Postmodern Kingdom of God is the inclusive
harmonious society in the three-branch unified society.

In the Postmodern Period starting from global mass
telecommunication, the world is divided into the Divided Society
where the three branches clash and the Unified Society where the
three branches coexist peacefully. The Unified Society is divided
into the State Unified Society as Russia, China, and Japan where
the state represents politically both the collective and the
individualistic societies and the Partisan Unified Society as USA,
UK, and Germany where the political parties represent separately
the collective and the individualistic societies. The harmonious
religion in the Unified Society represents the harmonious society
separated from the collective and the individualistic societies.
The State Unified Society is suitable for the non-West, while the
Partisan Unified Society is suitable for the West.
The Postmodern Sustainable Unified Society consists of
the three-branch Unified Society and the sustainable affluent
system. The sustainable affluent system is the two-branch
Unified Society of the affluent centralized globalized system and
the sustainable decentralized localized system.
The unified theory of human society explains the principal
differences among different human societies, and establishes the
Sustainable Unified Society. The unified theory is divided into five
parts: human social lives, human evolution, human social history,
the kingdom of God, and the Postmodern Sustainable Unified
The unified theory is based on the three basic human social lives:
yin, yang, and harmony for feminine collective wellbeing,
masculine individualistic achievement, and harmonious
cooperation, respectively. The harmonious social life that
transcends yin yang and exists only in humans is maximum eager
cooperation without lie. The three human social lives result in the
three-branch society of the collective, the individualistic, and the
harmonious societies. The origin of the human social lives is
explained by human evolution. Bipedalism and the harmonious
social life make human beings distinct from other species. The
prehistoric hunter-gatherer society was the harmonious society. In
the Early Period starting from the Neolithic Revolution, the
inevitably large civilized social group destroyed the prehistoric
harmonious small social group, resulting in the formations of the
collective and the individualistic societies. The collective society
included Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism. The
individualistic society included Greek mythology and science. The
harmonious society included Christianity, Buddhism, and Daoism.
In the Modern Period starting from the Renaissance, the modern
mass printing and increased literacy led to communication and
understanding, resulting in the peaceful three-branch Modern
Unified Society for three-branch society.
The supernatural interaction between the supernatural and human is
expressed as the kingdom of God that is the harmonious society.
The prehistoric kingdom of God expressed as Symbolic Religion
(female figurines and cave paintings) provided the abstract social
bond to bond the isolated social groups to survive the harsh
environment. In the Early Period, the early transitional kingdom of
God was the moral religion as Judaism, and provided the abstract
morality to prevent the activated dehumanized prey-predator
instinct. Jesus Christ initiated the early kingdom of God that
provided the abstract rebirth for the civilized people to return to the
harmonious social life and society. The Postmodern Kingdom of
God is the harmonious society of God in the three-branch unified
In the Postmodern Period starting from global mass
telecommunication, the world is divided into the Divided Society
where the three branches clash and the Unified Society where the
three branches coexist peacefully. The Unified Society is divided
into the State Unified Society as Russia, China, and Japan where
the state represents politically both the collective and the
individualistic societies and the Partisan Unified Society as USA,
UK, and Germany where the political parties represent separately
the collective and the individualistic societies. The harmonious
religion in the Unified Society represents the harmonious society
separated from the collective and the individualistic societies. The
State Unified Society is suitable for the non-West, while the
Partisan Unified Society is suitable for the West.
The Postmodern Sustainable Unified Society consists of the three-
branch Unified Society and the sustainable affluent system. The
sustainable affluent system is the two-branch Unified Society of the
affluent centralized globalized system and the sustainable
decentralized localized system.

The Source of the Presentation

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