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Amity Business School

Managing Career

Amity Business School
Career development is important for companies to create
and sustain a continuous learning environment

The biggest challenge companies face is how to balance
advancing current employees careers with
simultaneously attracting and acquiring employees with
new skills

The growing use of teams is influencing the concept of
e.g., project careers

Amity Business School
Career Planning: A systematic process by which one
selects career goals and the path to these goals.

Career Development: Refers to the activities &
processes undertaken by the organization to help
employees attain their career objectives.

Career Management: is a continuous process that
involves setting personal career goals, developing
strategies for achieving these goals, and revising
based on work & experience.

Amity Business School

Why Is Career Management Important?
From the companys perspective, the failure to
motivate employees to plan their careers can result in:

a shortage of employees to fill open positions
lower employee commitment
inappropriate use of monies allocated for training and
development programs

Amity Business School
From the employees perspective, lack of
career management can result in:
feelings of not being valued by the company
being unable to find suitable employment should a job
change be necessary due to mergers, acquisitions,
restructuring, or downsizing

Amity Business School

Career Management and Career Motivation
Career motivation refers to:
Employees energy to invest in their careers
Their awareness of the direction they want their
careers to take
The ability to maintain energy and direction despite
barriers they may encounter
Career motivation has three aspects:
Career resilience
Career insight
Career identity
Amity Business School
Career resilience the extent to which
employees are able to cope with problems that
affect their work
Career insight involves:
how much employees know about their interests, skill
strengths, and weaknesses
the awareness of how these perceptions relate to
their career goals
Career identity the degree to which
employees define their personal values
according to their work

Amity Business School
What Is A Career?
Amity Business School
Career Stages
According to Huse & Cummings (1980) :

Establishment Stage (20-26 yrs)
Advancement Stage ( 26-40 yrs)
Maintenance Stage ( 40-60 yrs)
Withdrawal Stage ( 60 & above)
Amity Business School
Career Development Interventions at Each Stage
Career Development includes all those activities that
are undertaken by the organization to prepare an
employee for the current and future need of the

Career development needs are likely to evolve with
each career stage, hence specific career
development interventions can be adopted by
organizations to facilitate career development.

Amity Business School
Career Development
Career Development
nt Stage 1. Challenging Initial J ob Realistic J ob Preview
2. Variety in job activities J ob Pathing

3. Opportunities for
development of skills
Performance Feedback
& Coaching

4. Feedback on

t Stage
1. Exposure & visibility in
the firm
Challenging and visible

2. Opportunity to
demonstrate potential Mentoring

3. Balance career with
outside interests
Dual Career
Amity Business School
Dual-Career Partnerships
Couples in which both members follow their own
careers and actively support each others career
Flexible work schedules
Adaptive leave policies
On-premises day care
J ob sharing
Amity Business School
Career Development
Career Development
1. Redefine role in
Assigning mentoring
2. Autonomy
Rotation to job
requiring new skills

3. Opportunity to develop
others Developmental training

1.Adjust to role of retired
person Consultative role

2. Establish a meaningful
life outside Retirement counseling
the organization

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