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Mass Communication Theory

Scientific Method
Methods of establishing the truth that
Tenacity: accounts for many of our beliefs
that we have always held to be true.

Scientific Method
Authority: our beliefs we often turn to
those in authority for support (more
credible, competent expert)
Intuition: Often the sources we turn to
disagree, no matter how competent or
authoritative they appear, then we turn to
our intuition which is based on our personal
values, early socialization, or common

Scientific Generalizations About

Scientists seek to make generalizations
about the nature of reality. They
accomplish this by repeatedly testing
(replication) generalizations (hypotheses)
about realityuntil sufficient confirmation is
accomplished (called as tentative law)

Scientific Hypotheses

A hypothesis or scientific preposition, is
usually framed which is known as a
conditional form (If. Then.)
The cause of any phenomenon is call
independent variable and its effect we wish
to explain as a dependent variable.
Intervening variable (see previous slide)

Safeguards Against Bias and

It is find in the publication of findings and
the replication of results. Researchers bear
in mind a number of questions:-
Can colleagues in the discipline agree that
the hypotheses have been put to a valid

Safeguards Against Bias and

Are the conclusions that are drawn from
the data reasonable?
Are the generalization made from the data
within the bounds of the phenomena
examined, or do the conclusions go beyond
the data?
Can the findings be replicated?

The Process of Scientific

Scientific Inquiry based on
1. Induction: particular or specific instances as
observed by the scientist to arrive at general
conclusions or axioms. (empiricism)
2. Deduction: in contrast, begins with what is
general and applies it to particular cases; (logic
or rationalism) used through hypothesis
(generalization) to operational definition (to
test real world situation)

The Process of Scientific

Generalization: a statement of uniformities
in the relation between two or more
variables of well defined classes
Hypothesis: a generalization presented in
tentative and conjectural terms.
Law: a hypothesis of universal from that
has withstood intensive experimentation.
Model: is a theoretical and simplified
representation of real world

Acquiring Empirical Data

Survey Research
Content Analysis
Experimental Design
Case Studies
Reasoning about the Data
Validity, External and Internal
Operationally Defining the Hypothesis

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