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Steam Power Plant

The purpose power plant is to generate
electric power
Dengan cara mengkonversikan chemical
energy menjadi termal energy untuk
mendapatkan steam, steam itu diubah
menjadi mechanical energy menggunakan
turbin dan mechanical energy tersebut
digunakan untuk memutar generator sehingga
timbul electric power
Energy/ Waste
Steams Turbin
Electric Power
Major Power Plant Components
Penghasil Steam (Termal Energy), dengan cara
alat penukar panas (Heat Exchangers)
Steam Boiler
Steam/ thermal energy menggerakan turbin sehinga
terjadi gerak (Mechanical Energy)
Steam Turbin
Merubah steam menjadi feed water untuk boiler
Membantu sirkulasi panas/ kontrol termal dengan
cara memompa feed water dengan debit tertentu
Feed Water Pump
Berfungsi merubah mechanical energy menjadi
electrical power
Fig. Major Steam Plant Components
Grafik Rankine Circle
Entropy Btu/ Lb
1-2 = air yang jenuh dari kondesator
dipompa hingga masuk ke boiler
2-3 = air dipanaskan pada tekanan tetap
(constant pressure) pada bolier sampai
kondisi steam
3-4 = steam berekspansi melewati turbin
pada state 4 dan masuk pada kondeser
dalam keadaan uap basah

Efisiensi Termis Boiler
Dimana :
Wnet = Kerja yang dilakukan oleh energi
Qh = Heat input
h1- h4 = Temperatur dititik grafik Rankie

Boiler adalah Heat Exchangers untuk
menghasilkan steam menggunakan
termal/heat yang diperoleh dari pembakaran
bahan bakar (Combution of fuel) /Waste Gas
dari rotary kiln.
Proses steam/ feed water heaters terdapat dua
1. open heaters (direct contact heater)
2. closed heates (tube and sell heater)
Shell and Tube Heater
Klasifikasi Boiler

Drum-Type Boilers
Depend on constant recirculation of water through some of
the component s of the steams / water circuit to generate
steams and keep the components from overheating. Drum-
type Boilers circulate water by either natural or controlled
Once-through Boilers
Convert water to steams in one pass through the system.
Fig. Drum- Type Boilers
Once- Through Boilers
Major Boilers Components
The economizer is the section of the boiler tubes
where feedwater is rst introduced into the boiler
and where flue gas is used to raise the temperature
of the water.
The steam drum separates steam from the
steam/water mixture and keeps the separated steam
Steams Drum
Superheaters are bundles of boiler tubing located in
the flow path of the hot gases that are created by
the combustion of fuel in the boiler furnace.

Reheaters are bundles of boiler tubes that are
exposed to the combustion gases in the same
manner as superheaters.
also known as desuperheaters
Spray Attemperators
Steams Turbin
All are extremely high powered, varying from
about 70,000 to 2 million HP
Turbine life is normally between 30 and 40
years with minimal maintenance.
Turbines spend the bulk of their life at
constant speed, normally 3600 or 1800 rpm
for 60 Hz
Komponen Utama Turbin Uap
Komponen dari turbin yang menerima load berupa
sentrifugal, gaya bending dari steams getaran
harmonic. Untuk itu turbin didesain sedemikian rupa
agar mengurangi harmonic excitation yang akan
mengakibatkan impact yang besar.
Rotors berguna untuk menggerakan shaft turbin uap,
rotor merupakan bagian kritis setelah blade.
The turbine requires many valves for speed control,
emergency control, drains, hydraulics, bypasses, and
other functions,
Fig. Typical Steams Turbin Blade
Rotors Design
1. a large forging with uniform chemistry and
properties in the high-strength alloys needed
2. centrifugal force from the rotor itself and the
increase from the centrifugal pull of the blades
3. resistance to brittle fracture potentially occurring
in the LP cylinder when the machine is at high
speed, but the material is still not up to
operational temperature
4. creep of the high-pressure (HP) and
intermediate-pressure (IP) rotors under steady
high-temperature load

Steams Powers Schematic
The condenser (also discussed earlier) is a
large heat exchanger that takes the LP turbine
exhaust steam and converts it back to water.
The condensate is delivered from the
condenser hot well through the condensate
and feedwater systems and back to the boiler
where it becomes steam again.
Feed Water Pump
The feedwater system consists of BFPs, HP
feedwater heaters, piping, and valves
The boiler feedwater pumps deliver water
from the daerator (DA) storage tank, through
the HP heaters, and into the boiler.
The BFP is also the primary source of spray
water for the superheater and reheater
desuperheaters for control of the main and
reheat steam temperatures, respectively.
Post test
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Power Plant?
2. Sebut dan jelaskan alur proses perubahan energi pada power
plant sehingga dihasilkan energi listrik?
3. Sebut dan Jelaskan komponen utama Power Plant?
4. Gambarkan dan jelaskan grafik rankine ?

Waktunya : 10 menit
5. Known: A system operates in a cycle and produces a net
amount of work while receiving and discharging energy by
heat transfer at fixed temperatures. Find: Evaluate the claim
that the cycle can develop 410 kJ of work for an energy input
by heat of 1000 kJ ?
5 Menit

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