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Class 6: Qi and Blood Tonics

Fayi Wu
Radix Astragalus (Huang qi) MM: pp 718-722
Cortex Cinnamoni (Rou gui) MM: pp 684-687
Fructus Longan (Long Yan Rou) MM: pp 762-764
Semen Zizyphi (Suan Zao Ren) MM: pp 926-928
Radix Polygalae (Yuan Zhi) MM: pp 930-933
Huang Qi (Radix Astragalus)
Categories: herbs that tonify qi
Taste and property: Sweet and slightly warm
Meridian tropism: spleen and lung
Actions: Tonify qi and ascending yang, supplement qi to consolidate the
surface, promote outward discharge of toxin and generation of new tissues,
induce diuresis to relieve edema
Deficiency of the spleen qi and lung qi or collapse of the qi
in the middle jiao: This is an very important herb for qi
deficiency: Qi deficiency after disease: Used with Ren Shen,
Spleen qi deficiency: Used with Bai Zhu, Deficiency of both qi
and blood: Used with Dang Gui, Yang qi deficiency marked by
aversion to cold and much sweating: Used with Fu Zi, Collapse of
qi of middle jiao: Used with Ren Shen, Bai Zhu and Sheng Ma,
i.e. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, Hematochezia or metrostaxis or
metrorrhagia: Use with Ren Sen, Long Yan Rou and Suan Zao
Ren, i.e. Gui Pi Tang
Spontaneous sweating due to deficiency of the defensive qi:
Used with Mu Li, Fu Xiao Mai and Ma Huang Gen, Mu Li San.
Night sweating due to yin deficiency can also be treated with this
herb plus Sheng Di and Huang bai, i.e. Dang Gui Liu Huang tang
Huang Qi (Radix Astragalus)
Failure of carbuncle to erupture or failure of the wound to
heal: Often used with Dang Gui, Chuan Shan Jia and Zao Jiao
Ci, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Edema with oliguria: Applicable to water retention due to failure
of the deficient qi to move water, i.e. Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Numbness of the limbs: Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang
Arthralgia marked by pain in the shoulder and arms: Juan Bi
Hemiplegia in stroke: Bu Yang Huan Wu tang (Dang Gui,
Chuan Xiong, di long, Tao Ren and Hong Hua)
Diabetes: Used with Sheng Di, Mai Dong and Tian Hua Fen
Dosage: 10-15g, or up to 30-60g. Used after stir-fried for tonifying qi and
Attentions: Not suggested for patients with excess pathogen in the
exterior, stagnation of qi and dampness, food retention, hyperactivity of
yang due to yin deficiency, etc.

Rou Gui (Cinnamon Bark, Cortex Cinnamoni)
Categories: herbs that warm the interior
Taste and Property: Pungent, sweet and hot
Meridian tropism: Kidney, spleen, heart and liver
Actions: Tonify fire, assist yang, Disperse cold to relieve pain, Warm up and
remove obstruction from collaterals
Kidney yang deficiency marked by aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness and
weakness of the loins and knees, impotence and frequent urination or deficiency of
both the spleen yang and the kidney yang marked by cold pain in the abdomen, poor
appetite and loose stool. Often used together with Fu Zi, Shu Di and Shan Zhu Yu, I.e.
Gui Fu Ba Wei Wan, or with Fu Zi, Gan Jiang and Bai Zhu, i.e. Gui Fu Li Zhong Wan. It
can also be used to induce the heat from the floating deficient yang back to its origin
Cold pain in the abdomen, arthralgia due to cold dampness, pain in the lower back
and cold stagnation in the blood marked by amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
Carbuncle that fails to rupture after formation of pus: This herb can disperse cold
and warm up yang to promote flow of qi and blood, often used together with Shu Di, Lu
Jiao Jiao and Ma Huang, i.e Yang He Tang
Deficiency of both qi and blood: Used in a small amount in herbs tonifying qi and
blood, i.e. Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Dosage: 2-5g, to be taken in powder with water. It should be decocted later
when used in decoction
Attentions: Use this herb with great care for patients with fire exuberance due
to yin deficiency, excessive heat, bleeding due to blood heat or pregnant woman
Suan Zao Ren (Semen Zizyphi)
Categories: herbs that calm the spirit
Taste and Property: Sweet, sour and neutral
Meridian Tropism: Gallbladder, liver, heart and spleen
Actions: nourishes the heart yin and liver blood, promotes sleep, inhibits
the sweating
For irritability, insomnia, and palpitations with anxiety due to
either blood deficiency or yin deficiency, used with zhi mu, fu ling,
suan zao ren tang, used with dang shen, fu ling, long yan rou, gui
pi tang
For both spontaneous sweating and nightsweats, used with
huang qi, wu wei zi, shan zhu yu
Dosage: 9-15g
Attention: used with caution in cases of severe diarrhea or heat from

Yuan Zhi (Radix Polygalae)
Categories: herbs that calm the spirit
Taste and Property: bitter, acrid, slightly warm
Meridian Tropism: heart, lung
Actions: Calm the spirit, transforms phlegm, opens the heart orifice,
reestablishes harmonious communication between heart and kidneys
For insomnia, and palpitations with anxiety , restless and disorientation. Use
with suan zao ren, bai zhu, dang gui, gui pi tang, used with huang qi, dang
gui, long yan rou for forgetfulness, palpitations and insomina
For phlegm envelops the orifice of the heart: emotional and mental
disorientation, spasms, or seizures, used with yu jin, shi chang pu. Also for
phlegm affecting the lungs with copious sputum, especially when it is difficult
to expectorate, used with chuan bei mu, gua lou, xing ren. Used for angina
pectoris, used with lai fu zi, wang bu liu xiu
For carbuncle and abscess
Dosage: 6-15g
Attention: contraindicated for those with yin deficiency with heat signs
as well as those with peptic ulcers or gastritis

Long Yan Rou (Fructus Longan)
Categories: herbs that tonify the blood
Taste and Property: Sweet and warm
Meridian Tropism: Heart and spleen
Actions: Tonify both the heart and the spleen, supplement both qi and
Deficiency of both the heart and the spleen marked by palpitation,
insomnia and forgetfulness: This can be used alone or with
Huang Qi, Ren Shen, Dang Gui and Suan Zao Ren, i.e. Gui Pi
Dosage: 10-15g
Attention: Not suggested for patient with accumulation of dampness in
the middle jiao or with phlegm, retained water or fire.
Ba Zhen Tang, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang FS: pp
pp 259-260
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang FS: pp pp 254-255
Gui Pi Tang FS: pp 255-257
Ba zhen tang (Eight treasure decoction)
Categories: formulas that tonify qi and blood
Si jun zi tang + Si wu tang + sheng jiang, da zao
Actions Tonify qi and blood
Application: Qi and Blood deficiency, Pallid or sallow complexion,
palpitations with anxiety that may be constinuous, reduced appetite,
shortness of breath, laconic speech, easily-fatigued extremities, light-
headedness and/or vertigo, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a
pulse which is either thin and frail or large, deficient, and without
Attention Not for excess pattern
Modifications: Shi quan da bu tang: Ba zhen tang + rou gui , huang qi
warm and tonify qi and blood
Chief: Ren shen, shu di huang
Deputy: bai zhu, fu ling, bai shao, dang gui
Assistant: chuan xiong, zhi gan cao
Envoy: sheng jiang, da zao
Gui pi tang (Restore the
spleen decoction)
Categories: formulas that tonify qi and blood
Ingredients: Ren shen, Bai zhu, Fu ling, Gan cao,
Huang qi, suan zao ren, long yan rou, dang gui, mu
xiang, yuan zhi, sheng jiang, da zao
Actions and indications of the formula
Tonify qi and blood, strengthen spleen and
nourish heart
Heart and Spleen deficiency: forgetfulness, palpitations,
insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety and phobia. reduced
appetite, pale complexion, pale tongue with a thin white coating,
thin deep pulse. Chronic bleeding. Early prolonged periods with
pale blood.
Analysis of Formula
Chief: Si jun zi tang add Huang qi
tonify spleen qi. .
Suan zao ren, long yan rou:
tonify blood and calm the spirit.
Dang gui:
nourish blood
Zhi yuan zhi:
calm the spirit by facilitating the flow of qi in the heart.
Assistant: Mu xiang
regulate qi and revive spleen.
Envoy: Sheng jiang, da zao
improve appetite and regulate ying qi and wei qi

Modern application and modifications
Modern application
Insomnia, anemia, irregular menstruation
Formula Comparisons
Formula Gui pi tang Ba zhen tang
Ingredient Si jun zi tang + Dang gui + sheng jiang, da zao
Huang qi,
Mu xiang, Yuan zhi
Long yan rou, Suan zao ren
Chuan xiong, Shu di
huang, Bai shao
Actions Tonify qi and Nourish blood
Nourish heart, calm the spirit Tonify blood
Dang gui bu xue tang (Peony
and licorice decoction)
Categories: formulas that tonify qi and blood
Ingredients: Huang qi 30g, Dang gui 6g
Actions and indications of the formula
Tonify qi and generate blood.
Hot sensation in the muscles, a red face, irritability, thirst with a
preference for a warm beverage, a pale tongue, and a flooding,
large and deficient pulse that is forceless when pressed hard.
Fever or headache due to loss of blood
Modern application and modifications
Not for fever due to yin deficiency.
Gui pi tang, bu zhong yi qi tang, dang gui liu
huang tang, bu yang huan wu tang

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