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Part of Speech


Proper nouns: Refer to specific entities.

Ex: White House, Nebraska, etc.

Common nouns: Refer to general, unspecific categories of entities.

Ex: University

Countable nouns: Can occur in both single an plural forms, can be moifie by numerals, an can co!occur "ith #uantificational
eterminers li$e many, most, more, etc.

Ex: Single: % have a bike, Plural: % have six broken bikes, Co!occur: % have several bikes

Uncountable nouns or mass nouns: Not countable.

Ex: &hat glass is full of milk.

Collective nouns: Refer to a group of something in a specific manner.

Ex: ' colony of ants live in the anthill.

Concrete nouns: Can be touche, smelle, felt, seen, or taste.

Ex: Can % pet your dog(

'bstract nouns: )ore ethereal, theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to refer to them.

Ex: 'll you nee is love.

*eruns: Represent actions, forme from verbs.

Ex: % li$e running.

Compoun Nouns: )ae up of more than one "or.

Ex: Pic$poc$et, )other!in!la", +oar of members

*ener!specific nouns: "ors "hich are efinitely male of female.

Ex: % am an actress.

,erbal nouns: -erive from verbs.

Ex: .oo$, a building/


Personal pronouns: -escribes a particular person0thing0group. 1ors: She, he, it, %, you, etc.

Ex: It is raining.

Possessive pronouns: %nicates close possession0o"nership0relationship of a person0thing to another thing0person.

1ors: 2urs, yours, hers, etc.

Ex: &hat car is mine.

Reflexive pronouns: -escribes noun "hen sub3ect4s action affects the sub3ect itself. 1ors: 5imself, ourselves, yourself,

Ex: % loo$e at myself in the mirror.

%ntensive pronouns: Uses to give more emphasis on sub3ect0ob3ect. 1ors: Same as reflexive pronouns.

Ex: She herself "ashe the clothes.

Reciprocal pronouns: Use "hen each of t"o or more sub3ects reciprocate to the other. 1or: Each other, one another.

Ex: &"o boys "ere pushing each other.

Relative pronouns: -escribes a noun "hich is mention before an more information is to be given about it. 1or: 1ho,
"hom, that, etc.

Ex: &he car which % li$e is re.

-emonstrative pronouns: Points to a thing or things. 1or: &his, these, that, those.

Ex: Can you see these?

%nefinite pronouns: Use for non!specific items or people. 1or: 'nyone, someone, all, etc.

Ex: Anyone $no" "hat happen(

%nterrogative pronouns: &hese begin #uestions. 1or: 1ho, "hat, ho", etc.

Ex: Who is the boy guar(


-esciptive a3ective: ' etail or escription to the noun.

Ex: %t "as a nice ma!for!tv game.

.imiting a3ective: Specify or limit the noun.

Ex: &he two teams have met every season since 6789.

Preicate a3ective: ' special type of a3ective that follo"s a lin$ing verb an
moifies :irectly refers to; the sub3ect of the sentence.

Ex: 1atching the championship "as fun.

,erbals: Participles

'l"ays a3ectives an may en in EN, E-, or %N*.

Ex: 's the colonies became a ne" nation dedicated to the proposition that all
men are create e#ual, public schools ha another purpose.

,erbals: %nfinitives

:&2<,ER+; may act as a3ectives, averbs, or nouns.

Ex: Stuents nee to learn the parts of speech.


'verb of time: &ells us "hen something is one or happens. 1or: 'lreay, last
month, yesteray, etc.

Ex: % eat mango today.

'verb of place: &ells us "here something is one or happens. 1or: 'bove, here,
outsie, etc.

Ex: 1e can stop here for lunch.

'verb of manner: &ells us ho" something is one or happens. 1or: 1ell, har,
baly, happily, etc.

Ex: &hey ha to act fast to save the others floating in the "ater.

'verb of egree: &ells us the level or extent that something is one or happens.
1or: )uch, #uite, really, etc.

Ex: 5er aughter is #uite fat for her age.

'verb of fre#uency: &ells us ho" often something is one or happens. 1or:

'gain, almost, al"ays, ever, etc.

Ex: &he man usually proposes marriage.


&ransitive verb: Nees ob3ect an usually follo"e by noun. 1or: 5it, pull, grab, etc.

=ormula: S<,<2

Ex: She ta$es a boo$.

%ntransitive verb: -oesn4t nee ob3ect, but it nees averbial moifier. 1or: 'ppear,
come, go, etc.

=ormula: S<,<'-,

Ex: &hey ance "ell.

.in$ing verb: Nees sub3ective complement rather than ob3ect an that sub3ective
complement escribes the sub3ect. 1or: be, gro", loo$, etc.

Ex: &he robber is you.

'uxiliary verb: Use to form #uestion an negative sentence, an they are usually use
"ith main verb to form many ifferent $ins of tenses.

Ex: 6. -o you love her( 9. 5e oesn4t eat meat.

)oal verb: Use to tal$ about ability, permission, obligation an necessity, obligation
an avice, possibility, probability, re#uest, offer, suggestion, habit an promise.

Ex: 6. 5e can play the guitar. 9. %t may be Sara. >. 1hat shall % o(

Coorinating con3unctions: Connect "ors, phrases, or clauses that are inepenent or e#ual.

1or: =or, an, nor, but, or, yet, so.


6. % li$e mango an apple.

9. % "ant to go there again, for it "as a "onerful trip.

>. -o you "ant a re one or a blue one(

Correlative con3unctions: Use in pairs.

1or: +oth0an, either0or, neither0nor, not only0but also, "hether0or.


6. +oth popcorn an peanuts are popular snac$s at sporting events.

9. ?ac$ coul neither tal$ on the phone nor "atch television the entire "ee$.

>. Either % "ill have to tell .ionel or you "ill.

Suborinating con3unctions: Use ath the beginning of suborinate clauses.

1or: 'lthough, after, before, etc.


6. %f my throat hurts, % "ill go to the octor.

9. Even though it is fall, the ay is still "arm.

>. 's long as %4m "ith you, %4ll be happy.


Prepositions for time: Use for time in ifferent natures. 1or: %n, on, at.

Ex: %n @anuary, on )onay, at A o4cloc$.

Prepositions for place: Use for ifferent places. 1or: %n, on, at.

Ex: %n school, on a table, at the entrance.

Prepositions for -irection: Use to escribe the irection. 1or: &o"ar, to, through,

Ex: &o the library, to"ar him, into the river.

Prepositions for agent: Use for a thing "hich is cause of another thing in the sentence.
1or: +y, "ith


6. &he boo$ is "ritten by Sha$espear.

9. &he tub is fille "ith "ater.

Preposition for evice, instrument or machine: Use by ifferent evices, instruments or

machines. 1or: +y, "ith, on


6. She comes by bus aily.

9. 5e opene the loc$ "ith $ey.


-efinite article :the;: Can be use before plural an singular, count an non!
count nouns.


6. Praise the .or/ B %nicate the noun is uni#ue

9. % "as very naCve in the past. B Refer to a time perio

>. &he "in is blo"ing so har. B -esignate a natural phenomenon

%nefinite article :a,an;:

': Use before singular count nouns beginning "ith consonants.

'n: Use before singular count nouns beginning "ith a vo"el or vo"el soun.


6. 'n orange B Use before singular nouns that are unspecifie

9. ' oDen B Use before number collectives an some numbers

>. ' girl "ho "as "earing a yello" hat B Use before a singular noun follo"e
by a restrictive moifier

1ors or phrases that express emotions.


2ne "or: 1o"/

Phrases: %4m shoc$e/

Noun, averb, an verb as inter3ection.


Noun: =oolishness/ Eour cat isn4t smarter than my cat/

'verb: Nope/ Eou can4t go into that room/

,erb: Clap/ 5e eserve somes applause for that


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