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The Present Perfect Tense

By Group 2 :
Gede Padma Wijaya (9)
Dhani Aristyawan (12)
Muhammad Arham Harun (17)
Hendrocahyo (18)
Alqadri Ilham (25)

Content List
1.What is Present Perfect Tense ?
2. How to make Present Perfect Tense ?
3. When we use Present Perfect Tense ?
4. How to change Active voice of Present Perfect
to Passive voice ?
5. Exercise
What is Present Perfect Tense ?

The present perfect is a grammatical
combination of the present tense and the perfect
aspect. The present perfect tense is a rather
important tense in English, but it gives speakers
of some languages a difficult time. That is
because it uses concepts or ideas that do not
exist in those languages. In fact, the structure of
the present perfect tense is very simple. The
problems come with the use of the tense.
How to make Present Perfect Tense ?

The structure of the present perfect tense is:

subject+auxiliary verb+main verb

Example : I have prayed
He has seen the environment
have/has past V
When we use Present Perfect Tense ?

We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about experiences. It is
important if we have done it in our lives or not. It is not important
when we did it.
Examples :
I have been abroad two times.
Anna has never broken a leg.
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Tip! We often use never and ever with the Present Perfect Tense
to talk about experience.
We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about an action which
started in the past and continuous up to now.
I have been a teacher for more than ten years.
We haven't seen Janine since Friday.
How long have you been at this school?
Tip! We often use since and for to say how long the action has

We also use the Present Perfect Tense to talk
about a past action that has the result in the
Examples :
I have lost my wallet. = I don't have it now.
Jimmy has gone to South America. = He isn't
here now.
Have you finished your homework? = Is your
homework ready?
Tip! We often use just, already and yet with
the Present Perfect Tense for an action in the
past with the result in the present.

How to change Active sentence of
Present Perfect to Passive voice ?

For the present perfect tense, the passive verb consists of
has/have + past participle. In this case, the form must agree with
the number of the subject. For the third singular subjects (he, she,
it) , the form of the passive verb is has been.For the other subject,
the form is have been.

Plural subjects : Active : They have delayed the flights.
Passive : The flights have been delayed.

First person singilar : Active : Somebody has told me about the accident
Passive : I have been told about the accident.

Third person singular : Active : They have told her about the accident
Passive : She has been told about the accident.
Second Person : Active : Somebody has told you about the accident.
passive : I have been told about the accident.

Change the sentence into the passive voice !
a. Gede has told me about the incident
b. Diane has told the story
c. They have stopped the bus

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