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1 Running title of presentation

PR/mo/item ID
International Organization
International Organization
for Standardization
for Standardization
International Organization
International Organization
for Standardization
for Standardization
2 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
by Roger Frost by Roger Frost
e-mail e-mail
Manager, Communiation !er"ies Manager, Communiation !er"ies

# Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief
I!$ %&&1 an' I!$ 1(&&1 are among ISO's most well
known standards e"er.
)*ey are implemente' by more t*an a million
organizations in some 175 countries.
ISO 9001 *elps organi+ations to implement ualit!
ISO 14001 *elps organi+ations to implement
en"ironmental management.
( Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
#ualit! management
#ualit! management
I!$ %&&1 is for ualit! management.
#ualit! refers to all t*ose features of a pro'ut ,or ser"ie-
.*i* are re/uire' by t*e ustomer.
#ualit! management means .*at t*e organi+ation 'oes
ensure t*at its pro'uts or ser"ies satisfy t*e ustomer0s
ualit! reuirements an'
omply .it* any regulations appliable to t*ose pro'uts
or ser"ies.
1 Running title of presentation
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#ualit! management
#ualit! management
2uality management also means .*at t*e
organi+ation 'oes to
en*ane customer satisfaction, an'
a*ie"e continual im$ro"ement of its
3 Running title of presentation
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%n"ironmental management
%n"ironmental management
I!$ 1(&&1 is for en"ironmental management.
)*is means .*at t*e organi+ation 'oes to4
minimize &armful effects on t*e en"ironment
ause' by its ati"ities,
to onform to appliable regulator!
reuirements, an' to
a*ie"e ontinual impro"ement of its
en"ironmental $erformance.
5 Running title of presentation
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'eneric standards
'eneric standards
I!$ %&&1 an' I!$ 1(&&1 are generic stan'ar's.
'eneric means t*at t*e same stan'ar's an be
to an! organization, large or small, .*ate"er its
pro'ut or ser"ie,
in an! sector of ati"ity, an'
.*et*er it is a business enterprise, a publi
a'ministration, or a go"ernment 'epartment.
6 Running title of presentation
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'eneric standards
'eneric standards
7eneri also signifies t*at
no matter .*at t*e organi+ation0s sope of ati"ity
if it .ants to establis* a ualit! management
s!stem, I!$ %&&1 gi"es t*e essential features
or if it .ants to establis* an en"ironmental
management s!stem, I!$ 1(&&1 gi"es t*e
essential features.
% Running title of presentation
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(anagement s!stems
(anagement s!stems
(anagement s!stem means .*at t*e organi+ation 'oes
to manage its proesses, or ati"ities in or'er t*at
its pro'uts or ser"ies meet t&e organization)s
ob*ecti"es, su* as
satisfying t*e customer's ualit! reuirements,
omplying to regulations, or
meeting en"ironmental ob*ecti"es
1& Running title of presentation
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(anagement s!stems
(anagement s!stems
)o be really effiient an' effeti"e, t*e organi+ation an
manage its .ay of 'oing t*ings by s!stemizing it.
8ot*ing important is left out.
%"er!one is clear about w&o is res$onsible for 'oing
.*at, .*en, *o., .*y an' .*ere.
Management system stan'ar's pro"i'e t*e organi+ation
.it* an international, state-of-t*e-art model to follo..
11 Running title of presentation
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(anagement s!stems
(anagement s!stems
9arge organi+ations, or ones .it* ompliate'
proesses, oul' not funtion .ell .it*out
management systems.
Companies in su* fiel's as aerospae,
automobiles, 'efene, or *ealt* are 'e"ies *a"e
been operating management systems for years.
)*e ISO 9001 an' ISO 14001 management
system stan'ar's no. ma:e t*ese suessful
praties a"ailable for all organizations.
12 Running title of presentation
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+rocesses, not $roducts
+rocesses, not $roducts
;ot* I!$ %&&1 an' I!$ 1(&&1 onern t&e wa!
an organization goes about its work.
)*ey are not pro'ut stan'ar's.
)*ey are not ser"ie stan'ar's.
)*ey are $rocess stan'ar's.
)*ey an be use' by $roduct manufacturers
and ser"ice $ro"iders.
1# Running title of presentation
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+rocesses, not $roducts
+rocesses, not $roducts
Proesses affet final pro'uts or ser"ies.
ISO 9001 gi"es t*e re/uirements for .*at t*e
organi+ation must 'o to manage $rocesses
affecting ualit! of its pro'uts an' ser"ies.
ISO 14001 gi"es t*e re/uirements for .*at t*e
organi+ation must 'o to manage $rocesses
affecting t&e im$act of its acti"ities on t&e
1( Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
-ertification and registration
-ertification and registration
-ertification is :no.n in some ountries as
It means t*at an inde$endent, e.ternal bod!
*as au'ite' an organi+ation0s management
system an' "erifie' t*at it onforms to t*e
re/uirements speifie' in t*e stan'ar' ,I!$ %&&1
or I!$ 1(&&1-.
ISO does not carr! out certification an' 'oes
not issue or appro"e ertifiates,
11 Running title of presentation
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/ccreditation is li:e ertifiation of t*e ertifiation bo'y.
It means t*e formal appro"al by a speiali+e' bo'y - an
are'itation bo'y - t*at a ertifiation bo'y is ompetent
to arry out I!$ %&&142&&6 or I!$ 1(&&142&&(
ertifiation in speifie' business setors.
Certifiates issue' by are'ite' ertifiation bo'ies - an'
:no.n as accredited certificates - may be perei"e' on
t*e mar:et as *a"ing inrease' re'ibility.
ISO does not carr! out or a$$ro"e accreditations.
13 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
-ertification not a reuirement
-ertification not a reuirement
-ertification is not a reuirement of ISO 9001
or ISO 14001.
)*e organi+ation an implement an' benefit from
an I!$ %&&1 or I!$ 1(&&1 system .it*out *a"ing
it ertifie'.
)*e organi+ation an implement t*em for t*e
internal benefits .it*out spen'ing money on a
ertifiation programme.
15 Running title of presentation
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-ertification is a business decision
-ertification is a business decision
Certifiation is a decision to be taken for
business reasons4
if it is a ontratual, regulatory, or mar:et
If it meets ustomer preferenes
it is part of a ris: management programme, or
if it .ill moti"ate staff by setting a lear goal.
16 Running title of presentation
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ISO does not certif!
ISO does not certif!
ISO does not carr! out ISO 9001 or ISO 14001
I!$ 'oes not issue ertifiates.
I!$ 'oes not are'it, appro"e or ontrol t*e
ertifiation bo'ies.
I!$ 'e"elops standards and guides to
encourage good $ractice in are'itation an'
1% Running title of presentation
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0&e ISO 9000 famil!
0&e ISO 9000 famil!
ISO 9001 is t*e stan'ar' t*at gi"es t*e
re/uirements for a ualit! management s!stem.
ISO 900112003 is t*e latest, impro"e' "ersion.
It is t*e onl! standard in t*e I!$ %&&& family t*at
an be use' for certification.
)*ere are 14 ot&er standards in t*e family t*at
an *elp an organi+ation on speifi aspets su*
as performane impro"ement, au'iting, training<
2& Running title of presentation
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0&e ISO 14000 famil!
0&e ISO 14000 famil!
ISO 14001 is t*e stan'ar' t*at gi"es t*e re/uirements for
an en"ironmental management s!stem.
ISO 1400112004 is t*e latest, impro"e' "ersion.
It is t*e onl! standard in t*e I!$ 1(&&& family t*at an
be use' for certification.
)*e I!$ 1(&&& family inlu'es 21 ot&er standards t*at
an *elp an organi+ation speifi aspets su* as
au'iting, en"ironmental labelling, life yle analysis<
21 Running title of presentation
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0&e ISO Sur"e!
0&e ISO Sur"e!
22 Running title of presentation
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0&e ISO Sur"e!
0&e ISO Sur"e!
)*e worldwide total of certificates to ISO
900112001 at t*e en' of 2007 .as %11 (63.
)*is .as increase of 4 5 o"er 2&&3 .*en t*e
total .as 6%3 %2% ertifiates.
Certifiates *a' been issue' in 175 countries
ompare' to 15& t*e pre"ious year.
2# Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
0&e ISO Sur"e!
0&e ISO Sur"e!
2( Running title of presentation
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0&e ISO Sur"e!
0&e ISO Sur"e!
)*e worldwide total of ISO 14001 ertifiates at
t*e en' of 2007 .as 11( 152.
)*is .as an increase of 21 5 o"er 2&&3 .*en
t*e total .as 126 211.
Certifiates *a' been issue' in 143 countries
ompare' to 1(& t*e year before.
21 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
International, e=pert onsensus on state-of-t*e-art
praties for /uality an' en"ironmental
Common language for 'ealing .it* ustomers
an' suppliers .orl'.i'e in ;2;.
Inrease effiieny an' effeti"eness.
Mo'el for ontinual impro"ement.
23 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
Mo'el for satisfying ustomers an' ot*er
;uil' /uality into pro'uts an' ser"ies from
>''ress en"ironmental onerns of ustomers
an' publi, an' omply .it* go"ernment
Integrate .it* global eonomy.
25 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
!ustainable business
?nifying base for in'ustry setors
2ualify suppliers for global supply *ains
)e*nial support for regulations
26 Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
6enefits of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
)ransfer of goo' pratie to 'e"eloping ountries
)ools for ne. eonomi players
Regional integration
Failitate rise of ser"ies
2% Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID
(ore information
(ore information
I!$ %&&&/I!$ 1(&&& setion on ISO 7eb site4
ISO (anagement S!stems maga+ine
I(S /lerts free eletroni ne.sletter
#& Running title of presentation
PR/mo/item ID

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